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Which Disney Character would you want as a superboss and/or secretboss?

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tutti frutti. This has been bugging me since I found out that there was a secret/super -boss in KH3D that was a Disney character. (am I'm trying not to know who it is until the NA release) I've thought about Mickey and Yen Sid, more so as a final way of testing Sora and Riku at the end of the MoM. Also, I could definitely see Oswald being on the list as well.

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  On 4/16/2012 at 3:24 AM, 'XIIISwords' said:

What about the Nobody of Scar? That would be more than epic.


I think he's too weak to have an humanoid nobo- wait nevermind, Demyx is humanoid too :P.

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I agree, Oswald.


  On 4/16/2012 at 3:28 AM, 'Golden Ultima' said:

I think he's too weak to have an humanoid nobo- wait nevermind, Demyx is humanoid too :P.


Demyx isn't weak. I thought their heart just had to be strong or something. Demyx is just lazy btw.

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  On 4/16/2012 at 3:30 AM, 'Sky Heart' said:

I agree, Oswald.




Demyx isn't weak. I thought their heart just had to be strong or something. Demyx is just lazy btw.


All the proof for this is in the 2nd battle with him in KH2. Man, Demyx was far stronger than I thought; it actually scared me a little.

Edited by twilightexterio4

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I have been pondering this myself, I told myself I wouldn't know who the special boss was yet until it's released in NA. Oswald would be a cool person to fight, but there has been one other I've been hoping to see. And that is Julius from runaway brain, which is a disney short where this guy creates a monster that looks a lot like Pete. I seen it when I was at Disneyland playing Chain of Memories on my gameboy and wondered how cool it would be to fight him.

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I know I said somewhere on here that you can never have a who framed roger rabbit world due to copy right issues...but seeing Judge Doom would be pretty epic. They could get realllllly creative with it too.... like have be more realistic and dark in the beginning and by the end make it more like a comic/cartoon feel.

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The Headless Horseman. Dude would be so perfect as a surprise boss.


Also maybe the smoke monster from Lost. Wouldn't want the show as a whole world but that 1 enemy would work.



What about the Nobody of Scar? That would be more than epic.

I think the Scar boss from KH2 was the nobody. & Groundshaker was the heartless.

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tutti frutti. If Oswald does in fact make it to the KH series, despite being an enemy or an ally, I hope that he gets a Keyblade. I kind of think that Mickey is sort of holding that glory from other Disney characters.

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I would love to fight the Kraken from Pirate of the Carraiben... Or the Leviathan from Atlantis the lost empire (Atlantide l'empire perdue en vf. Don't know the translation.)

Or the Dark King from Taram and the magical hu... You know, this scary guy : http://www.hollywoodtoday.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/black-caldron300.jpg


And Mozenrat too. From the Alladin's animated serie !

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