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Roxas Illini

KH3 speculation *spoilers*

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Attention all yoctograms!

FOIL. First, Outer, Inner, Last


We all know (at least those of us who spoiled ourselves) that 7 keyblade weilders will be necessary to defeat Master Xehonart. So far, 5 of the 7 are finalized: Sora, Riku, Mickey, Lea, and Kairi. That leaves 2 positions open. There are five potential known candidates: Roxas, Xion, Ventus, Aqua, and Terra. There could be a new candidate to fill the position, but I do not think that is likely. Of these 5, Roxas and Xion are technically part of Sora, making there candiacy unlikely. Aqua will probably be saved from the Realm of Darkness and wake Ventus up. Terra probably will not be saved until the end of KH3.


As for some new potential world, I think the following are likely posiblities based past world choices. 101 Dalmations, The Jungle Book, Tangled, The Sword in the Stone, and Toy Story. Square Enix could throw an unexpected world in there like they did with The Three Musketeers, but for the most part they have used popular films. Of live action films possible, I think Enchanted would the top candidate.

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I thought the last key was Kairi.. there's Ventus, Terra, Aqua, Sora, Riku, and Lea (not sure if Mickey is counted though).. try rewatching the secret episode of kh3d.. it says



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  On 4/19/2012 at 2:21 AM, 'Exodaze' said:

I thought the last key was Kairi.. there's Ventus, Terra, Aqua, Sora, Riku, and Lea (not sure if Mickey is counted though).. try rewatching the secret episode of kh3d.. it says



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I'm sure Mickey counted. He even said so in one of the cutscenes. Which only leaves one spot debatable.


Lea vs. Kairi

Pro Kairi-

She's one of the original 3

Secret Ending

Princess of Light

Can use Keyblade

Parallels Aqua


Con Kairi-

If she's a Princess, how can she be a light?

She's fought only once before.

Damsel in Distress?


Pro Axel/Lea-

Light in Darkness could be his enemy->ally transformation

Keyblade User

Major role in 3D


Con Axel/Lea-

Is he important enough/more important than Kairi?

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You got a lot of things right. Your speculation is excellent. It will probably be Aqua and Ven that fill the last two spots. Besides, if I understand, Terra is still very full of darkness, and hasn't gone through the redeeming that Riku has, so I think that is unlikely. As long as Roxas and Xion get a good role, I won't be complaining about them not being lights.

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Honestly I think that last key bit refers to Aqua, see she is the only one of the seven not in the realm of light. And Darkness awakening is the Seekers of Darkness attacking the world of light.

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In the opening of KH3D, it has Sora, Riku, Roxas, Mickey, Terra, Ventus, and Aqua fighting MX. That's 7. Lea can't be a master by that time, and Kairi is a princess so she needs to be protected.

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Xehanort said Keyblade Wielder, not master....


And this thread again.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Edited by Sky Heart

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  On 4/19/2012 at 3:34 AM, 'Uncle Dolan' said:

In the opening of KH3D, it has Sora, Riku, Roxas, Mickey, Terra, Ventus, and Aqua fighting MX. That's 7. Lea can't be a master by that time, and Kairi is a princess so she needs to be protected.


The opening isn't canon . . .

And how can Roxas be a master by then? He kinda needs a body, first . . . and I don't think Nomura would have 3 Sora-look-alikes (or 4 if you include Vanitas), just to prevent even more confusion with new fans. But then again 13 Norts is kinda confusing as well.

I suppose Terra could be a light . . . i think the last fight will be within AX's heart so its quite possible that Terra joins in on the Master Xehanort bashing. Maybe there are six lights outside of Xehanort that will foil the plans of MX, and journey into the Norts hearts to recover the fractured parts of Terra's heart so that he can recover his full strength and defeat MX? I like the idea of the different groups of people such as Ventus/Aqua, Sora/Riku, Roxas/Lea etc going after different Norts seperately; they definately won't stay as one massive group. We really don't know but all we can say is that all these characters will play large, significant roles; the Norts, Lea, Sora,Kairi, Riku, Roxas, Ventus, Aqua, Mickey and Terra. It doesn't matter who is part of the "7 lights"; its just a prophecy made to sound cool. Donald and Goofy will also help, no doubt.

Edited by atheist123

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  On 4/19/2012 at 2:21 AM, 'Exodaze' said:

I thought the last key was Kairi.. there's Ventus, Terra, Aqua, Sora, Riku, and Lea (not sure if Mickey is counted though).. try rewatching the secret episode of kh3d.. it says



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you're completely right, mickey technically wouldn't be counted. But remember Xheanort said 2 of them are on our side. Sora and Terra I'm guessing?

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  On 4/19/2012 at 5:12 AM, 'atheist123' said:


The opening isn't canon . . .

And how can Roxas be a master by then? He kinda needs a body, first . . . and I don't think Nomura would have 3 Sora-look-alikes (or 4 if you include Vanitas), just to prevent even more confusion with new fans. But then again 13 Norts is kinda confusing as well.

I suppose Terra could be a light . . . i think the last fight will be within AX's heart so its quite possible that Terra joins in on the Master Xehanort bashing. Maybe there are six lights outside of Xehanort that will foil the plans of MX, and journey into the Norts hearts to recover the fractured parts of Terra's heart so that he can recover his full strength and defeat MX? I like the idea of the different groups of people such as Ventus/Aqua, Sora/Riku, Roxas/Lea etc going after different Norts seperately; they definately won't stay as one massive group. We really don't know but all we can say is that all these characters will play large, significant roles; the Norts, Lea, Sora,Kairi, Riku, Roxas, Ventus, Aqua, Mickey and Terra. It doesn't matter who is part of the "7 lights"; its just a prophecy made to sound cool. Donald and Goofy will also help, no doubt.


I laughed my ass off when I saw this. I'd like proof that it isn't, because I'm pretty sure all of the events in that opening happened. Edited by Uncle Dolan

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I would like a KH likely FFVI, where you can switch between 2 or 3 groups of caracters. It'd ba fun to switch inside the team you play too, like FFXIII-2..


For the main caractersn Mickey will be playable for sure. He's too important. Lea, him, isn't ready yet (well, I guess) to be someone useful enought. He just got his Keyblade and don't know how to use it. Sora, Riku, Aqua, Ventus, Mickey, Kairi may be the Lights needed, but I'm not really sure who could actually be the last one... Roxas ? Terra ? MX said he get 2 Lihgt with him. As Sora has been freed from MX, there's just one left, and it'd likely be Terra.

Roxas gives his memories to Sora, just as Xion and Naminé did, so... I think that mean we won't se him until a long time, thought Sora said that was not fair, that he could exist by his own...


So, I think (and that's mean nothing, hu) the 7 Lights are Sora, Riku, Kairi, Aqua, Ventus, Terra and Mickey, but the last Light, Terra, will be free at the end of the game, just in time to defeat MX. He even may give him the last strike, as all have begin with those two guys.


It'd be cool if the Kingdom Hearts, to thanks the seven Lights would give a heart to Xion, Naminé and Roxas, so they could live with the others~

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It is possible that something happens to Lea and Kairi before final battle. I believe Roxas, Ventus, Terra and Aqua will help Sora, Riku and Mickey as an seven light to defeat 13 Xehanorts of darkness

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Also, KH3 needs a new secret boss. Recycling superbosses gets kind of old, like recycling Traverse Town. Pi-Face is my obvious vote for the new superboss.

Please exuse my dear aunt Susy. Can you take a hit from his level-i flare? Also, if Square Enix is making a sequel to the World Ends With You, they could give some of the characters cameos for promotion like Disney did for Chicken Little (worst summon ever!!!!)

Edited by Roxas Illini

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  On 4/19/2012 at 6:07 AM, 'Uncle Dolan' said:

I laughed my ass off when I saw this. I'd like proof that it isn't, because I'm pretty sure all of the events in that opening happened.


Well the first 2/3 rds of it DID happen but the last third (with Sora and co. fighting MX) obviously isn't canon. Its foreshadowing future events. Nomura didn't put Kairi and Lea using their keyblades because obviously he didn't want to, ya'know, spoil the entire plot? Cutscences aren't canon until they are confirmed by future events (the old Coluseum arguement) and this time travel business future confuses things.
  On 4/19/2012 at 3:34 AM, 'Uncle Dolan' said:

In the opening of KH3D, it has Sora, Riku, Roxas, Mickey, Terra, Ventus, and Aqua fighting MX. That's 7. Lea can't be a master by that time, and Kairi is a princess so she needs to be protected.


^Thats your original post in case you forgot. You clearly used a short inaccurate cutscene from a video only meant to give a brief plot summary of- these people have been fighting this bad guy and eventually they will defeat him. It gives no details whatsoever about who will defeat MX in the end. Also Donald and Goofy are also shown fighting MX so obviously they get keyblades too.

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