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Roxas 13

Darkness is always bad?

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Okay, First HAPPY 2010. I hope we all will get a copy of bbs later on this poppin year.

Next is darkness always bad. There's a thing called light of destruction. Sometimes light can be bad. In the KH storyline they always make it seem that darkness is a big enemy. People can use darkness for good like Riku. Can there be one game where people from the bad side of light tries to take KH. i dunno what do you think. Do you think darkness should always be the enemy?

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o-o i think there could be a game like that but then it kinda kills the storyline and 'moral story' of KH. they're portraying darkness as like EVILLL and light as good which in most stories is how it really IS portrayed. if you change the EVIL into good and good into EVIL it's kinda changing everything.. which could mean like OMG LOOK MALIFICENT IS USING LIGHT TO KILL THE KEYBLADE xD o-o the keyblade is ALREADY light so unless Sora magically gets a dark keyblade *Sora: HEY RIKU WANNA SWAP KEYBLADES? Riku: NUUU I WANNA BE THE HERO* <--- well that settles it ;D no offence ~ it's a good idea but i just dont agree.

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It all depends on how you use it.

Riku used his darkness for evil at first, but then used it for good.

You also have to remember what Mickey said: it's not really bad. It's just scary. And then Riku said that it's because it's who's in it.

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It all depends on how you use it.

Riku used his darkness for evil at first, but then used it for good.

You also have to remember what Mickey said: it's not really bad. It's just scary. And then Riku said that it's because it's who's in it.


So,Riku's scary?! WOW! thats cool!


Anyway's, I think, an awsome plot twist would be, if good was evil,and evil was good. kinda like epic mickey! ^^

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:P:PYeah it would be epic. Just imagine using the dark of good to fight the light of evil. Sounds like a good game. Hey I did this post on my nintendo dsi cool huh. Lol family guy

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:P:PYeah it would be epic. Just imagine using the dark of good to fight the light of evil. Sounds like a good game. Hey I did this post on my nintendo dsi cool huh. Lol family guy


LOL yes, and its my main man Roxas 13! woot xD


But yeha tha twould be an epic badass twist. image, Riku going all darkness,and kicking soras butt.

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lol. He is scary, by that definition Rue. xD

So maybe he's afraid of himself? That would be so funny. xD


Switching the roles of light and darkness would make for an interesting game.

I'm hoping that there'll be a game where we play as Riku so we can get that twist. It'd be nice to be on the dark side for once. lol. xD

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I just want to say i dont think Xemnas was all that bad, he was hiding simething, his tru objective other than getting the organization hearts probably lied from the start telling everyone they would get hearts) but i think he wanted Kingdom Hearts to bring Aqua and Ven back, not so sure about Ansem, Ansem was the dark verson filled with most of terra's darkness. Xemnas however remembered his past as Terra and so knew darkness took over him and took his friends away. Not so sure.

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lol. He is scary, by that definition Rue. xD

So maybe he's afraid of himself? That would be so funny. xD


Switching the roles of light and darkness would make for an interesting game.

I'm hoping that there'll be a game where we play as Riku so we can get that twist. It'd be nice to be on the dark side for once. lol. xD


well then all the MORE HBADASS TO RIKU THEN! Also,you gforgot about Rebith/Reverse. you do play as riku!

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