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Number XV

Kingdom Hearts: Incarcerated RP

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Alexis smirked. “Sounds like fun,” she replied. “And I slept very well, thank-you.” Of course, she left out the part about it being difficult for her to fall asleep in the first place because of all that was on her mind. “I feel great now. Challenge me today,” she said almost cheerily.

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"You know, we're going to have to train and train hard if we're going to take down all of the people Felix has manipulated. Have any ideas about where we should do that, or should I have the honors?" Ethan asked James seriously.

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Felix smiled. "There's plenty that I fear...you must be talking about Joy," he said smirking. They were in West Virgina now...and getting close to Virgina. "Guys, let me tell ya something...I've been speeding for a good long time..." he said smiling big.


Scott laughed and said, "The murder course will be a challenge trust me. I built it to match this labyrinth that my master showed me."


James nodded. "Yeah..how about the old abandoned governor's mansion in Albany? I had a good fight there way back when," James suggested.

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"Sounds like as good a place as any to me. Point me in the right direction and we'll get started right away. Being able to summon heartless has it's advantages as far as training goes," Ethan responded.


(OOC: And I'm out for the day. See ya later!)

Edited by Not-with-a-whimper

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Callum rolled his eyes. "Of course you're speeding. And that Ferrari was pretty sweet. Wait. Here's a gas station. Maybe we should stop for supplies? Gas stations are usually cheap."


Joy got out of the shower, and looked at Mariah. "You can get in the shower, we can get ready, and then we can find Troy and Keilani."

Edited by Number XV

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"Alright, I'll be filling up the car. One of you go inside with Rebekah, and tell her what you need. One at a time though...oh and I have just barely enough money to buy you whatever you need...about three hundred bucks...I've had my gas money seperate so I've got plenty for that," Felix said rubbing the back of his head. He pulled into the gas station, and got out to fill up the Camaro.

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Callum shrugged. "I guess I'll go first." He walked over to the gas station, and quickly pulled out all the stuff he had. In his backpack he had a flashlight, an apple, some peanuts, a couple of books, and some matches.

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Rebekah got out of the car and followed Callum into the gas station. She looked over the stuff that he had and took a mental note of it. “Thanks, Callum. Hey, um, Aqua wanted to talk to you.” She let Aqua have control, and Aqua hesitated, not quite sure of how to start.

“Hi, Callum. Um...I just wanted to apologize for putting you on the spot like that earlier. I didn’t mean to make you spill your guts in front of everyone. And...I’m sorry for thinking less of you in general, just because of...well, your Inhabiter.” She hoped that Vanitas wouldn’t be provoked by the comment. “Anyway, I hope you can forgive me, and...you’re doing good, Callum. I have confidence in you.” She smiled a little.


“Labyrinth, huh?” Alexis said, her interest piqued. “Bring it on.” She smiled widely.


Mariah nodded and got herself in the shower. Once she was ready, she got up next to Joy and put her arms around him, leaning her head against his chest and listening to his heartbeat for a moment. She then looked up at him and smiled. “I guess we’ve kept Troy and Keilani waiting long enough. You ready?”

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Scott nodded. "Alright. Let's go see what you do," he said smiling. He walked down the hall and took the fifth door to the right, it led to a long stairway down, and then to three doors. "Here we are, you sure you're ready?" he asked her.

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Callum was a bit taken back. "Oh, it's fine. I don't care that much. I guess it just made me a bit uncomfortable is all." Vanitas groaned. 'You're forgiving her this easily?' Callum replied, 'Yeah. I am.'


Joy nodded. "Let's get to the dealership."

Edited by Number XV

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James landed and looked around. The mansion would be a perfect training ground, because now it was a crumbling death trap that no normal man would want to be in.

"We're here," he said casually.


Felix was almost done pumping gas, the Camaro had a huge gas tank, and that made him extra happy. "You know what? After this I'm gonna go see if I can get us some cheap as Hell breakfast in the gas station," he said smiling.

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"Well I wish you good luck to that. How are you gonn do it? You gonna try and convince the waitress to make it cheap?Or do you have another card that gets you discounts?" Alex had to admit, he liked being on the road, blue skies and being with people that are your friends. Having a good laugh here and there. All the things that usually didn't happen back home.

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"Yeah....I was thinking of walking in with my shirt off...no I'm just kidding. That's wrong! No I've actually got a ton of coupons that are supposed to work anywhere," Felix said with a slight laugh. Boy..Rebekah would be pissed if he did that. Finally the tank was full, so he put the pump up, and closed the cap on the car. "Watch the car until Callum gets back. Felix got to the counter holding his coupons, four cups of coffee (his was black with two cups of sugar), and four bacon, egg, and cheese biscuts. He got the gas for $50.00, and the food for $16. He only had enough money for one more tank of gas. So he started walking out, but then he stopped. He looked over to Rebekah and blew her a kiss, and waited for a response.

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Callum rolled his eyes good naturedly at Felix. "I gotta get back to the car. We can talk later." He walked outside, back to the car. "Your turn to take inventory, Alex."

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"Alright, I will go see what i need" Alex walked into the store. "Hmmm"

'Get sea salt ice cream'


'Aw come on'

Alex rolled his eyes and looked around. "Let's see I will need a first aid kit, some water, duct tape, a lantern, some food. Hmmm" Alex looked around to see if there was anything else

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Alexis’s face turned completely serious as she got ready for a potentially perilous situation. “So this is where it starts, huh? Okay, I’m ready.”


Aqua put her hand on Callum’s shoulder. “Well, I promise it won’t happen again. I...don’t know what came over me. Um, okay, I think I’ll let Rebekah have herself back.”

Aqua took her hand off of Callum’s shoulder, and once Rebekah was back in control, she smiled awkwardly at Callum. “Okay... So, what kinds of supplies do you need, Callum?” She felt like a jerk not trying to talk to him in a more personal way, but with the way Aqua was acting all of a sudden, she felt even more awkward and shy.

When Felix came in and blew her a kiss, she grinned, barely blushing at all this time. She walked up to him and said, “I think this belongs to you.” The she reached up on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek.


Mariah let Joy lean against her and helped him out of the hotel and to the dealership. They got several weird looks, seeing a young man with only one leg, but Mariah ignored everyone and smiled at Joy. “You pick out the car. I’m good with anything.”

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Joy laughed. "Ferrari it is then? I like the look of this SUV. Nice, compact. Room for certain things when Troy and Keilani aren't around. We'll take this one." He started to fill out the paperwork, and said to Mariah, "Can you get the two?"


Callum leaned against the car, and looked around. All sorts of young guys like him enjoying the summer heat. He grimaced. He never had fun like this. He decided he needed a water, so he walked back inside. And standing by the drinks was Reilly.

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Scott smiled and said, "Yeah...each door has a trap only triggered if more than three people walk through, but seeing as how it's just you and me...don't worry about it. Your goal is just to get through it quick fast and in a hurry. If you get to the end, you'll find a beautiful suprise." He opened one of the doors and rushed through the entire labyrinth. He ended in the middle, and went through a trap door at the bottom. Then turned on the lights....


Felix enjoyed the kiss. He smiled at her and then said, "I got breakfast! Well you wanna help out Alex while I get Callum?" He turned and looked at the car...no Callum. He looked around the store, and he was by the water. "Yo Callum...I've got the drinks and breakfast, we're good to go!" he said smiling.

Edited by Damion Strife

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"Well who do we have here? Pee Wee Herman?" Felix asked jokingly. He smirked and then looked at Callum. "Just go tell Rebekah, and Alex to go to Walmart with you. It's down the road. Give Rebekah the keys." He walked inbetween Callum and Reilly, handed Callum the keys, and nodded.

'Felix be careful...this guy's got Xemnas...' Axel thought.

'Oh what a freaking joy...don't worry...I've got a plan Axel,' Felix thought.

"Why don't you and me fight, I've fought pretty much every bad guy this group has met except you...it'll be a good change of pace," Felix said with a smile.

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Reilly smirked. "Good idea. Seperate yourself." Callum ran over to Rebekah and Alex. "Hey, uh, let's go to Wal-Mart!" Xemnas took over and summoned his blades. "I've been looking forward to this, Axel."

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