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Number XV

Kingdom Hearts: Incarcerated RP

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Callum shuffled nervously. "Well, Joy wants to know about whether James knew where he got his prosthetic arm. He seems pretty shaken up, his mind set that he can't do anything for the group. I thought YOU would understand that." Callum was silent for a moment, realizing that was distaste in his mouth. The thing he was trying to get rid of. "I'm sorry." He looked at Elie, smiling slightly at her accomplishment, and walked up to the front desk. "Uh. I'm Callum, and Elie and Mariah and I want to visit Joy. We're his family." The attendant typed for a moment, then looked up again. "Make it quick." Callum beckoned to Mariah and Elie, then walked back over to Joy's room.


(Just realized Callum meant dove. Now I have to think of a cool plot point where he has to bring peace or something.)

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Alexis groaned just the tiniest bit as Felix burned her arm just before letting go of it. “Well, obviously he’s the kind of guy who would leave me for dead, or else I wouldn’t be here right now,” she retorted. “And I think that answers your question of how close he and I are. How trained is he? I assume he’s had quite a bit of training--he’s deadly, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s been trained since childhood. I don’t even know him that well. As for other ‘bad guys like me...’ well, I’d say that term is pretty subjective. Define ‘bad guy’ for me.”


Keilani’s stomach dropped the instant she saw Scott, and every muscle in her body tensed in fear and anger. She thought of screaming for help, but he would probably just end up pointing that stupid scythe at her. She glared up at him as he spoke to her, mystified as to the reason behind the crude disguise. But what was really shocking was the fact that he was even here. Why was he here? It should’ve been Troy on the other side of that door. Troy was the one who had told her to come here. Unless... “You were the one who texted me...from Troy’s phone.” She jerked her shoulder away from his hand and turned to face him straight on. “Where’s Troy? What did you do to him?!” she demanded.


Mariah eagerly followed Callum into Joy’s room, hurried over to Joy, and grasped his hand. “Joy...are you okay?” she asked softly.


Once he had caught his breath, Troy stood up slowly and rubbed his eyes. A tear had spilled over from one of them. On a normal day, Troy would have detested that tear and instantly rubbed it off his face, hoping that no one had seen it, but today was far from normal. Today, it felt amazing on his cheek. He could actually feel again. He had never known such a wonderful sensation in all his life.

He then started to think of his friends, and remembered what had happened just before this: the fight with Paige and Scott. He didn’t remember at what point he had been knocked out, but the next thing he knew, Rebekah had brought him here. He decided to go look for everyone else, eager to see Rebekah and Felix...and Keilani, most of all. He found Rebekah and Tudi just outside Joy’s room. “Hey!” he said, grinning from ear to ear and waving. “What’s up? Do you know where Keilani is?”

Rebekah immediately looked at the place where Keilani had been sitting and frowned when she found it empty. “Um...no, I don’t. She was over there a while ago, but I haven’t seen her recently. “I’m sure she’s around her somewhere, though.”

Troy nodded, hiding his disappointment. “And Felix?”

“He’s...taking care of some business right now. Doesn’t want to be bothered,” Rebekah said hesitantly. “Troy...why are you smiling so much?”

“Long story.” He looked over at Tudi, who appeared depressed. Seeing the scars covering her left side, he felt bad for her, but maybe it would be best for him to pretend not to notice. Besides, scars or not, Tudi was a great girl, and they were all lucky to have her on their team. “Hey, why the long face?” he asked her, clapping his hand over her good shoulder. “Cheer up!” He then addressed both Rebekah and Tudi. “Well, I think I’m going to track Keilani down. Let me know if you see her!” He started walking quickly down the hall, scanning each open door he passed.

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Felix smiled. "Well, how about the Hades guy? Did you know if anyone was with him? Why did he and Scott seperate?" he asked.


Scott smirked at her. "I've got Troy in a safe place. Don't you worry about that, Ethan has him. You're friends have a very special girl of mine, so I took you. I want you to give me one hundred percent cooperation, and he'll see you as soon as we're done. All you have to do is switch places with Alexis with the disguise on, and then it'll all be over. Just remember...I'm not doing this for me. I'm doing this for Ethan, if you see some other boy who is looking for Alexis tell him that Ethan isn't who he says he is. Ethan was adopted by Alexis's parents, and he's always had a crush on her. Ethan will have her hidden somewhere, and he doesn't want her with James," Scott said smiling.

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“Hell if I know where he is. Last I saw him, there wasn’t anyone with him except some chick,” Alexis lied. “He was fighting against a guy named Avan. He and Scott separated because Scott faked his own death. So can I go now?”


Keilani swallowed. Knowing Scott, she was well aware that she may not get out of this alive either way. She just hoped Troy was alright. She obediently put on the bandana, wig, and perfume, thinking how ridiculous she must look. “There, happy? So who is this Alexis, and why does it matter so much that I tell your little made-up story to the ‘other boy?’ You sound like...well, a fifteen-year-old girl.”


Troy had looked everywhere around the hospital, but he still couldn’t find Keilani. He was getting nervous now, because no one had said anything to him about having found her, either. He checked the main lobby one more time, and when he still didn’t see her, he rode the elevator up to the highest floor he could get to, then ran up to the rooftop. He got on his Keyblade Glider and started flying over the streets, and Ven helped him out by trying to sense Naminé.

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"Yeah...you were a good girl. Now. I'll go fill up the sink so we can wash your face for an hour or two," Felix said darkly. He ran up the stairs and plugged up the men's bathroom sink, he turned the hot water on hi, and let it begin to fill up.


Scott grabbed her and teleported back to the gallery. There was Alexis...but crap her hair was black. So to be smart he threw it into the blood on the floor until it was caked with blood, then he put the bandana over Keilani's face, and put the wig back on her. He unstrapped Alexis, then put Keilani on the table, and strapped her in. He then grabbed Alexis's hand and teleported back to the hotel room.


Felix came back down once the sink was full, he was so pissed off, and so ready to get rid of such a horrible woman that he didn't notice it was Keilani. He thew a dinner cloth over her, and then began pushing the stretcher up the stairs as roughly as he could.

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Alexis’s eyes grew wide when Felix announced he was going to finish her off. She couldn’t die this way. She couldn’t. It would be humiliating, being offed so easily by a loser like that. She started struggling against the straps, and the next moment, Scott was there...with Keilani. He freed her and put Keilani in her place in a flash, and as soon as he had taken her back to the hotel room, she slapped his face with her free hand. “What the hell was that, you bastard?! Leaving me alone with that psycho! I almost died!” she screamed.


Keilani struggled against Scott as he grabbed her and strapped her to the stretcher, but he was too strong. The girl she saw...that was Paige, wasn’t it? But Scott was calling her Alexis. Apparantly, Paige wasn’t who she had claimed to be. And then there was the matter of all the dead bodies sprawled everywhere on the floor...and the blood that now covered her wig. She closed her eyes, trying to block it all out, when she heard someone approaching. She opened her eyes, expecting...she wasn’t sure what to expect, but she felt relief for a fleeting moment. Felix! she thought. But it was as if he didn’t recognize her--he had a cold look on his face. He threw a table cloth over her and started wheeling her somewhere, and she got a very bad feeling. The fact that she couldn't see where they were headed just made it worse. She tried to scream for Felix to stop, tried to tell him she wasn’t Alexis, but Scott had tied the bandana around her so tightly that she couldn’t speak. Her heart raced, and she just hoped that Felix would recognize her before something terrible happened.


“Hey, I think she’s nearby!” Ven told his host excitedly. “Somewhere around that museum we were at just last night...what would she be doing there?”

Troy shook his head. “Whatever it is, I don’t like it. Let’s get to her fast.” He sped up his glider and flew towards the street where the museum was located.

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Felix then pulled the cover off, and leaned the chair towards the sink. "Alright Alexis...look me in the eyes while you die..." he said angrily. He put her hair into the water, but then noticed the blood coming off her hair revealing blonde...he figured she'd covered it with blood before they fought. But he had to be sure. He also didn't remember ever covering her mouth. So he uncovered it. "Wha..what the hell are you doing her Keilani???" he yelled freeing her, "Jeeze give me a heart attack why don't you? Didn't your mother ever teach you not to play in stretchers?? Wait...where is Alexis?"


Scott looked at her. "Did he hurt you badly? Tell me on the way. But first grab some fruit. We're heading to my hideout in Las Vegas...that way we can train for a bit before we hit the FBI," he said sternly. He pointed at the breakfast tray that nobody had touched. "You didn't think I'd forgotten about you did I? I mean I was only gone for about an hour.... Did you tell him anything important?" Scott asked.

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“Only that you were a no-good son of a bitch,” Alexis replied venomously. “I was trying to save my own skin because I figured I didn’t have an ally left in the world.” She grabbed some fruit as Scott had instructed. “So prove me wrong!”


Keilani gasped and sat up, realizing how close to death she had just come, and squeezing her eyes shut to keep the tears from spilling over. She focused only on breathing for a short moment, and composed herself just enough to give Felix an explanation. “I...she...” She swallowed. “Scott tricked me. He...had me go to this hotel, and the next thing I knew, we ended up here, and he switched Alexis out with me.” She wondered why Felix had been on the verge of killing Alexis, but she didn’t feel like asking about it right now. And he hoped he wouldn’t ask her anymore questions for the moment, because she probably wouldn’t be able to answer without breaking down.


Troy ended up right at the window he had entered through when he started fighting Scott and Alexis. “So she’s here?”

“Yeah, positive. And I can sense Axel, too.”

“Alright, lead the way.” Ven started guiding him to where Felix and Keilani were in the building.

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Felix nodded and helped her down. "I'm sorry little lady....I didn't mean to scare you. Alexis was the one who killed all of these people, I got everything she would give, and so I decided to take her out. She was dangerous, and wouldn't have thought twice about killing a kid like you. Come on, let's go wait for the others...and again...I'm really sorry. I'm thinking Scott knew I'd try to take Alexis out quickly...and he tried to make me do that to you. I promise you...next time I'll be more aware. You don't have to forgive me...I screwed up," Felix said glumly.


Scott's emotions were screwed up. He didn't know how to proove to Alexis that he actually valued her existance...but then his body took over and he pulled her close. He kissed her, and used his right hand to claw gently down her back. When he realized what he'd done he just looked her in the eye and asked, "Satisfied? Can we go now?"

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"Come on let's go see what's going on." Roxas grabbed Xions hand and went over to where he last felt Larxenes presence.


It lead him over to where Alexis fought against Felix. He turned and saw Troy. "Hey Ventus, you know what happened here?"

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Xion just followed as Roxas said to. She didn't have a clue what Roxas was feeling, but it must have been important.


"Really? I come from a line of music people. So what do you play?" Avan asked.

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Keilani shook her head and spoke in a strained voice. “No...don’t worry about it. You hated Alexis for what she did...” She remembered all the dead bodies and a tear escaped. “And you couldn’t think of anything else. Of course I’ll forgive you, Felix.” Even though she wasn’t angry with him, she was still extremely shaken and couldn’t breathe steadily.

She was staring down and clenching her fists when the door opened...and Troy stepped through. His face switched between several different emotions in and a couple seconds--relief, happiness, confusion, and finally concern. He ran over to her with wide eyes and held her close to him for the longest time. “Keilani...what happened to you?”

Keilani was now a crazy mixture of emotions as well. Troy had finally gotten his heart back, and she was in his arms again--he cared about her once more. She had been thinking it would never come to be. But there was still the image of the corpses in her head, as well as the memory of the helpless feeling as she had almost been led to her death. She tried to say something to Troy, anything, but all that came out were sobs. She buried her face in his chest as she cried into it. Troy kept his arms around her, with one hand on her back, and one caressing her hair. It felt wonderful to hold her like this again, to be in love with her again, but it also tore him up inside to see her in this state. He looked up at Felix curiously, but decided for the moment not to ask him about it. Something told him that it wouldn’t be a good idea to discuss the subject in front of Keilani right now. “Hey guys, why don’t we get out of here? Get to some place that’s a bit more...peaceful?” he suggested softly to both of them.

He then looked over at Alex. “Um...I don’t know. But maybe we could talk about this later?” He said, hoping that Alex would get the message.


Alexis’s eyes widened as Scott kissed her. That was something she hadn’t seen coming. She didn’t try to pull away, though--she just stood there until he was finished. “Y-yeah.” She cleared her throat to make her voice sound less astonished. “So let’s go!” she said in a more annoyed tone.


Ethan walked up to the front of the art museum. Weird...I thought you had sensed her here just a moment ago, he thought to Hades. You know, I don’t think your superior, godly powers are sounding too superior and godly today.

“Shut up, small fry!” Hades growled. “Well, look who we have here. That kid’s Inhabited by the flake who’s afraid of the darkness. Let’s pulverize him!”

Ethan focused on the guy Hades was talking about (Jayson). He appeared to be standing guard in front of the building. No way, man, I’m not picking a fight just because of someone who bruised your ego! I’ve got better things to do! But are you sure she’s not in there?

“Of course I’m sure! She was there, and now she’s not. Probably used one of those corridors to get out fast. Why does it matter so much, anyway? There are plenty of chicks in this city, and much more mentally stable than that Lex of yours. Just pick one!”

Ethan paused. Why did it matter? It was because of the plan they’d had...with James. She needed to be located so that she could get James to release Sephiroth and then wreak havoc on the “good” Inhabiters. And that was the only reason. Ethan wouldn’t allow himself to think about it further. Alright, let’s get out of here. He started walking down the street quickly.

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"Hmmm, alright. Hey Xion. You sure you didn't feel anything. I'm sure it was Larxene. I don't know if that's good or bad?" He thought for a second. He started to think. "Maybe we should go check out this museum, maybe there are some clues aroun here"

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Felix shook his head. "I'm afraid we can't leave....I've got the others headed this way. Rebekah and the rest of them should be arriving...let me just text her again..." he said pulling out his phone. 'Baby, everything went well. I got my info, but the hostage escaped. We need to get the others together quickly otherwise we'll lose valuable time.' he sent the message to Rebekah. "Oh, and as for Larxene...well let me just explain it fast before the others get here. She killed all these people, I interrogated her, and now we wait for the others to get here..." he said with a huff.


Scott nodded and teleported the two of them to his mansion. "Good to be home. There's a big bathroom up the master stairway to the left. It's about as big an apartment, and the tub is like a pool...I'm sure you'll be able to clean up in there. I've also taken the liberty of getting you some new clothes, they're in the room waiting. When you're done, come downstairs, and meet me in the billiard room. Oh, and before you ask...this house cost my family $3.5 billion. That should give you an idea of how much money I have at my will. But that's the power of extortion my dear..." he said winking. He then wallked down the hall to the right and took a left. Ending him in the billiard room.

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"Aw, oh well" Roxas let Alex gain control again. "My heads spinning. Well we should've made sure ah couldn't escape. That could have helped out a little. But anyways, what are we going to do once everyone gets here? Do we have a plan or something? After all we can't just run in we don't know what will happen."

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"Well of course I have a plan. We're going to vote up four captains, each captain will have a lieutennant, and they will be in charge of protecting a small group of the others. I've already decided to put my name in the hat for second captain...I also want Joy to be a captain since he already has a heck of a lot of experiance, and then I was thinking Victoria could too.....the reason I didn't think of anyone younger is mostly because...well....I was thinking the captains would choose where their own group would go. The lieutenants would just be volunteers...they'd choose who'd they serve, and whoever wanted to go with who could just choose. Then all the lieutenants and captains could get eachother's numbers, and we'd split up in different vehicles. That way it'd be harder for our enemies to hunt us down...what do you guys think?" Felix asked.

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"Wait, I am a little confused. What are we doing that we need four teams?" Victoria asked taking back over control.


"Well I have a one over there, why don't you show me what you can do." Avan asked as he ate more.

Edited by Xeveemon

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Arina got up and went over to the piano. Her hands shook a little but she got control back. She started to play the price that she knew the best Moonlight Sonata - Beethoven. Her hands danced over the keys like they were almost floating.


"Well we need four team to go and either fight or look for Alexis, the one with Larxene. "

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Avan listened to the music and smiled at it. 'Tricking her is almost too easy.' Avan thought.


"Oh, okay then. I guess I can be a captain and Aria and Noel can be on my team. I am going to have Big Man watch over Paul for me until he is better." Victoria said.

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