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Kingdom Hearts: Imagination.

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(silver3drago, you should join the party lol. Alrighty, Iamkingdomhearts1000)


"Master Yen Sid, I can't find Mickey anywhere!" He summoned his Keyblade. "And look!", he said as he summoned another one on his left hand. "I mysteriously got a some sort of Kingdom Key." The bunny turned around as a load of people came busting in. "Ohhhh", he said in a very Mickey-like fashion.

Edited by Sky Heart

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"Ahhhh, now that everyone is gathered, please, gather around my desk so that we may discuss buisness of sorts." said Yen Sid, wishing to discuss current matters with everyone currently present in his room.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Caspian opened the door to Master Yen sid's courters. 'Master Yen Sid i need to speak with you urgently. The increase in heartess, and unversed population has been growing increasingly, nobodies are starting to appear as well, i was just in Hallow Bastion and there were armies of heartless every-' Caspian took a m0oment to notice that there were others here.

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"Caspian, calm down, i believe i know why there is a sudden increase in the enemies that are appearing." said Yen Sid, voicing his opinion on what may or what may not be going on currently.".

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Oswald stood there, very confused. He tapped his shoulder to make his armor disappear. He decided not to talk, it would be better to hear what's going on than interrupt it mid-way.

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"The Realm of Imagination is very, very similar to the Realm of Sleep, however, instead of Worlds that were put into a state of Sleep, the Worlds that reside in the Realm of Imagination have been put into a state of where they must yet be born first." said Yen Sid, with his rather complicated explanation about the Realm of Imagination so far.

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"Well it maybe indeed confusing, you could say, that the Seven Worlds that lay buried, deep within the very depths of the Realm of Imagination are currently taking on the forms of what they will become once they are born, however, due to their Keyholes still currently open, they cannot join with the Realm of Light and duss, all sorts of all kinds of problems are being caused because of that." said Yen Sid, continuing on with his serious talk to the others.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Seranna took up a place in the back, with her back against a wall. Suspicious eyes swept the others in the room. She was liking the situation less and less as time went on.

Gideon listened to Yen Sid's briefing intently.

"So we are to go in an seal the Keyholes?" he asked.

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"No, rather, you will help both Ansem the Wise and "Ansem", the Seeker of Light, help Master Riku do that instead." said Yen Sid, explaining to everyone on what they must do involving the Realm of Imagination.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Shaking, Serin rose. He looked around noting the enemies that attacked him were now nothing but ashes blowing in the wind. Serin coughed, realizing how much energy the attack he did stole from him. Serin didn't even know what he did- he yelled some word, and suddenly all the enemies were engulfed in flames. With some comfort in the fact that he was alive, he tried to say more words.


He started simple: "A-A....Apple..."


Then managed to later say more longer and complex scentences. Happy with that notion as well, Serin ran off.

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"You must travel to Seven Worlds that lay buried, deep within the Realm of Imagination's borders and find Master Riku, Ansem the Wise and "Ansem", the Seeker of Light, who have all strangely and mysteriously gone missing, to help you all start off, i will open a portal within your minds to do so, tell me when you are all prepared." said Yen Sid, revealing on how to get to the Realm of Imagination for everyone to begin their mission at.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Zykhe looked down at the Pulse. It was glowing with energy. Weird, it had never done that before. Technically it was a universal magic amplifier though, not just for Zykhe. Something or someone was creating a magical force powerful enough to affect the Pulse, but what could it be? It had to be a powerful wizard's power if it could harness the Pulse. Zykhe relinquished his hold on the object for a few minutes, allowing the magic energy to channel through it. Who knew what it might do or where it could take him.

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Gideon looked back at Seranna. She rolled her eyes and after a beat, reluctantly nodded. Gideon returned his gaze to Yen Sid.

"We can help." He said. "Ready when ever you are."

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Saranna laughed.

"Finally something we agree on." she said.

Gideon shrugged.

"It was either this or watch reruns of some show we've seen a thousand times." He commented.

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"Very well then." lifting up both his arms, did Yen Sid proceed to send everyone, besides himself obviously, into a deep sleep, that would send their minds into the Realm of Imagination, where they would gain Imaginative bodies, based on their real ones in real life, for their minds to inhabit.

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Name: Adelheid

Age: 15

History: Was the type of girl everyone reffered to as "Emo" or "Goth." She hid all the hatred and depression behind her looks and slowly started building darkness in her heart. after several years she found out to control it behind a weapon. Is said to have the ability to see the hatred in people and turn it against them causing them to commit their own death. Although she weilds these harmful powers she stays on both sides, for her heart isnt completly darkness.

Alignment: Neutral

Personality: Quiet most of the time. Speaks out for what she believes in and is very hot tempered.

Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/recent/Vesper_Valentine/Anime/138640.jpg

Weapon: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs15/i/2007/026/d/2/New_Faux_Keyblade__by_FiendRaphael.jpg

Sub Weapon:http://www.spore.com/static/avatar/500/357/777/RaptureKeyblade.jpg

Species: Nobody

Theme Song:

"Dreams and nightmares"

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