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KH3D (SPOILER!) Lea + ******** = MIND BLOWN!

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So I just watched the video where lea/axel shows of his keyblade! I was like http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png . I knew he had one but i could never get a good picture of it. Then i started thinking how in the past a lot of people said he would get one but didn't really think it was possible! But knowing Nomura we should have seen this coming. Also i hope the translations come soon cuz it sounded like he knew for a while but then why did he still use his chakrams? idk i guess we'll find out soon.

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Yup, to me it started to seem like Axel/Lea was becoming too important of a character to NOT have a Keyblade haha. But I do question how he got it, and if he got it before becoming a Nobody, or after he became human again?... Hmm my guess is something to do with Ven :P

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the translations are already out..

he doesnt know how to summon it which is why he was surprised along with everyone else when he was able to summon it. I belive the tread is KH3D ending part 1 or somthing similar to that.

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So I just watched the video where lea/axel shows of his keyblade! I was like http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png . I knew he had one but i could never get a good picture of it. Then i started thinking how in the past a lot of people said he would get one but didn't really think it was possible! But knowing Nomura we should have seen this coming. Also i hope the translations come soon cuz it sounded like he knew for a while but then why did he still use his chakrams? idk i guess we'll find out soon.


Yup, to me it started to seem like Axel/Lea was becoming too important of a character to NOT have a Keyblade haha. But I do question how he got it, and if he got it before becoming a Nobody, or after he became human again?... Hmm my guess is something to do with Ven :P


the translations are already out..

he doesnt know how to summon it which is why he was surprised along with everyone else when he was able to summon it. I belive the tread is KH3D ending part 1 or somthing similar to that.


The reason he couldn't wield a keyblade was because he didn't know he could wield it. And if you don't know, you wouldn't try to summon it. Also, it was hard for him to summon it like AX.


His keyblade is pretty cool. It's a chakram with fire coming out of it.

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I was one of those who said Leaxel (LOL) would get a keyblade one day.Its been foreshadowed since KH2 and from then on .Thats why they redeemed his character in KH2 and kept developing his character .He is popular with both fans and SE so the inevitable transition to permanent main character isnt that surprising. I couldnt be happier .

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The stupidest plot point of KH since Kairi got a keyblade.

That's not entirely fair, this is FAR worse than Kairi. Kairi makes sense solely on being one of the main trio.

Axel is just... fanservice. Too much fansevice. Kigndom hearts has always been a bad fanfic, but with this plot point, Kingdom Hearts has lost any sense of professionalism whatsoever.

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The stupidest plot point of KH since Kairi got a keyblade.

That's not entirely fair, this is FAR worse than Kairi. Kairi makes sense solely on being one of the main trio.

Axel is just... fanservice. Too much fansevice. Kigndom hearts has always been a bad fanfic, but with this plot point, Kingdom Hearts has lost any sense of professionalism whatsoever.


UMADBRO? This post amused me greatly XDDD

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I can see this scene happening in KH3:


Lea throws chakrams at Isa, but Isa destroys the chakrams, and charges at Lea. Lea summons his keyblade to defend himself, stunning Isa. Then Lea says "You like? I call it the Leablade. Got it memorized?"

Edited by Burgundy

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UMADBRO? This post amused me greatly XDDD


Yes, I mad. Kingdom Hearts is a series I enjoy. To see it butchered more and more at the games stack up saddens me.

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Well you are entitled to your opinion..Its a tad overdramatic though, yet funny.xD


I'm sorry, but Nomura is doing some lasting damage to the series with his recent decisions. If I didn't know better (And I don't) I'd say he's trying to wrap up the series as quickly as possible. As it stands, there are too many keyblade wielders for the game to function after KH3. The main hook that made the first game work, the Disney aspect, has taken such a backseat that literally any character ever could fill their shoes and nothing would change. Despite having character arcs in the first game, nobody has changed since. Various plot threads are all but dropped for arbitrary reasons, and the English versions STILL clearly aren't getting as much attention as they should.

The series is becoming the worst kinds of fanfiction, all rolled into one, and it has no clear direction left. It's a mess.

So you know what? I ain't even mad. I sad. Kingdom Hearts is full of unused potential, but that potential will never be used.

It's a shame.

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-Lea the full being of Axel do u take this keyblade to be more badass with and to use for only badass purposes?

Lea: I do

-You can now take your keyblade and be truly badass.

Me: *snif* SO BEAUTIFUL *proud fangirl tears*


xD got this scene flowing in my mind and had to write it ASAP and i'm doing so from my phone right now.. I'll prolly edit this tomorrow from my laptop.. Now Oyasuminasai

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I'm sorry, but Nomura is doing some lasting damage to the series with his recent decisions. If I didn't know better (And I don't) I'd say he's trying to wrap up the series as quickly as possible. As it stands, there are too many keyblade wielders for the game to function after KH3. The main hook that made the first game work, the Disney aspect, has taken such a backseat that literally any character ever could fill their shoes and nothing would change. Despite having character arcs in the first game, nobody has changed since. Various plot threads are all but dropped for arbitrary reasons, and the English versions STILL clearly aren't getting as much attention as they should.

The series is becoming the worst kinds of fanfiction, all rolled into one, and it has no clear direction left. It's a mess.

So you know what? I ain't even mad. I sad. Kingdom Hearts is full of unused potential, but that potential will never be used.

It's a shame.


I understand what you are saying bc I myself hate the time travel plot.To me thats horrible and lazy writing. However i just overlook that bc i love the characters and gameplay and every KH game ive played ive enjoyed.Maybe after playing the game yourself you might be surprised that you enjoy it regardless.As for all the keyblades,it makes sense to have more wielders when you are facing that many Norts.

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I understand what you are saying bc I myself hate the time travel plot.To me thats horrible and lazy writing. However i just overlook that bc i love the characters and gameplay and every KH game ive played ive enjoyed.Maybe after playing the game yourself you might be surprised that you enjoy it regardless.As for all the keyblades,it makes sense to have more wielders when you are facing that many Norts.


KH games play great, always will. If KH games didn't have gameplay going for it, it would be long gone. If a KH game were to have subpar gameplay, it would literally have nothing going for it besides yaoi undertones for fan girls (And people who are actually gay, but whatever...)

and yes, more keyblades works RIGHT NOW. But what happens next? What will make whoever you play as special compared to the dozen other people just like him down the road?

It's over saturation...

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Lea getting a keyblade for some reason wasn't surprising to me, it was more like "Wow... okay." I mean it's cool and all, but it's like they are giving everybody a Keyblade now. And the time traveling aspect that was just introduced marked the first time I've really been confused about the story, maybe it's the translations. I personally don't see how Nomura can wrap it all up in KH3 if it is the next game, there seems to be too much to shove into one game.

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the translations are already out..

he doesnt know how to summon it which is why he was surprised along with everyone else when he was able to summon it. I belive the tread is KH3D ending part 1 or somthing similar to that.


Thank you for the info :)

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Guest Lady Dreana

I love how badass he is in this game.He firetrucks up the old mans plans, talks shit , and is able to fight off Isa using only one arm while holding Sora in his other .Simply Amazing xD


It's true Axel/Lea is now even more BadA then he was before,I can wait to see what happens next with him if I get to see what happens next with him, and OH HOW MUCH LONGER TILL KH3?

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