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KH3D Question for those of you that know the whole ending *some spoilers*

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Hey guys, I'm a bit new here, so bear with me. I have been trying really hard to avoid spoilers for KH3D, but I've still somehow managed to come across some. So I'm going to list what I found here, and for those of you who know the whole ending, could you tell me if I've totally ruined it for myself, or is there a lot that I can still look forward to finding out?


Well, here's what I've found:


[spoilers]I know that Ventus/nightmare armor is the final boss, but I don't know why you fight it or why it even appears.


I think Lea gets a keyblade.


I've seen pictures of Red-eyes and I know that you fight him/her/it but I don't know what it's purpose in the storyline is or how it comes into being.


I know Sora fails the Mark of Mastery, but I don't know why.


I know something about Xemnas wanting to create the X-blade, and something about 7 pure hearts and 7 hearts of darkness, but I really don't know any details about that.


I accidently read something about "Riku bringing a comatose Sora back to Yen Sid's tower", but I already saw the Special Trailer, so that's not a huge spoiler for me.


I saw a picture of Xemnas and some other OrgXII member (I couldn't tell who it was) trying to drown Sora in a pool of dark energy at TWTNW.[/spoilers]


so, based on that, could you guys tell me if I've already pretty much spoiled it for myself? I would be really happy if it turns out that there's still a lot more that I don't know yet. And yeah, I know, I'm not too good at avoiding spoilers. PLEASE, NO OTHER SPOILERS.

Thanks to anyone who responds.

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Well you dont want to be spoiled but there are some things you mixed up. There are 7 lights and 13 darkness. Other than that most of the things you mentioned are connected. Anyway yeah there is alot of intense moments that you'd love in the game. I know I loved them

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Since you don't know WHY most of that happens, I think you're fine. I'd try not to get too much into it.

Red Eyes isn't much important yet, no one really knows exactly what its purpose was anyway. You've also gotten some of those facts wrong, so you can still be surprised.

A few let downs, a few cool, and some "meh" moments.

Either way just be careful and you'll be fine.

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basically you spoiled the last part of 3D what also is the most important part of the game seen in in the view of the future of KH

it isn't Xemnas though who wants to make the X-blade but MX and there are indeed 7 Lights but not seven darknesses, they're with 13

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Hmm... So it looks like there's still some things I don't know about yet, based on what EdeaKramer and Kinode said. Alright, thanks for the input, guys! (And I guess it would only make sense that MX would be the one who would want to make the X-Blade, not Xemnas. Duhr)

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I spoiled about what you did, but I still had suprises while playing through DDD. (mostly in the Disney worlds, because I didn't spoil one bit of them, and the character interactions with Sora/Riku in them)

Since you don't know WHY most of that happens, I think you're fine. I'd try not to get too much into it.


Yeah, same. Aslong as you get out of finding out more spoilers while you still can, and now finding out how some of this stuff happens there's still a fair bit more to be had/explained when you get the game. Besides that, after reading what happens with not much explained about how things occur, and expriencing it for yourself in-game, along having it explained/shown properly in cutscene format is still very satisfying. Edited by Tsunamo

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