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Number XV

Kingdom Hearts: Incarcerated RP

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Felix scratched the back of his head.

'So, what kind of made up bull crap story have you prepared? Like, I'm an undercover police officer and I busted a drug lord selling to coke addicted babies who beat the Hell out of me. That kind of thing?' Axel asked.

"I wear the cow suit at Chikfila. I'm not gonna lie to you, I figured it was the most low key thing I could do, and well...I got the heck beat out of me by some kids and Callum helped me out. I dance, sing, and everything. My pay went up because they didn't expect me to just take the beating from the kids and keep on singing," Felix said with a huff. The truth, it was something he'd never keep from her, and he wasn't even gonna flinch on the little things.


Scott stopped pulled out a box in the hall. "There's a $2.4 million dollar blood diamond ring in there. It's yours, as well as half of everything I own, and feel free to take one of the Ferrari's out for a spin," Scott said with a smile, "Well that is if you sign that legal document on the table there. No need for ceremony...I'll just send it and a good sum of money up to a judge. Walter, the butler has already signed as the witness." He then continued his walk down the hall to leave her with her thoughts, and in his mind he thought he'd win her over by this show of trust better. He thought that if he just told her she could have whatever she wanted without asking it would make it all better in the end.

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(Guys, I swear I haven't forgotten about Matthew! I'll make a post about him probably this weekend.)


Rebekah took Felix’s story in with a blank expression. She had no idea what to think. She slowly started to process how he had been beaten. She put her hand on his cheek with tender concern. Then, out of nowhere, a smile creeped up on her face, and she tried to hold it in, but she ended up bursting into laughter.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” she exclaimed as she laughed. “I know it’s terrible for me to laugh, but...it’s so awesome that you’re willing to do that! In some ways, what you’re doing is more brave than most of the stuff we’ve been through with our Inhabiters. I just wish I could have seen you dancing like that! Minus the beating, of course. I bet if you tried breathing fire from the cow suit, those kids would back off.” Her laughter finally died down, and she put her arms around him. “But in all seriousness, I’m glad you’re okay.” She leaned her head against Felix’s chest and looked over at Alex, who was laying on the couch. “And how was your day?” she asked him. “Looks like you’re glad to be done with work.”


Alexis kept her composure just until Scott was out of the room, and hopefully out of earshot. Upon seeing that document and the box that contained the ring, all that he was asking her to do became very real to her. Her mouth dropped open and her eyes widened, and she put her hand on her forehead in shock. Her breaths became shallow and quick, and she leaned on the table for support. She opened the box and looked at the ring, which only made everything worse. I can’t just be tethered to someone like this for the rest of my life, she thought. I can’t. I can’t. I can’t!!

“So don’t,” Larxene chimed in. “I keep telling you we should just get out of here, and you’re realizing just now how deep in you’ve gotten yourself?”

Alexis scowled. She thought of all the reasons why she hadn’t listened to her Inhabiter...the promise of an insane amount of power...material possessions...and she could still be free to do whatever she wanted. Or whomever. Of course, that second part only mattered if she got bored. You know, I’m beginning to wonder why you haven’t actually done anything about this, Larxene. If you were so afraid for your own life, wouldn’t you have dragged me out of here a long time ago? I think you trust him about as much as I do. Which isn’t much, but it’s more than I’ve trusted just about anyone else.

“...I’m not terribly interested in a tug-of-war of wills at this point,” Larxene responded with just a tiny bit less confidence than her normal tone.

“Hmph,” Alexis said out loud. She stared at the things on the table once again. It was just a stupid piece of paper. And the ring would probably look good on her. She blocked out all her previous thoughts and only thought of the benefits, steeled herself, grabbed the nearby pen, and signed her name furiously. She then put on the ring and examined it more closely. It truly was beautiful...

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"oh you bet I am. Never...and I mean ever let a sissy year old woman pay in cash. I sat for Atleast thirty minutes waiting for her to put the money down. And Felix you were in a cow suit...." Alex started laughing "I should have taken my lunch break to Chikfila to check it out, maybe I could have stopped those kids for ya" he said with a smile on his face.

'really Axel? A cow suit? What I wouldn't give to see that.'

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"Hey alright...it's funny. I know it's funny, and Axel was laughing the entire time. I'm glad your day went good Alex. So...Rebekah. Librarian?" ,he asked with a wink. Then he looked around for Callum. "Oh yeah...Callum got us dinner...I don't see him...maybe I got a concussion or something from those kids," he said with a laugh.


Scott sat down in his livingroom and turned on the TV. There was news of all of the bad things, unsolved murders, and conspiracy theories as to how the CIA got taken out. They were blaming the usual suspects, and he knew they'd never guess it was a single American man. He started laughing maniacly, and couldn't stop it was too much.

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Rebekah looked down bashfully. “Well, more like library aide, but close enough,” she said with a smile. She then reached up and rubbed Felix’s head with her hand. “I bet Callum will be here soon. He’s bringing us McDonald’s, right? Haven’t had anything from there in a while.”


Alexis was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Scott laughing in the other room. She found him in the living room and saw what he was watching. “Your work?” she asked, gazing at the television in awe.

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Felix nodded. "Yeah...it'll feel normal getting some fast food. I started feeling normal as soon as I got that job, and came back to a house...instead of a bus or a car, " Felix said smiling.


Scott smirked. "Sure is. Can you believe they don't have a freaking clue who did it? They think it was Russian spies...or terrorists from some middle eastern country. Pssh. Same schtick they go through every time right? How are you feeling? Ya looked pissed," Scott said keeping his composure on the couch.

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Joy sighed. "We don't know what destroying the X-blade will do to Callum, and Troy. They could break like Ventus. But we can look. And my family is in Ohio. Thought it would be a nice place to train. My hometown's pretty small."


Callum walked into the house, steamed. "There was some brat. Completely ruined my day. I just wanted to wring his neck," Callum growled.

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"Yeah man, and remember we've got to keep a low profile," Felix said looking at Callum, "Oh...and it's dinner time right? I can't wait to eat!"

'Pig,' Axel thought.

'You're hungry too!' ,Felix thought.

'Pssh. Not bad enough to announce it,' Axel replied.

Edited by Damion Strife

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Callum nodded. "I can make some Spaghetti. Only thing I can make. You guys want to try it?" Vanitas groaned again. Pitiful. You can cook? Callum sighed. Can't tell if that's sexist or not. Vanitas laughed. Not really. I got my butt kicked by Aqua, remember? And at least I got you the ultimate Void Gear. Callum slightly grinned. By destroying my heart.

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"Awww no Mickey D's? Oh well...you make the spagheti, I'll make some homemade garlic bread, and I guess Rebekah and Alex can work on making a salad," Felix said smiling, "Luckily the town stocked up the kitchen for us. I guess they didn't think we'd be able to find jobs so fast huh?" He walked over, grabbed up some ingrediants, and started making the bread...

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"Man try looking at food from the inside of a cow!" Felix said laughing. He'd finally formed the bread, and now he was putting the garlic and cheese on it so it'd cook. He was excited to see how it turned out, it was his second try at it, and he hoped it turned out better than before.

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Rebekah immediately grabbed the salad supplies and mixed the lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, onions, and peperoncini together in a large bowl, topping it all off with some olive oil, balsamic vinegar, garlic salt, and parmesan cheese. The bread Felix was making smelled incredible, and she couldn’t wait for Callum’s spaghetti to be ready.

Once the salad was done, she turned to Felix and tapped his shoulder. “Felix, I was wanting to ask you something...” she said quietly, her eyes narrowed ever-so-slightly.


Alexis’s mouth straightened into a line. “Just got a lot on my mind,” she replied, taking a seat on the opposite end of the couch. “Nice diamond, by the way,” she said, glancing at her ring again. “You’ve definitely got great taste. So Scott, would you happen to know where Felix and his merry band are right now? How much more training do we have to do before crushing their skulls?”


Keilani sighed. She knew she shouldn’t be too impatient, but...she couldn’t help it. “So what kind of training will we do? And what else will we try with the χ-blade in order to get Callum and Troy’s hearts back, besides just destroying it?”

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Alex went over to the bowl and poured in the dressing, he took two large spoons an mixed the whole thing together. Everything was mixed together and he started setting up the table. He put down forks and knives over napkins. He grabbed some glasses. "What do you guy want to drink?"

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Felix popped the bread in the oven and nodded. "I think I'd like some Mr. Pibb. That stuff is goood. Sure we can talk! We'll have plenty of time while that cooks. Wanna talk in private or is it ok here?" ,Felix asked.


Scott smiled and said, "Truthfully I can sense inhabiters from a state away. Unfortunatly none are near. So that means they've split to the East, North, or South. Judging by Felix's accent...he'll be in one of the southern states. So we'll make a road trip there...after some high intensity combat training...and that will take place tomorrow. Now it's time for lunch, then a swim, and then eh whatever until dinner."

Edited by Damion Strife

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Rebekah glanced at Callum and Alex, then started pulling Felix outside the kitchen. “Just out here,” she replied.


“Alright, then,” Alexis replied. She felt fairly certain of what Scott meant by “eh whatever.” It was what every man seemed to expect of her. Of course, it was kind of the expectation that she herself set up for every powerful or influential man she met. She, sighed, shrugged, and stood up to head to the dining room.

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Felix blushed and shut the back door behind him. "Wow that pool looks nice...um ok down to buisness. What do you need Rebekah?" ,Felix asked kindly.


Scott smiled and walked into the dining room. He sat in his usual chair, and waited. Walter set up the seat across the table from him with an assortment of soups, and sandwhiches. Then loaded Scott down too. Scott waited for Alexis, and smiled as gently as he could at her.

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Rebekah glanced at the pool and half-smiled. It did look very pretty, especially as the light outside was fading. She then looked back at Felix, and spoke to him like a parent talking to a mischievous child. “I couldn’t help but notice that I got the room with the largest bed in this house. Did you happen to notice this? Or was it completely random? Because I think you and I both know that you and Callum are bigger than me, and therefore probably have more need of a king-sized bed than myself, and I would be willing to switch rooms with either one of you.” She place a hand on the top of Felix’s head and messed with his hair.


Alexis entered the dining room shortly after Scott and selected her food. She didn’t know what to make of the smile he was giving her. It made her feel...uncomfortable. But she tried not to show any visible reaction on her face. She cleared her throat. “Um, is there something you’re trying to tell me?” she asked. Oh, no. That came out awkward. She was never awkward. Never. She was really tripping here.

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Felix shook his head. "Nah, actually I love having a full sized bed, and don't worry about Callum. He loves the queen sized bed in his dark room. I feel like we should let you have the big bed, and it's kind of your color ya know?" ,Felix said. He then kissed her cheek and looked at the pool. "I'm so gonna swim in that tonight," he said laughing.


Scott shook his head and started eating. "No, not really. I was just thinking about watching you kill those idiots...it kind of excites me about our training. I can't wait to have you ready for this," Scott said grinning.

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Rebekah laughed. “You’re crazy. I mean, I know it’s fairly warm here, but don’t you think the water will be kind of cold by now? What is it with guys and jumping into cold water?” she wondered aloud, shaking her head.


Alexis smirked. That wasn’t what she had been expecting to hear, but she liked it. “I’m pretty excited myself,” she replied, then started eating her own lunch. “Got anymore of those IRS guys for me?”

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Felix shrugged. "If it's cold I'll swim until I don't mind it anymore, and then...I'll take a warm shower and watch some tv," he said smiling, "I take it you won't be joining me?" He winked, and then got ready to walk back inside.



"No," Scott said quicklly. He then ate his food for about thirteen minutes, and then looked up at her and said, "But I've actually got a few hundred ex-cons from that prison." He looked up at her hopefully and asked, "What do you think, wanna be their suprise execution for tonight's entertainment? I mean...I promised them a place in my future empire, but I don't think they deserve it. Do you?"

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Rebekah knelt by the pool and put her hand in the water, then shivered just a little at the thought of putting her entire body in there. But maybe she could get used to it if she sat in there for a few minutes. “Well, I’ll think about it,” she replied slowly. “How long do I have before a final decision must be reached?”


“Oh, trust me, I could probably find a thousand reasons why those low-lifes wouldn’t deserve a place in your future empire. Sounds like fun to me. So, you enjoy watching me kill people, huh? How delightfully sick and twisted you are,” Alexis snickered.

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"Oh just thirty minutes after dinner. I hope that'll be plenty of time...oh yeah, and I gotta change too," Felix said with a grin. He opened the backdoor and held it for her. "Well, the bread's almost done," he said sweetly.


"Yeah...I'm bad huh?" ,Scott asked as he bit into his sandwhich. As soon as he finished he stood up, and went outside. He walked into a room to change, and then emerged wearing black swim trunks. He then jumped into the 12ft side of the pool and swam thirty feet to the 3ft side.

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Rebekah smiled and stepped through the door. “Well, I can’t wait to taste some of that bread,” she said.


Alexis got up and selected a string bikini from her room, changed into it, and dove into the pool. She performed a graceful butterfly stroke as she joined Scott on the 3-foot side. “Is there anything you don’t have here?” she asked with a smile.

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