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King Riku

New 3DS System Update Will Support Menu Folders

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Yes, for those of you who have a wide range of items hogging space on your menu, here's the perfect thing for you: a new folder system. Starting this Thursday(after updating your system), you can arrange all your games in their perfect places. Which is great for those of us who get mad because nothing is in proper order. You can create a folder for 3D Classics, Virtual Consoles, Demos, and so on, and relax.


Also, as you can see in the link, you can download patches for your retail games, including Mario Kart 7! Finally Maka Wuhu troubles will be over, and cheaters will be forced into playing fair. For those of you looking for a way around this, there isn't. You are required to patch your game before you can connect to the internet.

Edited by Riku'sAngel

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happy to hear about MK7 getting patch. In 1 race this 1 guy kept choosing that track. The first time he chose it i was like "Ok is he going to do the cheat?" but after that each time he chose that track but lucky for me the random chooser pick my track all the time :D

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happy to hear about MK7 getting patch. In 1 race this 1 guy kept choosing that track. The first time he chose it i was like "Ok is he going to do the cheat?" but after that each time he chose that track but lucky for me the random chooser pick my track all the time :D


I know, I hate it. I had to attempt to teach myself how to do the glitch just so I actually got points from the races. I go online and nearly everyone picks it :/


How the patch works:


They block off the cave and now you must dive into the water in order to complete the course.


Well, I'd hate to be the person who crashes into the now blocked off cave, wondering what just happened.

Edited by Riku'sAngel

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lol thank god they will give us folders, my poor menu screen is crowded and i cant get the organizationt eh way i want


Ill keep my favorite ones out of folders, liek 3D Classics Kid Icarus



ima spread the word around on youtube about this

Edited by zwright94

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tutti frutti. Thank you Riku'sAngel and Nintendo. I'm undoubtedly among the number of gamers with a 3DS that has been wanting something like this for a while. We're not cheated for playing fair, and we don't have to worry about looking for every game that we have downloaded without having to strain our eyesight in any major way.


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But this about folders......so agrument invalid. Sorry.


No, it really isn't. It is an example of hyperbole, I'll give you that, but the point I'm making remains. Viewing it overly literally won't change a thing.

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No, it really isn't. It is an example of hyperbole, I'll give you that, but the point I'm making remains. Viewing it overly literally won't change a thing.


But it doesn't blend.

Edited by Rob

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