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Number XV

Kingdom Hearts: Incarcerated RP

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(Middle school sucks. Who knew private catholic school kids could be so mean?)


Jayson drove on, all the way through Wisconsin. Jayson always thought Wisconsin was boring. Who cares that there's a bunch of big lakes on one side? The entire rest of the state seemed to be cows, cows, and more cows! Along a lonely road through a random pasture, Jayson looked over at Seichi, who seemed to be as bored as he was. Jayson closed the window between the passenger part and the driver part, making any noise he, or Seichi made, inaudible. Jayson switched back to looking at the road, and realized that he was about to run into a cow. He swerved to the right and slammed hard on the brakes. He made a quick grin back at Seichi, and said, "That's why I hate Wisconsin see?" Jayson made a boisterous laugh, and started driving.

'Psychopath.' Terra muttered, Jayson ignoring him.

Remembering what he was about to ask his passenger, Jayson as nonchalantly as possible, spoke again. "So you're thinking that Arina there in the back seat, is the special someone?"


Tudi sat, staring out the window, watching and counting as the cows went by. Yuffie had apparently never seen a cow before, and was fascinated.

'Ooh, ooh! That one has black and white spots, while the other had brown and white! These things are amazing!' Ok, maybe she was exaggerating a little bit, but that's what it seemed like. Tudi glanced over at Tyler. He seemed to be even more amazing looking than usual. Tudi wondered if Tyler liked her anymore, now that she had these burns. Any sort of physical beauty she had before, was gone now. Was that all she had been wanted for?

'Tudi? Why ya looking at Tyler when if you turn your head 180 degrees you can look at more cowwwwwwwwwws!'

'Would you shut up for just a second!' Tudi sighed. Then looked Tyler as straight in the eyes as possible, with his head being turned the other way. "What are you thinking Tyler?" she said.


(I could have really posted at any time, but I felt that the best plan of action for me was to wait. Sorry about that. It seems like you got a lot of dying going on down here, and no one really paying much mind to it. Axel, Ethan, and Reilly. Geez...)

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(OOC: Guys, I really am sorry to say this, but due to college and just the fact that it seems like this story has no clear direction that it's headed in, I'm afraid that I'm going to have to drop out and bid you all a fond farewell. It's been a blast, truly, it has, and thank you all for being such wonderful individuals to go on this journey with. I regret that real life is getting in the way of me seeing this through, but that's just what happens. If anyone would like to take control of any of my characters, they can feel free. If nothing else, then keeping Corey Burton, aka Chernabog, in the story would be great.)

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Yep, harsh schedules and defending our freedom is what the Armed Forces are all about.  


On another note, Always would appreciate it if we figure out which characters are going to continue on in the story and where everyone is by the time we start this up.  Again.

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I think Joy and Mariah are still at the house, fighting, but I'm not sure, while Troy and Keilani escaped. Callum, Felix, Alex and Rebekah had just defeated Reilly I think, but Always and I were talking in flashbacks between just Callum and Rebekah. I'm not sure about the others, but we would have to check farther back. Now as for what characters are continuing, Damion already told Always could control them, so each person would have to figure out. We could time-skip like two years and just kill off characters we don't want.

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Yeah, I know, my father's in the marines, but still...

Also, I haven't seen ChainlessSoul in a while. I'm also not sure if Xevee would want to come back. I could ask him?

Edited by Yuffie Kisaragi

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Thanks for speaking for me, Not-with-a-whimper!!  Haha since I haven't been here in a reeeaaaallllyyyyy long time.  Yup, I would like to have an end in sight for this RP, and I would indeed love to see it through.  As for time-skipping...I think two years might be a bit drastic, but I'll leave that up to the rest of you. xP  I would, however, at the very least love to finish the fight between Corey and Mariah and Joy, though, because that seemed to be pretty epic until I stopped posting and killed the party.  Haha sorry about that. But then after the fight's over we could time-skip! :D  The flashbacks between Rebekah and Callum could be interesting to finish as well.


Nah, it's not like I'll leave this RP again if we can't finish that fight or the flashbacks, it's just a personal preference.  I'll leave that decision up to the rest of you as well.  Either way, I can't wait to jump back in and finally conclude this awesome RP!! :D

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Since I honestly can't remember how the fight was going aside from that Troy took Keilani away when Corey showed up and Joy and Mariah are fighting him, I'm going to start the fight over, if that's alright.  I think that they were all outside.  If I need to go back and edit anything, please let me know and I will be more than willing to do that.  


"Come and taste despair.  I will teach you the meaning of defeat!"  Corey exclaimed as he unfurled his wings to their greatest extent.  He hovered there in the air, a dark spot, blocking out a good portion of the sun to Joy and Mariah down below.  His mouth opened wide, revealing devilish fangs before he roared down fire upon the two warriors.  

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(Oooohhh wow, it’s good to be back!  Haha but it’s a little confusing, trying to think about where we were a few months ago.  I’ll only post as Keilani and Mariah, going with Not-with-a-whimper’s idea to restart the fight, since those two characters’ situations seem to be the simplest for me at the moment.  Rebekah and Alexis, however, are gonna be a little more tough for me.  So hi, everyone! :D)



Mariah shielded her eyes from the sun as Corey ascended into the air before he blocked its rays and cast a shadow over her and Joy.  She started at the sight of the monster’s horrible fangs.  The fire that issued from his mouth practically caught her off guard--she hadn’t expected anything like that at all--and she leaped out of the way just a little too late, her left forearm getting scorched, and she hoped that Joy had made it uninjured.




Keilani raised her eyebrows and swallowed.  “You’re right...maybe Naminé and I could.”  She was only half responding to Troy, and half musing to herself.  “Would it really work, though?”  It sounded like an incredible, and daunting, task to take on, and for the first time since her adventure had begun, she was so afraid of failure that she wasn’t sure she even wanted to try in this case.  What if it turned out that she and Naminé weren’t able to make what Troy was suggesting happen?  What if they messed up and only made things worse, accidentally turned their allies against each other somehow?  Or made their enemies stronger?  Keilani shook her head.  Now was not the time to be thinking of all the possible negative outcomes.  This was her chance to do something, to be involved and important, to actually belong with the other Inhabitors who were risking their lives to save the entire world.  She leaned her head against Troy and sighed.  “Thanks, Troy.  Naminé and I will definitely try.”

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Joy grabbed his Buster Sword off his back, and swung it in a circular arc, barely blocking the fire. It blew him back quite a bit, and his back lightly touched the side of the house. He breathed heavily and quickly jumped off the wall to get a short distance away from Corey. When he made it a good 20 feet, he turned and gasped, realizing part of his face was singed. He ran at Corey and swung his Sword with all his might. 'Cloud, I may need you in this one!'


Callum's dream was a mix of darkness and shrouded faces. He woke up leaning against the car in the driveway and craned his neck to see what was left of Reilly's carnage and the burning house. No way they were ever allowed back here. He leaned his head back, watching Felix and Rebekah. They really were meant for each other. He had really hoped...after Felix left he could make a move but now Felix was back and he's never have a chance. He knew he was bleeding but he didn't dare check. 

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(So Number XV, before I do a Rebekah post, does this mean that we’re not doing the flashbacks between her and Callum anymore?  I don’t mind either way, just wanted to make sure.)



Mariah breathed a sigh of relief, a little too far away to see that Joy’s face had been singed.  From her perspective, he still looked completely unscathed...for the moment.  Bringing her attention back to Corey, she ran up the wall on the outside of the house, got to the roof, and leaped as high as she could towards their demonic opponent, hoping she would be able to reach him and punch him.

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Corey swiftly took in the positions of his playthings, those who would wish to think themselves his "opponents" as if they stood a chance.  Corey turned to face Joy, grasping the incoming blade in both of his demonic hands, allowing Joy's momentum to push him far back from Mariah's incoming blow.  Still holding the blade, Corey attempted to sling Joy around by it's handle into Mariah.  



Troy looked deeply into Keilani's scared but willing eyes.  He kissed her on the top of the head for assurance, before asking her a simple question.  "Would you like me to stay?  I can keep you company, help you focus, and keep you safe.  I could also head back to help Joy and Mariah, however.  I'm yours, Keilani, and I'll do whatever you want me to.  So what will it be?"

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Keilani wrapped her arms even more tightly around Troy as she gazed back up at him.  She knew she was being selfish...so selfish.  But she just couldn’t bear the thought of him going back and risking his life.  She would be completely lost without him.  Even if he made it out alive, he would inevitably be injured, and even just that thought broke her heart.  But she didn’t want to put it like that.  “Stay with me, Troy,” she pleaded.  “I’m scared.  I need you to keep me safe.”  Knowing how selfless Troy could be, not just with her, but with all of their friends, Keilani wanted him to believe that her need for him to stay was more about herself, her vulnerability to danger.  Otherwise, if he knew it was just about her desire for him to be safe, he might feel guilty not helping Mariah and Joy.  She already felt enough guilt over it for both of them.  She buried her head in his chest once more to hide her face and closed her eyes.  “Don’t leave me...”

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(Well, I mean, I liked the flashback idea.)


Joy's feet left the ground and his blade was too heavy to swing in midair. He had one option. He let the sword drop, and swung his body so he was about four feet from Mariah. His sword clattered to the ground...and Corey was closer. Hoping Mariah would distract Corey long enough, he ran full speed to get his sword again.

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(Alright then, flashbacks it is! :D)





Rebekah blushed deeply, embarrassed at seeing Callum shirtless, and even more so at the idea of him seeing her only in her bra.  She could feel Aqua’s nervousness as well, but she knew that it was a slightly different kind of nervousness for her Inhabitor.  Rebekah mustered a scowl in response to Callum’s playful look.  “Don’t enjoy this too much,” she warned.  She slipped her shirt off and let it fall to the floor, then proceeded to clean his wounds without looking him in the eye.  With the first dab, she pressed in a little on his injury to make it sting more than necessary, making her point before cleaning the rest of the wounds gently again.



Rebekah gasped when Felix grabbed her hand and started to lead her away.  She felt confused and disoriented.  One moment, Reilly was about to attack her, then the next, Felix was there and the house they had been staying in was in flames.  She shook her head, and it took her a few moments before she could speak.  “F-Felix!” she finally exclaimed.  She felt tears starting to burn in her eyes as she let go of his hand and threw both of her arms around his neck and squeezed her eyes shut, breathing in his scent.  “Why?  Why did you leave?” she whispered.




Mariah faltered a little when she saw Joy’s sword fall, but she drew her eyes back to Corey.  Because she had faltered, she was now a little too low, and with her current momentum and position in the air, she would end up hitting his shins.  Just before making contact with him, she spread her arms wide so that she could grab his legs and throw him off balance.

Edited by Always

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