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Korra and Aqua

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the new avatar ( korra ) reminds me so much of aqua, shes goofy and has kinda a feel to hang with guys, but at the same time she knows she has to save her people from the antibender groups, like aqua knows she has to save terra from the darkness and protect ven. im looking foward to this show so much ! :D

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What does this have to do with general and future kingdom hearts games?


i knew someone like you would say this, but im just saying how korra and aqua are so similar, and i love your sig

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korra is more of a hothead. i cant relate her to aqua that much..


yeah but still, aqua is kinda a hot head, well some parts of bbs she kinda is but watch, at the series finale, korra will trun bad ass just like aqua in the final episode when she knocks out teeranort

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That's an interesting comparison. I would have to disagree with you though as Korra and Aqua are, in my opinion, opposites in terms of personality. Aqua is pretty restrained, an even temperature and seems to be very self-aware (ie, she knows what she wants). Korra is hot headed (a complete bada**), somewhat impulsive and I think she's still pretty confused about who she is and what she wants out of life. If anything, I might compare Korra to Katniss from the hunger games but even that's a pretty slim comparison.

Edited by Spiney

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Korra seems more stubborn than Aqua, and really impulsive too, where as Aqua has no problem keeping her cool most times. Their personalities seem opposite to me, the only real similarity I can see with them is Korra is a water bender, and Aqua as the name implies also has some attributes to water. ;P


Edit: well technically Korra can bend all elements what I meant was shes from the water tribe so yea :0

Edited by WakelessDream

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i can relate them through their connection to phenomenal powers, water, being female characters, being heros etc.

Their personalities dont muchly match for each others. Aqua is kind and polite, while Korra is hotheaded and sometimes also rude xD

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