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Future characters from other Square Enix series that i would like to see in Kingdom Hearts.

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Here they are:


The Bouncer:


Sion Barzahd.


Volt Krueger.


Koh Leifoh.


Dominique Cross.


Parasite Eve:


Aya Brea.


Eve Brea.


Kyle Madigan.


Kunihiko Maeda.


Dragon Quest:


The Hero of Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King. (Eight.).




Jessica Albert.




Final Fantasy:


Zidane Tribal.


Garnet Til Alexandros XVII/Dagger.


Adelbert Steiner.


Freya Crescent.

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Laguna, Rinoa, someone else from ffviii, vaaan, lulu, and Snow (what? snow could be the one person that sora could get along with the most)

Edited by birth by sleep

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Laguna, as he was set to appears in BbS, Linoa, who send a letter to Squall in the end credits of KHII, and Gilgamesh.

Lightning, Noctis and Ace too.

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tutti frutti. Though the series has started off with Disney and FF characters, I would want some other characters from some of the other series as well, such as Dragon Quest, Star Ocean, Chrono Trigger, etc. I think that this would be an interesting way to mix it up a bit with Disney and possibly give the KH series a somewhat different feel to it as the series progresses. If Square can pull it off with TWEWY game by putting the characters from that game into a KH game, why not other characters from different Square related games?


Tifa Lockhart Fanclub - http://kh13.com/forum/topic/33721-tifa-lockhart-fanclub/

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