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KH3D (SPOILER) question about...

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Well it must have something to do with the Data Worlds, Nomura and/or someone else did mention that Maleficent is planning to use them for something but what that something is, Who knows?


I know that part. I just wanna know whole thing. Thnx anyways http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png

The cutscene has been found but not yet subbed, so we don't know as of yet. It probably wasn't anything overly important.


I dont acctually care if it is important. Im just interested :)

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If I had to guess, I'd say that she realized that the Data Worlds weren't enough. They weren't real, so they didn't REALLY matter. She stills wants to try and collect the Seven Princesses to unlock Kingdom Hearts and conquer the worlds (not knowing that Xehanort is using her for that exact purpose). I think she realized this couldn't be done in the Data Worlds and got out.

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If I had to guess, I'd say that she realized that the Data Worlds weren't enough. They weren't real, so they didn't REALLY matter. She stills wants to try and collect the Seven Princesses to unlock Kingdom Hearts and conquer the worlds (not knowing that Xehanort is using her for that exact purpose). I think she realized this couldn't be done in the Data Worlds and got out.


wow! that really sounds interesting... collecting seven princess in their data-forms. And they all are in Jiminys journal too...

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I honestly hope that they aren't going to do anything more with the data world. That is one of the few story lines in Kingdom Hearts that has been wrapped up nicely with a bow, and to be honest I don't think we need another Sora running around. LEAVE IT BE, NOMURA!

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The seven princesses of light remind me of the seven chaos emeralds from Sonic lol. Like gathering them makes you super powerful..


Perhaps she might use the data world princesses, and it may work too.. (I know they aren't related in anyway, but Sonic used fake chaos emeralds and they still worked.)

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