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Official Star Wars in Kingdom Hearts Discussion

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A lot of people mentioned this ages ago.


I personally do not want to see it.  Just 'cause it's been bought by Disney doesn't make them Disney films.  I don't think it'd fit.  We already have a space themed world (Deep Space), and a world that features the glowing outfits/areas/weapons that'd be used with light sabers (Tron).  I think they should focus their time on unexplored PROPER Disney movies (Princess and the Frog, Pocahontas, Black Cauldron, Brave, Rapunzel, Treasure Island, even the Wasteland) and original worlds than something I have no interest in.  I'd rather see them use Pixar worlds.  There already are movies where you can fight Dark Vader all you want.  KH doesn't have to be one of them just because the studios was bought out.  

Edited by Caity Raindrop
grammatical error

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They shouldn't have a Star Wars world for the same reason they shouldn't have a Final Fantasy world. I just wouldn't feel quite right. I do feel, however, that they should include Star Wars characters in some way. Same thing with Marvel.

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I would rather they didn't make a Star Wars world. It doesn't seem to fit with the rest of the Disney universe, and it would feel kinda odd to see Sora fighting alongside R2D2 or something.



A lot of people mentioned this ages ago.


I personally do not want to see it.  Just 'cause it's been bought by Disney doesn't make them Disney films.  I don't think it'd fit.  We already have a space themed world (Deep Space), and a world that features the glowing outfits/areas/weapons that'd be used with light sabers (Tron).  I think they should focus their time on unexplored PROPER Disney movies (Princess and the Frog, Pocahontas, Black Cauldron, Brave, Rapunzel, Treasure Island, even the Wasteland) and original worlds than something I have no interest in.  I'd rather see them use Pixar worlds.  There already are movies where you can fight Dark Vader all you want.  KH doesn't have to be one of them just because the studios was bought out.  

I agree with what both of these fellow members have spoken.  Although Disney owns LucasFilm, that doesn't mean that Square has to go and make a Star Wars themed world in Kingdom Hearts.  As much as I love the plot of Star Wars, I find that it would not fit in with the feel of the Kingdom Hearts Universe, and it would be odd.  And besides, we already received a Star Wars equivalent story in Birth By Sleep, which surprisingly had many similarities to Star Wars.  Square should not use a Star Wars world, just like I think they shouldn't use Marvel characters for future Kingdom Hearts games, because to me, it would just be awkward and strange.  But it's all up to Square, but I doubt that Star Wars will make an appearance.  Besides, there are still more Disney movies Square hasn't used yet, like Pocahontas's world(which I find odd that they haven't used yet).  And I also think that worlds from Treasure Planet, Atlantis: The Lost Empire, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, Princess and the Frog, and even some Pixar worlds here and there would definitely fit in with Kingdom Hearts. :)

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If there is a star wars world there better be a xemnas fight in it. 

Just look at him!

Posted Image

This would be perfect for the world and they wouldn't even have to say anything about it in the game!

yep,lol,i can hear xemnas making lightsaber sounds

Edited by Keyblade Master101

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Although I don't want to see Star Wars in KH Nomura has stated that he is a SW fan even before disney bought it (Xemnas light sabers, Nomura demanding that the actor that played Luke Skywalker should be Eraqus voice...) so it's highly possible a Star Wars world in KH3 

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