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Favorite Charachter


38 members have voted

  1. 1. WHo is you favorite Charachter in the KH Series?

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Sora b/c he cracks me up xD Especially in KH2= doesn't sound like you guys are very "organized" organisation! ahaha....what a silly line :P And Namine. And Kairi b/c I think she has a lot of potential that I hope is utilized in KH3

Edited by Spiney

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Aqua for me!


She was brave, strong, kind and unwilling to give up. Even when her two friends were taken away by Xehanort and Vanitas, she never gave up and she fought as hard as she could for them. She is determined and follows her heart to the very end. ( Then again isn't Sora like that as well? )


Plus, I love her reaction to certain things! You know, Zack asking her out on a date, falling off the stairs in Castle of Dreams, Radiant Garden ~

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My favorite character is Sora. I love how even in the worst of circimstances he never gives up. He is also cheerful most of the time, and he is a very loyal friend. He always makes me laugh and brings a smile to my face. :)

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Sora's mom. Best disembodied voice evar!

Lol just kidding, I chose the many forms of Xehanort.

Specifically Old Master Xehanort, he is just so awesome and evil. Plus his Keyblade is badass looking :D and you can't forget Leonard Nemoy, who I will now and forever see as MX even if the voice does change with future titles.

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Xion. She sacrificed everything to keep her friends safe and had a very defined personality with her strengths and weaknesses.

I also really like Riku, Roxas, Axel, Namine, Aqua and Terra.

Edited by Shion

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#1 Kairi! She's just awesome. She's sweet, I liked her ever since KH1 bc she was cute and funny, and she had a mysterious past, then there's all of the times she's proved her love/friendship for Sora, she's brave too. She's been kidnapped twice and she never freaked out, infact when fought back when she was being kidnapped again in KH2.


Ugh, I wish this was multiple choice though, bc I really like Terra, Sora, Namine, Mickey, Roxas, Ven, Aqua. Lol

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