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Who's harder?  

37 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you think is the hardest boss in the KH series?

    • Sephiroth (KH)
    • Sephiroth (KHll)
    • Mysterious Figure with Terra, Ven or Aqua. Tell below
    • Unkown (Xemnas)
    • Lingering Will (Terra)
    • Vanitas Sentiment
    • No Heart
    • Eraqus Sentiment
    • Kurt Zisa
    • Phantom
    • Riku-Ansem (KH)
    • Julius
    • Anyone I missed? Tell me in the comments below
    • Dustflier (358/2 Days)

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I have not played Re:Coded or 358/2 Days, so I don't know if either of those games have a superboss in them. If they do, tell me below

Edited by Stigma

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mysterious figure terra not even sure i should try it with aqua


Ven and Aqua are MUCH easier than Terra, he's slow and slide doesn't provide invincbility. Vens dodge roll, and aqua Cartwheel make the battle much easier

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dustflier, the battle itself was useless and unessicary, all it was is dodge, attack, dodge, attack! its the hardest for my short atention span

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Surprised that no one has chosen Sephiroth yet.


You seriously need to play BbS. The two secret bosses there are way harder by a mile.

And BbS:FM bosses: No Heart and Armor of the Master are pretty hard as well.


I have not played Re:Coded or 358/2 Days, so I don't know if either of those games have a superboss in them. If they do, tell me below


I heard people had a hard time with Sora's Heartless/Dark Side (Many Forms) Final Boss for Hallow Bastion in Re:Coded, but it was pretty easy to me. Just spam Storms and Chain Rave.

Edited by Sky Heart

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You seriously need to play BbS. The two secret bosses there are way harder by a mile.

And BbS:FM bosses: No Heart and Armor of the Master are pretty hard as well.




I heard people had a hard time with Sora's Heartless/Dark Side (Many Forms) Final Boss for Hallow Bastion in Re:Coded, but it was pretty easy to me. Just spam Storms and Chain Rave.


Well, I am saving for a 3DS!!


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I said Sephiroth (for both games actually) because I have never defeated him, nor do I have any clue how to beat him. With the others, I have a basic time consuming system to defeat the enemy and have gotten them at least once (except FM battles....don't have those >n<) I'm still working on Kurt Zisa and the Phantom because I never have to time to play on my PS2 xD But I only last....maybe 3-5 minutes with Sephiroth then SLASH....auuuggghhhhhh (Sora's death noise xD )!!!!

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Coded has a secret glitched-out Roxas boss. It's actually more difficult to get through all the system sectors to get to him than to actually fight though.


Oh my god. It was LITERALLY impossible to do on the hardest setting. I was even a really high level. Just TWO attacks from those flying heartless with angel wings would kill you. Mind you, there were like 10 of them plus per room, all next to eachother, along with those huge black demons. It was a NIGHTMARE. I was like wow, fck this game. *lower difficulty*...http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png

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Oh my god. It was LITERALLY impossible to do on the hardest setting. I was even a really high level. Just TWO attacks from those flying heartless with angel wings would kill you. Mind you, there were like 10 of them plus per room, all next to eachother, along with those huge black demons. It was a NIGHTMARE. I was like wow, fck this game. *lower difficulty*... http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png


especially if one of the floors of the sector had a virus on it, making every target enemy the strongest it could be. in that sectors case, they were always either Invisibles or Angels. i was on the second to last floor and i was all set up to get the ultima weapon cuz i had enough points. what does the game do? gimme a virus and set the conditions to "get hit less than 9 times" so the enemies dont get staggered, and they attack relentlessly! i rage quit when i lost all of my points T-T

now i want to go play Re:Coded lol

Edited by razuthor72

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Lingering Will is the hardest IMO


I haven't fought him yet. I have the game just haven't gotten to him yet. I have fought most all of the others including the unknown from the first game and I personally think that the mysterious figure is the hardest boss that I have fought in the series yet.

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