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Number XV

Kingdom Hearts: Incarcerated RP

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Joy shrugged it off. "I'm fine. I guess I should have expected this. Them moving."


Callum saw the flash of field, the girl, and he was scared. He appeared at the field, but it was too late. Vanitas spoke up. 'I can sense their presence. Let me take over, maybe I can distract them. But I warn you, I'll stay.' Callum nodded. "Anything for my friends." And then everything went black. Vanitas appeared at Rebekah and Felix, and talked to the girl. "You're pretty evil. I could never capture both." He was almost hoping Felix would get out of there.

(Is this alright, Always? Am I ruining the moment? I can edit it.)

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((sorry guys I have been busy lately, schools been catching up with me. I am guess it is with alot of people))



Alex woke up from all the noise and got up from bed to see everyone was gone. He got out from the house amd saw Felix fighting Scott. 'Leave him alone! ' Roxas said in an angry tone through Alex. 'this is not good, not good at all. Felix, are you okay?' Alex asked. He summons his keyblade, pointing at Scott.

Edited by FFxChainlessSoulxKH

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Alex woke up from all the noise and got up from bed to see Felix fighting Scott. 'Leave him alone! ' Roxas said in an angry tone through Alex. 'this is not good, not good at all. Felix, are you okay?' Alex asked. He summons his keyblade, pointing at Scott.


(OOC: This isn't a huge deal, FFxChainlessSoulxKH, but Scott and Felix are about four blocks from where Alex fell asleep. I'm sure that if you edited that last post you could fix everything quite easily. If not then the rest of us can just sort of go with Alex being there.)




Troy wandered around the property as the rest of them went inside. An empty home where parents were supposed to be? He guessed that he was a bit more used to that than the others were. His parents had almost never been home, always off on work doing something or another. Even still, he didn't feel quite right about walking in on such a personal place, especially since he didn't know Joy that well.




Zalia stayed in a nice, fancy hotel for the night with the money she'd taken from that rich guy earlier, and smiled as she went to sleep. She'd been keeping track of a rather unusual figure lately, someone Barbosa had said would be important, and tomorrow she planned on putting her plans into action. Yep, it would be a good day.




Corey Burton wasn't your average 20-something year old, even before he became inhabited. The bright red hair and heavy smoking habit set him apart, sure, but it was his mind that really got him places. Brilliant, even as a child, Corey could solve any problem, stumping even the brightest of scholars. He was the life of every party. All of the girls wanted to date him and all of the guys wanted to be him. He despised them all. Weak, pathetic little puppets, mere playthings, easily conforming to his whims as long as he did the right things at the right times and with the right people. Free will? That was just a funny joke. He was like a puppet master, pulling everyone's strings. Over time, though, like a child growing tired of his old play things, Corey began to bore of life and other people in general. That was when the news started broadcasting stories of these select few individuals who had been granted god-like powers and whose actions seemed to defy the natural logic of how people work. The normal human was weak, but they were strong. By breaking the rules of this world and going beyond the norm, they had exceeded Corey's expectations and brought him out of his boredom. Unfortunately, he knew that on the level he was at at the time, he would be unable to compete with these "super-humans" and therefore began studying everything he could about them, their abilities, their origins, and everything that had to do with the onset of their power. He worked diligently, harder than he ever had before, until he'd found it. The key to accessing the second wave of inhabitors. Sure, the inhabitors themselves had some say as to who they decided to inhabit, but he knew exactly what to do to get the one he wanted, and to get that inhabitor to select him as well. A mass murderer was all over the news in his hometown, but was never caught. Corey Burton was a normal human no longer. Now, he was Chernabog.




Ethan had left James to continue his training without him. To be honest, Ethan's heart just wasn't in it any more. Now that James was furious enough, it was time to just sit back and watch things unfold, Hades style. So, without much ado, Ethan headed out to the local liquor store and grabbed a few beers before heading to the cemetery. Being the Lord of the Dead and all, the place felt right at home. This time, though, something felt off. Ethan looked over to the side and noticed another man on the hillside cemetery. The darkness of night cloaked a lot of his appearance, but the light of the moon illuminated his face. While Ethan had been drinking with his back turned to the tombstones, sitting in the slight shadow cast by the one at his back, the other man sat directly facing the moon, sitting on the head of the tombstone a few down. Ethan was a little surprised to see the smoking man, as normally he would have been able to detect the entrance of another soul onto the property. He decided to just blame it on the booze.


"You're remarkably bad at this, you know," said the smoking man, his black and red apparel now visible to Ethan's adjusted eyes. Despite speaking to Ethan, the figure's eyes never left the form of the moon.


"Oh yeah?" Ethan asked, smirking. "And what would it be that I'm so bad at, exactly?"


"Caring," came the response, the figure taking his eyes off of the moon and resting them upon Ethan, revealing red eyes surrounded by darkness. "You see, the last group of inhabitors and their hosts had that one very important trait in common. They cared. For one thing or another, it didn't matter. Your apathy makes you a weak host."


Suddenly, a great power was unleashed, and Ethan's eyes opened wide in horror. That the man had been a host to an inhabitor this powerful and Ethan hadn't noticed it was insane. As the figure's hands on up to his elbows became clawed and black as the surrounding night, a matching pair of demonic wings stretched out from behind him, blotting out what there was of the faint light from the moon. Ethan scrambled to his feet and summoned his scythe, calling upon more of Hades' power than ever before. "Cerberus!" he called out, and a hellish gate opened up the earth behind him, allowing the great three headed beast to emerge and land before him, facing the figure head on. Cerberus launched balls of flame towards the smoking man, and they all closed in at a rapid pace, meeting in the middle and leaving a massive explosion where the man had been. When the smoke finally subsided, the form of two large black wings could be seen, separating to reveal an unharmed man. Cerbrus leaped forward and it's left head lunged in to bite the demonic figure. His right arm grabbed it with no effort, and his left arm did the same with Cerberus's opposing outer head. The middle head reared back, flames building within it's mouth, and at the position he was in now, the smoking man could no longer protect himself with his wings. Ethan, still recovering from the summoning of Cerberus, smirked with satisfaction. The figure spat out his cigarette and emitted an intense gout of flame, incinerating the dog's flesh before using his hold on the other heads to toss the mutt aside. He summoned a series of ghost to plague the beast before the figure stepped forward towards Ethan. A cloud of ash began to build around Ethan as he prepared his escape, but it was swiftly dispersed by a gust of wind generated by a simple backhanded swipe from the imposing figure. Ethan backed away involuntarily and on reflex, every fiber of his being screaming for him to run, but there was no where to go, and he had no energy left to try. He stopped backing up only when his back hit a monument.


"Bravo, you made me have to actually spit out my cigarette for that one," the approaching man taunted hauntingly.


"W-what the hell... are you?" Ethan managed to sputter out, fear evident in his voice.


"I used to be Corey Burton. Not anymore. Now I am Chernabog. Now I am the Black God."

Edited by Not-with-a-whimper

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Felix swung on his meat hook pissed. He kicked Scott in the throat causing him to hit the back of his head on a frozen pig behind him. Felix felt faint...it was so cold. "Alexis, let Rebekah go now...or I swear I'll freaking kill you both!" ,Felix yelled. Tears flowed from is eyes and froze on his face. It was too cold, and he was losing a lot of blood. Scott got back up and twisted Felix around in a circle and then let go. Felix spun around causing his wound do worsen.


"Damn..you're pretty lively for someone who's about to die. I'd say you're one of my more favorite opponents. Would it piss you off if I slapped her Felix?" ,Scott asked. He walked over to Rebekah, and went to slap her as hard as he could...



Just then Callum...no! Vanitas entered. "Hey Vanitas...boy I think this is the first time I've ever been glad to see you. I know what you're wondering. What am I doing here? Well just hanging out," Felix said laughing...but after Scott hit Rebekah...he immediatly changed. "You bastard!!! Never hit a woman!!" ,he yelled.


"But torturing them is ok?" ,Scott asked.


"She's not a woman! Women don't sleep with everything in creation!!" ,Felix yelled angrily.

Edited by Damion Strife

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Vanitas drawled, bored as hell. "Sadly, if these two die, I'll have no one to fight. I can't let you kill them." He summoned his keyblade. Vanitas then sighed dramatically. "Two against one. I hate my odds." He hoped being sarcastic would tick them off, and Felix could try something. Two birds with one stone.

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Scott frowned. "Try me...both of you. I've taken shits bigger than both of you," he said smiling.


Felix struggled to get off, but Scott kicked him below the belt. His eyes crossed, and more tears issued from his eyes.


Scott slowly took off his suit coat, his vest, his button-up, and then finally his undershirt. He flexed showing the two that he was built like a UFC fighter.

"You two really sure this is what you want?" ,he threatened summoning up his scythe and smiling.

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Vanitas shrugged. "I've faced harder opponents. Aqua, in fact, actually comes to mind. " He then looked at Alex. "Wait, are you...? No, you're different. Let's see how good you are."

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'wait.....Marluxia? Of all people I have to meet in one day.' Roxas said giving a glare.

"I'm not afraid of you! Come and get me!!" Alex was thinking about this, maybe if he could distract Scott, Felix could get Rebekah and get out of here. He looked at Callum, what did he mean? Was he talking about Roxas? 'Wht do you mean I'm different?'

Edited by FFxChainlessSoulxKH

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(No, Number XV, you're not ruining the moment. It's perfectly fine. :))


Mariah looked down at the floor. She wished there was something she could say or do to comfort Joy, but she couldn’t think of anything. She figured the best thing would be simply to drop the subject for now. “Can I help you with dinner?” she asked, looking back up at him.




Rebekah experienced a rude awakening when she was slapped across the face. She cried out in surprise and pain, and for a few seconds she was completely disoriented, trying to figure out what had happened to her and how she had ended up here...wherever “here” was. She saw people who looked vaguely familiar, and then things became a little more clear. Scott...Callum...Alexis. There was a voice above her. She looked up and saw Felix, dangling from a hook, and gasped sharply and unevenly. The sight made her sick to her stomach, and she could tell that Felix was losing a lot of blood. “Felix!” she screamed, and she tried to get to him...but she was tied down. There were tears in her eyes as she struggled to free herself, but it was no use.


Alexis smiled wryly at Vanitas and Alex. “Hmph, well aren’t you just the most bothersome little brats? I’ll let Scott take care of you. I have some business to attend to.” She then looked up at Felix. It was wonderful...seeing her prey in such misery like that. “Do you really love her that much?” she asked him. “Aren’t you a little old for her? The way I see it, you’re only with her because she’s young and...” she turned and took Rebekah’s chin in one hand, lifting her face up to briefly examine it. “...well, somewhat pretty.” She smirked. “But I guess we’ll find out, won’t we?” She placed her hand on the back of Rebekah’s neck once more and started to shock her.


Rebekah realized what was going on. This was why she was here. So that Felix could see her tortured. She looked away from Felix, determined not to scream. But the shock was painful. Alexis was probably experienced with this sort of thing. She let out a moan.


“Hm, let’s try that again,” Alexis said, giving Rebekah a more potent shock. Rebekah tried to hold it back...she couldn’t give Alexis the satisfaction...but her moan turned into a small cry. “What’s that? I can’t hear you!” Alexis shocked her even harder, and a full on scream escaped her throat. This time, Alexis held it out for several seconds, which seemed like hours to Rebekah. When Alexis finally stopped for a brief moment, Rebekah’s head dropped, and she was gasping for air, the tears streaming down her face. Alexis laughed hysterically. “Enjoying the show, Felix?”

Edited by Always

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"Ventus, of course. And I'm 'it's none of your buisness'. It's not the best time to play 20 questions." Vanitas growled. "Are we fighting them or not?" He charged at Alexis, determined to stop her. Aqua was a good opponent.


Joy nodded. "Yeah, that would be great. I can't cook. Do you know something?"

Edited by Number XV

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"Not today junior..." ,Scott said furiously. He threw his scythe at Vanitas, and ran to shoulder tackle Alex.


"DAMN YOU!!! I SAID LET HER GO!!!" ,Felix yelled louder.

'Felix...let me help...I want to take over...I don't know how this is going to play out...but I want you to know I'll always be your friend,' Axel thought.

Felix slipped out, and Axel took over. His core temperature began to rise higher and higher, the ice on the walls started to melt, and the meat in the room began to thaw. Felix could tell that this was going to be huge...whatever it was....

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Scott dodged the keyblade attacks, and negated the dark balls. "Well if that's all...you might as well lay down and let me finish you two off..." ,he said smiling.

Then he rushed the two of them, slicing with his scythe, and then kicked at Alex.


Axel increased his temperature more, the hook began to sizzle, and the pork beside him was starting to fry.

'Axel...don't over do it...you're starting to...weaken,' Felix thought.

'I told you not to worry about it...I've gotten this hot before....' ,Axel replied.

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Alex grunted and stood up. "Not on my watch!" 'let me do this! I owe Marluxia a good beating' Roxa said. 'Go ahead, I just want to get rid of this guy fast' Roxas took over letting him summon two keyblades. He looked at Vanitas. "It's Roxas" He charged at Scott and started to slash both of them right at him.

Edited by FFxChainlessSoulxKH

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Scott smiled and opened a portal to New York infront of him hoping that Alex would accidently run into it. He made sure it was a very bad neighborhood....


Then he started to run towards Vanitas, but slipped and fell on his face. All of the ice in the room was turning to water, and he noticed it was getting really really hot...

"Damn! Felix is gonna cook us alive!!" ,he yelled. He started heading back towards Felix, now in a full on sprint...


Axel put up a flaming wall around himself, and the temperature in the room spiked to one hundred and ten. Then it began rising higher, the walls burst into flame, and the floor began too shoot out sparks...

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Alex saw the portal but it was too late for him to turn around and he ended up through it. 'I hate Marluxia!!' Roxas exclaimed. "Well we can't worry about that right now, we need to find a way to get back to them." Alex heard footsteps behind him and turned around, hesaw a gang of burly thugs some with cigarettes and some with beer bottles. "Look at this fellas, looks like we got dinner." "Crap..." Alex said under his breath. "Scottie, Duke, grab him" "With pleasure boss" Two of the guys ran at Alex, but he dodged the and summoned his keyblade knocking them out for a moment.

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Mariah tilted her head a little to the side. “You mean do I know something I could make? Of course!” she smiled. “I can make some great fried chicken, if that sounds good. We’ll just need to buy the ingredients at the store...because I’m guessing there’s no food here right now.”


Alexis snarled at Felix and grabbed Rebekah by the hair on top of her head, yanking her head back and holding Larxene’s knives against her throat. “I swear, Felix, keep that up and she’ll die!”

Rebekah’s eyes went wide with fear, but she closed them, not wanting Felix to see how scared she was. No matter what happened, he had to escape. She wasn’t particularly excited about dying, but it was far more important to her that Felix stay alive. She held her breath and waited for the knives to slash her open, hoping it wouldn’t hurt too much before death came to her...

Alexis noticed Vanitas charging at her from the corner of her eye and screamed in frustration. “Get the hell out of here!!” She let go of Rebekah and ran at Vanitas, shooting lightning at him.

Rebekah was confused at first when Alexis let her go, but then she realized maybe she had an opportunity to escape...well, it would work better if she wasn’t bound so tightly to that chair. Aqua’s Keyblade was useless to her, far too big for her to be able to maneuver it to cut the ropes. She struggled against them, trying to free herself, and she could feel them rubbing her wrists raw, but they wouldn’t loosen even a little bit.

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The lightning hit Vanitas head on, and it shocked him to the core. He gritted his teeth, and pulled through. He cloaked himself in darkness, and the pain lessened a bit. He swiped at Alexis, and appeared in front of Rebekah. He said coldly. "Callum wanted me to rescue you. He thinks quite highly of you. Need some help?" He cut the ropes, but coughed up blood, and fell to his knees. Now Alexis had her chance, and he mentally cursed himself.


Joy smiled, and grabbed his keys. But then he turned, closed the distance between him and Mariah, and kissed her.

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'BURN THIS PLACE DOWN!!!' Felix thought.

"THIS IS EVERYTHING I HAVE!!! TAKE IT MARLUXIA!!! LARXENE, AQUA, EVERYONE....BYE!!!" ,Axel yelled. Suddenly the walls were engulfed in flames, fire erupted all over the floor, and the hook inside of Felix melted off of the rope. Axel pulled out the hook and he grabbed Scott.

"DIE!!!" ,he yelled. Suddenly the two were engulfed and then the flames were suffocated almost instantly. Felix was laying on the ground, and Scott was kneeling. Scott's body was covered in burns, and he seemed to be trying to yell but nothing was coming out.

He immediatly hopped up and started hobbling for the exit. Half of his head was bald, and a good portion of his face was disfigured now.

"Alexis...we need to go...I'm hurt!! I'm hurt!!!" ,he said in a pained voice.


(The next bit is going on inside Felix's mind)

Axel was laying on the ground, disappating like he did in Kingdom Hearts 2.

"I guess this is it Felix...I get to go back where I came from. Maybe after I get there....it'll all be better," Axel said quietly.

"Axel, it's not over! It can't be! What'll I do without you?" ,Felix yelled.

"Hey...you did fine before. Don't sweat it ok? Just don't go back to drinking...don't change...and don't tell Roxas I'm gone..." ,Axel whispered.

"Ok...you've always been my favorite Axel...." ,Felix said crying.

"Stop that....you're gonna make me blush..." ,Axel said smiling. Then he was gone.


(Back to the real world.)

Felix got up, and looked around. The building was burning big time, Scott was super wounded and running away, and Rebekah was still there!

"Let's get out...you too Callum," he said offering up his hand....

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