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Number XV

Kingdom Hearts: Incarcerated RP

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Arina walked over to the bed. 'what am i going to do?'

'Well, we could find a way to escape'


'He said that his west wing had all of his weapons, maybe we should take a look'

'Alright...Seichi...James, where are you'

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(LOL Yuffie's right, Not-with-a-whimper. Maybe Tyler should respond to Tudi. But Yuffie, could you at least have Jayson start driving toward the hospital? And maybe make the dialogue between Tudi and Tyler kind of short so that they all reach the hospital soon? Then the whole story could start progressing again. :))


Alexis smiled timidly. “Well, no. I guess not. I’ve just never really been able to see whether my own will is stronger than my Inhabiter’s. But she doesn’t seem to be feeling very aggressive at the moment, so it’ll probably be fine.” She shrugged and got into the car, finding an empty seat across from a small brunette girl (Keilani) who seemed distracted. She could tell that the girl’s Inhabiter felt familiar to Larxene, but Larxene wasn’t able to tell who it was. She looked around at the rest of the people in the vehicle. “Um, hey, everyone. I’m Paige,” she lied, once again adopting a shy and awkward persona.

Mariah was too distracted by Joy to notice the newcomer, and Rebekah gave a small smile and a nod in Alexis’s direction. Keilani turned her head from the window, as Troy was no longer in sight, and greeted Alexis with a grin. “Hi, Paige, I’m Keilani,” she said, shaking Alexis’s hand.

As soon as their hands touched, Alexis felt Larxene gasp. “Naminé! That little wimp is Inhabited by Naminé! I knew she felt familiar...” Larxene sounded as if she was ready to tear Naminé apart.

Larxene, calm down! Alexis reprimanded. Don’t blow our cover! You can vent to me once we’re far enough away from all these goody-goods. Now shut up!

Naminé had an uneasy feeling when Keilani shook Alexis’s hand. “Keilani, I can’t think of a way to describe Paige’s Inhabiter other than...well, evil. She seems a bit familiar, too...”

Didn’t Paige say that her Inhabiter is Maleficent? Of course she’s evil! Keilani replied. As for the familiarity, it’s probably just because you’ve been through all of Sora’s memories, right? So in a way, you’ve met Maleficent before.

“Yeah, you’re right,” Naminé said, sounding a bit more relaxed. “Let’s just hope that Maleficent doesn’t feel like picking a fight with us any time soon. You heard what happened with James and Sephiroth...”

Alexis could see the small shift in Keilani’s face when they shook hands, and smiled sadly. “You’re probably able to detect my Inhabiter, huh?” she said quietly. “I’m sorry if she scares you. Truthfully, she scares me as well. I don’t know why she chose me of all people, but I don’t like it one bit. Don’t worry, I won’t hang around with you guys long enough for her to come loose and try to hurt any of you.”

Keilani’s returning smile was also sad, but there was some optimism in her tone. “I know you’ll be fine, Paige. I can tell that you’re a fighter, even if you can’t see it in yourself. Your will can definitely overpower hers.”

“That’s a sweet thing for you to say, Keilani.”

“Don’t mention it,” Keilani grinned, then turned to the driver. “So Jayson, are we heading out now? It looks like everyone’s here!”

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(Hey now, I was just politely waiting for Alexis. Now we can start driving.)

"Alright!" Jayson practically yelled. "All aboard who's going aboard! Oops, too late!" He maneuvered the limo away from the clearing and in the direction of the nearby hospital.

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"Finally, i thought we would never get moving." Alex said as he placed his head on his hand.


Arina walked out of her room and quietly shut it. 'Now, where is that west wing?' She wanders around looking at everything she passes.

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(OOC: Oops. My bad. I was a bit too focused on Troy I suppose.)


"Tudi! I'm so glad you're okay, though I'm sorry I don't know how to heal your arm," Tyler was disappointed that he had so far been able to do so little to contribute to the group. Hopefully in the future he would learn to pull his own weight, but first they had to get to the hospital.


Ethan walked over to James quickly. "Certainly you can find her if we search hard enough. He sounded as if he was from America, specifically the north if that helps. I could get us a plane with little difficulty. The only question is if you would be willing to help me find Alexis or if you feel drawn to help Arina more. Who knows, they could be in the same place, but if not then what will you do?"

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"I'm not really sure okay is the right word for how I feel." Tudi said, grinning. The smile didn't last long. It hurt way too much. "I think alive would fit a bit better." she was speaking quietly. For a moment she closed her eyes. It felt so good... before she knew it, Tudi was out again.


Jayson maneuvered the limo through the back roads of New York, towards a hospital. Everybody they passed on the road looked at them oddly, and for a good reason if you asked Jayson. Soon enough, they were at the hospital. He parked, and climbed out the door. He then opened the door to the passenger area. "All out guys! We're here! Does anybody need any help out?" he spoke, trying to sound helpful.


(Sorry if anyone wanted to talk in the car, I might not be back for a little and the least I could do was allow the story to progress.)

Edited by Yuffie Kisaragi

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Tyler brushed a little hair out of Tudi's face, glad to know that she was at least alright enough to talk. He was heartbroken that she was hurt that bad, though. When they arrived at the hospital he exited the vehicle and carried Tudi toward the emergency room. He shouted back "I'm gonna take her to the ER, but we'll meet up with you guys later, ya?"


Troy rushed over to the limo to attempt to help anyone who needed it. That was the right thing to do, right? Troy knew that it was, but was frustrated that he didn't "feel" that it was right.

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(@Xeveemon, where is that post? I can't find it...

@Yuffie, thanks for that! :D And don't worry, I'm sure you won't get left too far behind this time, because as of late, the majority of us seem to be having trouble coming online a whole lot anyway.)



As soon as the limo came to a stop, Alexis decided to play “selfless and warm and fuzzy” like the rest of the crew when she saw the tiny blue-haired girl attempting to help her one-legged boyfriend out of the vehicle. Mariah and Joy were their names--Keilani had told her everyone’s names on the way to the hospital, including a few little back stories. Apparently Mariah was the one who had crushed James’s heart. What James--or any man, for that matter--saw in her, Alexis couldn’t tell. “Mariah, let me take him,” Alexis offered in a quiet, empathetic voice. “You look like you could use some rest.”


Mariah looked at Alexis in surprise, as this was the first time she really saw her. The woman was close to a foot taller than her, and was looking less tired than herself, so Mariah accepted. “Um, thanks,” she said with an uncertain smile.


Alexis nodded and slung the unconscious boy over her back. “I’m Paige, by the way. Is this your boyfriend? I can tell he means a lot to you.”


“He does,” Mariah replied quietly. “I just hope he’ll be alright.”




Keilani nodded and waved at Tyler as he went off. She hoped Tudi would be okay. She also wanted to help carry people in, but seeing the wounds and the burns and all were making her feel sick to her stomach. If she even tried to help any of them, she would end up having to be carried in as well. The last thing she wanted to be at this moment was a burden. She had already caused enough trouble before.


As she got out of the SUV, she saw Troy, and her eyes lit up. “Troy!” she exclaimed happily. There was a look on his face that appeared...frustrated. Had he gotten his heart back? Was that a real emotion on his face? Keilani’s heart raced at the thought, but then she realized that was impossible. If Troy had managed to destroy the χ-blade, he probably would have told her. No, what she was seeing was just the imitation of frustration--the kind of frustration only a Nobody could have. Wanting, trying to feel something but only in vain. Keilani couldn’t imagine it. Her smile disappeared as she came up to Troy. It was so unfair that his heart had been taken away from him, and from her, just like that. Deep inside, she was starting to feel some anger toward Callum for all this. She knew this was actually Vanitas’s fault, not Callum’s...but she couldn’t help it.


“Um, hey, Troy,” she said, trying to smile again once she was in front of him. “How are you doing?”




“Here, Alex, why don’t you get on the other side of him for me? We’ll carry him together,” Rebekah said as she got up and put one of Felix’s arms over her shoulders to help him up. “We’re almost there,” she said to Felix with a smile. “Are you doing okay?”

Edited by Always

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Alex went over and slung Felix's arm over his shoulder. "Hang in there buddy, were almost there" Alex said in reassurement. What was going to happen now, everyone was kinda stuck now almost everyone needed to sit in the hospital for awhile. Alex's head still hurt somewhat, but livable. He could stand it, besides people were in worse shape than he was, so complaining would be dumb.

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"Hey thanks guys. I've actually got feeling in my hands!" He pulled an arm off of Alex and extended the bloody limb to Alexis as a handshake, "Hey, the name's Felix I guess you can join our rag-tag group of misfits huh? You just caught us at a bad time usually we look..." He thought about all the injuries he'd endured, then he thought about the whole group, and finished, "About the same..." Then he started laughing and looked at Rebekah. "You know...if I wasn't all bloodied up I could just kiss you." He smiled and then looked up. "Isn't that the hospital? It sure looks like it...." he said pointing at the red cross just across the street.



Scott's eyes popped open. He flung himself out of the bed, and put on a suit that had been laying on the chair beside his bed. (Think the suit James Bond had on during the first stages of Casino Royale.) He then walked down the stairs, quickly joined by his thugs, and they walked into a black streatch limo. "Sir, we have her location. It's Chicago. One of our boys saw her get into a SUV from an alley-way," the driver said. "As usual, you boys never seem to fail me. Expect a raise to four hundred from now on. I'll need the medical helicopter, and a doctor's uniform," Scott said casually. He was immediatly given the uniform by a man sitting in the back. "I personally saw to it that Dr. McGee got you this. He also seemed to misplace his boarding pass for the Med-i-copter on top of the hospital at St. John's, we'll be there in five minutes," he said casually. Scott laughed, he was only out for a few hours but it still seemed as though his men had gained more than a few years's worth of experiance. He then put the doctor's uniform on over his suit, and equipped the mask and hat. Nobody would see any differance.

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(@Xeveemon: Ah, okay.

@Yuffie: Just curious, what's Elie up to? I don't think you've posted about her for a while.)


Alexis gave Felix a pleasant smile as they shook hands, though on the inside she found this guy incredibly annoying. “Paige,” she replied, looking from him to Rebekah to Alex. “Sorry, I need to get Joy inside the hospital. He’s hurt badly, as you can see.” As she turned away, Felix’s comment to Rebekah made her want to gag. As if kissing the girl was all he wanted to do. Why would two people allow themselves to be emotionally bound to each other in such a way, anyway? Then again, this could provide some more fun for her later on down the road. Watching people helplessly beg for the lives of their loved ones made her feel powerful, euphoric. At this point, it was hopefully just a matter of time...

As she and Mariah reached the hospital entrance, they saw a bunch of ambulances and police cars surrounding it...and a car that had crashed straight into front doors. “What the...?” Alexis frowned.

Mariah waved down a medic. “Please, get him some help!” she urged, gesturing to Joy. “He’s lost a lot of blood, and he’s been out for a long time now.” When the medic nodded and came over, Alexis handed Joy off to him.


Rebekah blushed. She still wasn’t accustomed to anyone publicly expressing affection for her, and she realized that with a boyfriend like Felix she would have to get used to it sooner rather than later. But that was one of the reasons she loved him--he was far more expressive than she was, a trait that was once annoying to her, which she now found admirable. As they walked, Rebekah started to massage Felix’s hand, hoping it would help get even more feeling back in his hand. “Yeah...” she responded after Felix pointed to the hospital. She was confused when she started to see emergency vehicles surrounding it. “A car accident??” she exclaimed. “Well, if you’re going to get into a wreck anywhere, I guess the hospital is the ideal place,” she muttered, then looked at Felix again. “I just hope we can get you some help soon. It looks like they might be a bit busy over there.” She looked him up and down one more time and smiled. “Actually, I bet you could pass as one of the crash victims.” Okay, maybe his sense of humor was rubbing off on her a little.

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Aria, Noel, and Victoria had taken back over control and got out of the car just a little scratched up. "Okay for now on, we only let them take control during a fight." Victoria said. Aria and Noel nodded their heads, "Agreed" they both said at the same time. Victoria got Paul's body out with the help of Noel. They then carried him to a gorny. "He was affected by the impact." Victoria said and the doctors to Paul to the ER. Victoria then felt a presence. "The others are here." Victoria said. "Should we go tell them?" Noel asked. "Well what do you think? Plus we need to hide before anymore media gets out here." Aria said. Aria and Noel went over to Rebekah and Felix. "Hey" Aria said to them. Victoria went over to Mariah and Alexis and saw that Joy was handed off. 'I don't know if I know these people, but they are inhabited.' Victoria thought then ran over to them. "Hey, what happened?" Victoria asked.

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Felix, having gained most of the feeling in his right leg opened up the door to the SUV, and walked out over Rebekah. He then held his arm out so that she could step down without any discomfort. "Nah, I'd never pass as one of these guys, " he said jokingly looking at Victoria's group, "You know that's another thing I don't think I ever thought I'd do. Being in the back of an SUV with wounds all over my body. Jeeze, my priorites got screwed up when I met Axel huh?" He started laughing and said, "The reason I'm saying that is cuz now anythime I drive around I'm in a bus with some kind of scrape or cut ya know?"


Scott teleported himself in the rosepettals and appeared ontop of the hospital in Chicago. He immediatly headed down the stairs, going fast, and grabbed a wheel chair along the way. He finally showed up downstairs infront of Mariah and said, "Miss, please put the poor man in the chair. You can take him up I'll see to it that your friends are taken care of." He then looked around to see and memorize the faces. "Alright, I'd like for you all to go in an orderly manner to the front desk, and make sure your friends don't bleed on the new tile. The mayor is coming this evening for a speech infront of the hospital," Scott said smugly as he eyed Alexis, he then added, "Well if it isn't my dear cousin! How are you feeling is your mother well?"

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"Nah I got it, I'm gonna be headed for the front desk to check in. That was one nasty car crash huh?" Felix said smirking. He hobbled towards the front door of the hospital, next time he wouldn't be hurt, and he would make sure that he'd put their next enemy in the ground.

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"None taken. I feel better than I look though," Felix lied. He needed to keep morale up, he needed to make sure that everyone kept their confidence, and that was why he'd push himself hard. He looked at the others, first at Joy and Mariah they'd been through a lot previously and he wondered how they were feeling now, and if going through so much was taking its toll. Then to Troy, Keilani, Tudi, and Ellie young and going through so much how were they feeling? Jayson was next, he'd just walked into this mess, and Felix knew that this would be a lot for his old friend to bare. Next were Victoria's group, well they had eachother, and that made Felix feel awkward he didn't really know much of them they kept coming and going. I mean even the new Paige girl had family she'd just found so surely things would get better. Finally he looked at Rebekah, his angel, she'd given him so much hope and was changing him into a better man, and he knew deep down he needed to return the favor. He smiled at all of them and said, "Let's all get some well deserved rest and attention. Keep our severely injured friends in mind, and let's try to stick together. Because if we're together, there's nothing that can overcome us," Felix said as loud as he could, it wasn't very loud though. Infact it sounded like he did when he normally talked, and he was slowly losing the feeling in his legs again. So he turned and walked, he made it to the doors, and fell through them landing on the cold hard tile. His bloody body made a sick plopping noise as it hit, and all he could do was look back at Rebekah with huge frightned eyes. Not for himself, but for all of the people he felt like he'd just left down.

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