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Official Star Wars in Kingdom Hearts Discussion

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Since Disney nows owns Lucasarts...could Star Wars possibly appear in a future Kingdom Hearts game? And how would that work? Which Star Wars movie would work the best?


I think the Phantom Menace would work the best, maybe the part on Tatooine with the podrace would work. I think that would be cool. Or maybe the end on Naboo with Darth Maul. Now that would be awesome. Boss fight againt Darth Maul! I don't know how well that would work though...lightsabers would just destroy the keyblade.


I don't think so to be honest since Lightsabers are made from magical crystals correct? with the Keyblades also being made of something magical also correct? so yeah, magic versus magic would only work to destroy one another or not destroy or something like that is what im trying to say.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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We've basically already had Star Wars in KH ;)


LOL,Senpai so true,we already have a darth maul but hotter and sexier(no smexy cuz its just the plain truth),master against apprentice. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png


And all those kh starwars crossover fanfic. will be true(not really ya)............LUKE AND SORA AS FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!THEY ARE BOTH CHOSEN(sora more or less ;) )

Edited by OkashiraKenrex

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I doubt there would be Star Wars in the next KH game. I mean your gonna have to put more effort to include into the game by making Star Wars into Cartoon when the Disney characters in the games are already Cartoon. If they ever due, I bet they'll include Star Wars: The Clone Wars Cartoon.


I just hope they don't. I know want Clones and Blasters in Kingdom Hearts when there's Keyblade >.>

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Man, a Star Wars world in KH3 would be awesome. Just imagine Luke Skywalker as a party character, with a boss battle against Darth Vader wielding a flashy lightsaber or something, all in crisp 1080p high-definition. It would be a dream... But not before we get our Marvel worlds, Nomura!

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BBS was enough Star Wars.

I don't think we need an actual world from there after that.


I'm kind of weird, I don't usually like mixing things, hehe, but I agree that BbS was already a lot like Star Wars. I think *some* elements could be taken from Star Wars and placed into Kingdom Hearts, such as the worlds, but I wouldn't intermix the two entirely. Both are very independent and I think combined they would kind of be like a crossover fan-fic that didn't work quite right.

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I know that Disney bought LucasFilms & I'm not sure if the Star Wars universe might be in KH3. So, just in case this is true, what do you think of Star Wars being in KH & a lightsaber-shaped Keyblade/Keyblade-shaped lightsaber?

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