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Number XV

Kingdom Hearts: Incarcerated RP

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Scott became furious and slashed at Troy like a mad man. He hadn't gotten any sleep for the past few days, he'd had too much trouble getting the whole prison thing together, and he could tell his form was at thirty percent at the greatest. So he teleported around Troy once more, except faster, he then stopped, and threw his scythe horizontally at Troy's feet hoping to knock him down.


Felix nodded. "Yeah...I don't remember Jayson being the art type...let's go...but please stay behind me and be ready for anything," Felix said sternly. He headed for the stairway, and noticed Jayson was headed up. He heard a huge commotion upstairs, and whipped out his chakrams and bolted up the stairs.

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Troy was so busy using all his remaining strength to block Alexis’s slashes that he didn’t even notice the scythe coming at him. He felt his feet fly out from underneath him, and his head smacked hard against the floor. He immediately lost consciousness from the impact.

“Wow...I’ve got to give it to him, that’s one tough kid,” Alexis remarked breathlessly. She grabbed the collar of his shirt to make sure he had really blacked out, then pointed her knives at his throat, ready to kill him. “You know him?” she asked Scott. “I don’t see any reason to keep him around.”


Rebekah stayed behind Felix as he had requested and followed him up the stairway cautiously. When he brought out his chakrams, she followed suit by summoning her Keyblade. She heard someone screaming in pain...the boy’s voice sounded familiar...

“Ven!” Aqua cried out desperately. “Hurry, Rebekah, we’ve got to help him!”

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Felix busted into a full sprint towards Scott, and seizing an opprotunity managed to land a hit on Scott with his chakrams. Not only did Scott recieve two slashes on his shoulder, but he also recieved two small burns. Scott looked at Felix furiously, and picked up his scythe. "Good, two more bugs to squash," Scott said twirling the scythe. He threw it at Rebekah, but Felix caught it easily in his right hand and chunked it back.


"No, I don't think so...Mr, you and you're friend have had it. I remember that you're the one who kidnapped Keilani, and I take it you're also the one who posed as a doctor to hook this girl into your gang huh? What the lord of the dead not good enough for ya?" Felix asked angrily.


"No one...talks to me like that," Scott said furiously. He dropped the scythe, and cracked his knuckles. "I hope you know this means that you and your girlfriend are going to die slowly," Scott said quietly. He ran at Felix who put away his chakrams, and ran at Scott. Scott then smiled evilly, and teleported behind Felix. Scott punched Felix in his back, shoulders, and then the back of his head. Felix's body shook with pain, and he quickly wheeled around and hit Scott in the face, throat, and abdomine. Scott staggered backwards, and then came back swinging at Felix head on. Felix blocke two punches, and then kicked Scott in the chest.


'It's obvious that I'm too tired to fight, and it might be best to leave,' Scott thought. He ran towards Alexis and Troy, and was about to teleport with him...


Felix sneered, and then noticed Alexis was off her guard, and finding this as a golden opprotunity he ran at Alexis and moved in to tackle her....

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(I'm gone for half a day and you do this much? Geez...

@Always I was hoping for Mariah to respond to Tudi before Elie caught up. Number got it though...)


Tudi was slightly hurt, seeing Joy so badly injured, and being disregarded. She guessed that she was still a kid to them. "Alright then, I'll just get going, no reason to stick around. Just wanted to see how he was doing." Tudi spoke, quietly as she exited.


"Got it!" Elie called out, louder then she meant to be. "Here are Joy's hospital records. Wow, looks like he's gotten into a few scraps before. Alright then, just need to do this." Elie was focused as she tapped a few keys. "Tada! Callum meet your new brother." She turned around for a second and heard about James. She decided to just keep working silently. She heard a door close. A quick turn around showed that Tudi was leaving. Elie hadn't even heard her come in. She continued tapping until she got Mariah registered as a cousin. Now left the hard decision. Whether or not to put herself down as a relative. She had heard Mariah suggest it, but still didn't know whether or not to do so.


(I actually don't know Terra's battle skills, so I'll hold off on that until I can see a few videos.)

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"Xion, I am getting a bad feeling, I think I feel another inhabiter. I think it's someone we know" Roxas started to think, who did he know that never felt right. Maybe Saix...Xemnas....actually most of the Organization besides Axel and Xion gave him bad feelings.


Arina took some of the food and ate carefully. She was hungry but she was a prisoner too. She kept wishing that anyone would come and save her. She couldn't speak to Kairi because of his inhabiter Xehanort.

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"Felix? Rebekah?" Jayson questioned as they both ran past him into the art gallery. After a few seconds of shock he ran inside himself. What he saw was quite the battle. Paige, Troy, Felix, Rebekah and another man all facing off.He saw that Paige was on the wrong side. "Not good," he muttered.

'Well what're you doing just standing there? Get fighting!' Terra yelled inside his head.

'Got that right!' Jayson thought back. Jayson summoned Ends of the Earth and dashed to a point slightly ahead Scott in order to block him and slashed a few times. "Not so fast buddy!"

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(@Yuffie: Oh, actually Mariah hasn't been in Joy's room yet since the doctors said that only family can go see him, so that's why she wouldn't have seen Tudi. Sorry if I wasn't clear enough about that. :P And I can still have Mariah acknowledge her as Tudi is walking out of Joy's room, but right now she's talking to Callum, as Callum exited Joy's room in order to ask Mariah a question.)



When more people came in, Alexis dropped the unconscious Troy as if he was nothing more than a rag doll. She glared at Felix, Rebekah, and Jayson. Well, so much for the Paige facade.


Rebekah nodded at Jayson on the way up the stairs, too distressed about hearing that Troy and Ven were in danger to say anything to him. She reached the top of the stairs and saw Alexis aiming Larxene’s knives at Troy’s throat, then letting go of Troy. “Paige? What did you do to Troy?!” Aqua demanded furiously through her host. “Wait...Maleficent’s not the one Inhabiting you, is she?”


“That’s correct,” Larxene responded. “My name is Larxene, and I have no idea who you are, nor do I care. As for little Troy here, I was just trying to do everyone a favor and rid the world of yet another Sora copy. But I guess that’ll have to wait now. I don’t understand how he’s so popular among all of you.” She gave control back to Alexis, who lunged at Aqua. Aqua also gave control back to her host, who charged at her opponent with equal force using Barrier Surge. They were both thrown back after hitting each other, and landed a few feet apart again. Rebekah slashed at Alexis, who easily dodged the attack and kicked Rebekah to the floor. At that moment, she heard someone running up behind her, and she knew it wasn’t Scott. She warped out of the way so that whoever it was (Felix) would land on Rebekah instead.

Edited by Always

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Felix totally didn't see that coming, he stopped right infront of Rebekah about three inches from her face. "Well, ain't this something? Marluxia and Larxene together, well I've got Axel....how about that for a freaking family reunion?" Felix whispered. He turned around, resummoned his chakrams, and threw them at Alexis. "Jayson, need a hand?" Felix asked as he ran towards Scott.


Scott quickly avoided Jayson, and smirked. He resummoned his scythe and slashed behind himself at Jayson. He then let the scythe vanish once more, and went to pick up Troy. He would then teleport the both of them back outside to his car....but then he noticed Felix heading his way. So he did something a little unorthadox, and threw his watch at Felix. It hit Felix dead in the eye, and he fell on his back from the shock.


"The heck was that???" Felix yelled getting up, "Alright, that was a dick move. You threw a freaking Rolex at me!!"


"Sorry, I don't play fair!!" Scott yelled, he ran at Felix once more with his bare fists, but just before he reached him Felix's chakrams were back in his hands. Felix ignited them and caused them to spin infront of him. He successfully sliced up Scott's jacket, tie, and shirt. Scott backed up with three large wounds on his chest and abdomine.


"Paige we gotta get the Hell out of here! With the way this is going all the inhabiters will be here, and I'm fatigued as it is!" Scott yelled. He ran back to Troy, and prepared to escape...

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Alexis dodged Felix’s chakrams gracefully.

“So it is Axel...” Larxene mused. “I don’t know whether to kiss the guy’s cheek or decorate it with my knives...I think I’ll go with the latter.” She started to charge at Felix just as Scott was yelling to her, and she hesitated. He was right--as skilled as they were at fighting, it wouldn’t help much if they became horribly outnumbered.

“Well then, catch you all later!” Alexis called, waving tauntingly and running after Scott.

Rebekah jumped to her feet and shot Blizzara at Alexis, grazing her side. Alexis stumbled a little, holding her hand to the place where she had been hit and hissing through her teeth.

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Felix ran straight for Alexis, and went into a straight on hi-jump kick.


Scott teleported without Troy...he decided he didn't need him, but did take his phone before leaving...

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Alexis turned around to look behind her just a moment too late, and Felix’s foot came into contact with her forehead. On top of the blow to her head, she felt like her neck might snap from the force. She fell backward and hit her head on the floor, and everything went black.

Rebekah ran up to Troy and grabbed his shoulders. “Hey...Troy! Troy, are you okay?” Troy groaned in response, and his eyes fluttered open a little.

“Rebekah...? What happened?” he mumbled. He had no idea where he was or what he had been doing just a few minutes before, but what he did know for sure was that all he wanted was to go back to sleep.

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"Whew...that was...intense," Felix said looking at Rebekah. He walked over to Alexis and looked down. She was so knocked out it wasn't funny, and now it was time to get the guys together and interrogate her. Finally they'd have some inside information on what Scott was up to, and they might even be able to find out how many people he has with him. "Axel...I need a dark portal to the hospital pronto. Rebekah, take Troy with you...you guys should wind up in my room, and once you get there I need you to grab the stretcher in it and roll it into the portal. I'm going to put her on it, and get some information out of her. Don't bother coming back through the portal, just go get the others and bring them here," Felix said looking back to Rebekah. He opened the portal, then looked at Jayson. "Nobody from the outside comes into this room please. It'd be good if I had her alone for interrogation, it's going to be a little illegal, and it could get messy..." Felix said darkly. He stood over Alexis, and got his chakrams ready. She wasn't going anywhere....hopefully.


Scott went over to the taxi, and grabbed everything he owned out of it. Starting with the doctor's outfit, and then noticed that Alexis's phone had fallen out of her pocket and was sitting in the seat. He now had two phones not belonging to him. He also had a lot of numbers, he immediatly texted James: 'Help, I'm in an art gallery in Chicago! I don't have much time, they say they're going to kill me tonight!! James, darling I need you!!' Perfect. If he didn't answer to that he didn't know who would. Then with Troy's phone he texted Keilani...he remembered that name, and he knew just how to play this. 'Keilani, Felix has gotten us a room at the big hotel on 10th street. We're in room 666, weird room I know. Lol! But I should be there when you get back, if not then I'll be there eventually. I love you! Bye.' He then put Troy's phone on the ground, and then chunked Alexis's phone into the window that had been busted out in the huge fight with Felix and the gang.


Scott headed to the hotel he'd ordered Keilani to go to, and then ordered room 666 which in most hotels is very vacant. He put it under the name Troy, luckily the Keilani girl mentioned his name a lot, and he didn't erase his messages. He checked the room out for a while, and then went straight to sleep on the bed.

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Keilani woke up after a fairly restless sleep, having dreamt of Troy and the χ-blade...in that dream, they found that no matter what they tried, there was no way possible to destroy the horrible weapon, and Troy would be a Nobody forever. Keilani shuddered and got up, slipping quietly past everyone who remained at the hospital, and went to Felix’s room, which was now empty. She wondered how Felix had managed to get out of that awful body cast, but then shrugged and went into the bathroom to shower. After she had finished and gotten dressed again, she noticed a text from Troy. She gasped at the second to last sentence. “Naminé...do you think that could mean...?” she whispered.

“Well, I would think so, but it seems a little strange. If he was no longer a Nobody, why wouldn’t he tell you personally?”

“Maybe he wants to tell me about it personally, and that’s why he put that message in the text...as kind of a hint.” Keilani giggled at the idea. “And then he’ll tell me all about it when we get there.” She looked up the location of 10th Street on her phone. “Okay, Naminé, show me how to open a Corridor of Darkness.”

“Are you sure you want to do that?”

“Positive! I’m not scared of those things! Besides, I’m not walking the Chicago streets by myself at night, and I don’t want to wait around for everyone else to come. If Troy wants to talk to me, we’ll need some alone time.”

“Alright...” Naminé instructed her host on how to summon the portal, and after a couple tries, Keilani got it. When she opened the Corridor successfully, she had the slightest moment’s hesitation, creeped out by the pure darkness in front of her. But she couldn’t be a chicken now, not after telling Naminé how unafraid she was. She stepped through and briefly had the sensation of a cold wind blowing straight through her, and the next instant, she was just outside the hotel Troy had told her about. She closed the Corridor quickly so that no passersby would see it, then entered the lobby and went up to the tired-looking clerk at the front desk. “Hey, did someone named Troy check in to room 666?”

“Yes...are you Keilani? Troy asked me to give this key to you.” The clerk was giving her a strange look as she handed Keilani a card key.

“That’s me!” Keilani said brightly, pointing to herself. “Awesome, thanks!” She grabbed the card key and practically ran to the elevator, then sprinted to room 666 after she reached the sixth floor, stopping at the door.

“Hm, I don’t sense anyone in there. Troy must still be out,” Naminé observed.

Keilani felt a twinge of disappointment, then shrugged. Well, maybe I can get some real sleep before he gets back. I’m betting this place has way comfortable beds. She slid the card key in the slot and unlocked the door, then stepped inside the room and closed the door behind her.


Rebekah nodded at Felix a little nervously, not quite sure what to think of what he was implying when he said “illegal” and “messy.” She decided not the think about it at all. What had to be done, had to be done. She would just make sure not to be around for it. She picked Troy up and carried him on her back through the Corridor that Felix had opened.

Troy was conscious long enough to feel Rebekah picking him up. He knew he should feel bad for making a girl who was smaller than him carry him on her back, but all he could think about was the overwhelming desire to sleep more...and he gave in. Once Rebekah was back in the hospital room, she propped Troy up in the chair next to the stretcher, then rolled the stretcher through the dark portal as Felix had instructed. “There you go, Felix!” she called. She then checked on Troy one more time to make sure he would be alright, and walked out to where Mariah and Callum were talking. Once they were finished with their conversation, she would let everyone know about the situation at the museum. She didn’t mind waiting a little while, though. She didn’t want to accidentally walk in on the middle of the interrogation. She got her phone out and texted Felix: ‘Let me know once you’re ready for everyone to come over.’ Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a glum-looking Tudi who was just exiting Joy’s room. The poor girl was severely burned, probably permanently. “Hey, how are you feeling?” she asked, although the answer was probably obvious.

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Felix grabbed the stretcher, and closed the portal. Immediatly he rolled it into a half standing position, he then lifted Alexis on, and strapped her down. Now time to wake her up, and get some answers. First he made sure that everything was good and tight, then he pulled the belt off of one of the slaughtered civillians, folded it three times, and then went to smack Alexis in the gut with it... He then grabbed his phone when he heard it vibrate, and answered 'Any old time will do...just don't be in a hurry.'



Scott woke up, Keilani had just entered so he made his exit quickly, and quietly... She didn't need to be taken prisoner just yet....first he had to make 100% sure that Alexis would be able to return to his side...so immediatly he dialed in Ethan's number on a payphone, and waited....

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Alexis felt a sharp pain in her stomach, and she jolted awake, disoriented and coughing. She focused on her attacker and tried to lunge at him...but she was tied down. Where was Scott? Ditched her, of course.

“I told you you shouldn’t have trusted him,” Larxene nagged.

If she could have, Alexis would have torn out her Inhabiter’s throat. Instead, she clenched her jaw and glared at Felix. “I hope this doesn’t make your girlfriend jealous.”


Keilani stepped into the room the rest of the way and admired its large size. “Wow...I’ve never been in such a fancy hotel before! How much money does Felix have, anyway?” she giggled, then ran to one of the large beds and jumped right into the middle of it. “Good night, Naminé!” She fell asleep once again, this time sleeping peacefully, knowing that she would see Troy when she woke up.


Ethan teleported away from James, leaving his question hanging in the air. This was the real test to see if James actually loved Alexis...if she had reeled him in enough. He went back to his regular apartment and kicked back, turning on the television. The familiar surroundings were relaxing after all the shenanigans he had been involved in. Moments after he had situated himself on the couch, he heard his phone ringing. “Ahhh...don’t I ever get a break?” He looked at the number that was calling him. Unknown, of course. He sighed and answered it. “And who is it that has the pleasure of speaking with one such as myself?”

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"Oh come on, don't be so quite. It isn't everyday that I have company. Tell me something, anything will do." Avan said as he began to eat a turkey leg.


"Really? Who do you think it is?" Xion asked.

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Felix frowned. "Sorry...you're not my type. Now, I've got a few questions. Answer them I let you go, tell me the wrong answer, or flat out fail to cooperate...and expect pain," Felix said grinning, "Alright first question. I want your name, age, and how long you've been such a cold" hearted animal."


Scott had only one thing to say, "Prepare to have the house of cards you've built come tumbling down." He then hung up, and walked down the road towards a Denny's.

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"You got it Felix!" Jayson caled out, and began to stand guard outside.


Elie finally made her decision. She'd put herself down as a family member. Elie knew she'd at least want to see if he was alright later. That was her excuse pretty much. A few more taps and it was done. Elie, Mariah, and Callum were noe permitted to see Joy. She got up and walked over to where Mariah and Callum were sitting. "It's done." she said quietly.


Tudi glanced up. It was Rebekah, asking about her. "Well, just find out my burns are never going away. At least I'm right handed." Tudi attempted to sound upbeat. Unfortunately, she failed miserably. She felt like the only one in the group who ever seemed to try and cheer up. The only one who seemed happy, a morale booster. She couldn't let her downness get everybody else sad.

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“That was three ‘first questions,’ but alright,” Alexis replied. “Paige, 23 years old. Cold-hearted animal? What makes you think that?”




Ethan took a moment to process what he had just heard. Scott’s voice. The guy was Scott, and he was alive. “Damn...what is he up to?!” Ethan wondered aloud, scratching the back of his head. He saw an image of several explosions on his TV out of the corner of his eye, as well as a few familiar faces... There was a rerun of a story from earlier that day...a strange gang fight in the streets of Chicago, with dark fire falling out of the sky? Yeah, those had to be Inhabiters. And wherever there was a large group of Inhabiters, Scott was likely to be nearby. With that in mind, Ethan stood up and teleported himself to Chicago, ending up right outside a Denny’s restaurant. He decided he would head in and ask a cute waitress there whether she had seen a haughty man with green hair and impeccable taste in clothing walking around town. Just before he executed this plan, however, he saw Scott coming in his direction. “It seems like we’re just destined to run into each other,” Ethan muttered, approaching Scott. “Well, well, well, you son of a bitch. Guess I should’ve known you wouldn’t die that easily. So what do you have planned this time?”




Mariah glanced at Elie and smiled at her understandingly as she waited for Callum's answer.




“Tudi...” Rebekah said. One thing she was not good at was cheering others up. That was a better job for Mariah, the one who wasn't generally awkward with people. “Hey, it's a battle scar! I mean, how many people can say that they helped fight and win against a crazy armored guy who was shooting fire at them? You've got proof of it!” She hoped comment that worked, or at least that it didn't make Tudi feel even worse.

Edited by Always

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Felix lifted the belt and went to hit her in the face. "I can ask as many damn questions as I want, and you lied. Your name isn't Paige. Your eyes moved to the right, that means you're lying, and as for cold hearted....you walked in here and killed all of these innocent people!!" he yelled at her. He then grabbed her arm with his left hand and went to ignite it.....


Scott laughed. "Wow, good to see you too bub. Hope you're feeling up to the task of dealing with James....that boy best be kept on a short chain. I'd prefer if he think I were dead. If that's fine with you, it'll better my plans, and as to what my plan is...I'm actually going to take a little vacation. Get stronger, see some sights. I'd suggest you do the same...try to bond with James, go on fake little missions to defend Alexis's honor and what not. As for right now, I'm not interested in fighting you. You've got a lot to learn, and I wasn't rested the last time we fought. I've had about thirty minutes of sleep, and that usually puts me at about 50% of my max potential. It'd be like fighting my master Cain...so I bid you a good day, and hope you have a very good vacation," Scott said smiling brightly. He then faded away into rose petals....going right back to the hotel. He ordered Keilani some breakfast, and headed up the stairs so he could meet it at the door.

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Alexis turned her cheek as Felix hit her in the face so that he only hit the left side...it was better than being hit right in the nose. She wouldn’t allow him the satisfaction of seeing her in pain...she only wore an expression of rage. “Fine! I’m Alexis! Geez, what’s so important about my name, anyway?” When he started to ignite her arm, she spoke to him in a strained voice through clenched teeth. “I swear, scar my skin and you’ll pay...” She sent a current through her body which she hoped would shock Felix. Not enough to kill him, because if he died then there was absolutely no way she was getting out of these restraints. But enough to make him think twice before touching her again.




Ethan growled in frustration. Why was he surprised that Scott was acting like this? There was one thing that especially bugged him, though; Scott had mentioned something about “defending Alexis’s honor.” What did that mean? The last time Scott had seen Lex should have been just before he plunged into the ocean. Unless...he had run into her since then. Ethan decided to hunt for her in the area. Wherever she was, James would probably end up as well, and the three of them would be one big happy family again.




Keilani awoke to a knock at the door. The sun appeared to just be coming up outside the window, and she smiled. She ran to the door, expecting to see Troy, then found someone from room service bringing her breakfast. She hid her disappointment as she accepted the tray and walked back into the room. There appeared to be enough food for two people, so maybe Troy would arrive soon. Keilani wondered what could be taking him so long. She took a bite of pancakes, hoping that Troy wouldn’t mind if she started without him. As soon as she finished the first bite, she heard another knock at the door. “Finally!” she said, running to the door once again.


“Wait, Keilani!” Naminé cried just as Keilani opened the door. Too late.




Troy stood alone on a translucent platform in his Dive to the Heart. As he stared down at the platform, he felt like he was staring into nothingness. He felt heavy...no, that wasn’t it. He felt nothing at all. Was that a bad thing? Maybe he wouldn’t mind staying here for the remainder of his days. He could no longer seem to find any purpose in his life. There was nothing left of him. Would anyone miss him? Probably not. Who could miss a Nobody? He tried to think of his friends...but he didn’t miss them at all. That was a bad thing, wasn’t it? But he didn’t care anymore. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t bring himself to.




Troy’s head jerked up, and Ventus was standing right before him. His eyes grew wide. “Ven...where are we?”


“This is your heart. Or, what’s left of it at least, which is basically an empty shell. But soon it won’t be. Troy, I’m going to share my heart with you, as someone once did for me when I was in a state very much like the one you’re in. After all, that’s what friends are for.” He smiled and closed his eyes. His chest appeared to shimmer with a white light, and Troy’s did the same. The platform started shimmering as well, and suddenly, Troy gasped as if he had been unable to draw breath for a long time. The emotions hit him in a torrent--the emotions that he should have been feeling all this time, but was unable to. Happiness at reuniting with his friends after the battle with Vanitas, fear of Scott and the girl who had killed dozens of people in the museum, longing for Keilani... He wanted to cry and laugh at the same time. When he looked down, the blank, translucent platform and transformed into an image of him and Ven side-by-side.


“Thank-you...Ven... I’ll never forget this.”


Ven shrugged, casually and modestly. “Don’t mention it,” he said with a grin. “And don’t worry, we’re still going to do everything we can to get your heart back. But I figured this was the least I could do in the meantime...”


All at once, everything faded to black, and Troy woke up in a chair in the hospital, holding a hand to his chest and breathing heavily.

Edited by Always

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Felix smirked as he felt the pain. It hurt obviously, but he knew how to handle the pain of electrocution. He turned up the heat and then let go. "I think we understand one another. Alright. The next series of questions are important. Pay attention. How many bad guys like you are there? I want their names, inhabiters, and current known locations. Next, how trained is your partner, and how close are you? Can I consider you leverage, or is he the kind of guy who'd leave you for dead?" Felix asked.


Scott walked in, and shut the door. "Hey Keilani, been a while. How have you been since our last encounter? It's a shame Ethan isn't here, did you consider him the sane one?" Scott asked. He got beside her, and put his hand on her shoulder. "In a few minutes I'm going to trade you for my partner, but in order for you to get out of this one alive...I want you to wear this blonde wig, this cheap perfume, and finally cover your face with this bandana. You got it?" he said.

Edited by Damion Strife

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Arina looked down like she was shy. Sh didn't know what to say. "I-I used to play some music" Why?! Why did I say that?!


"It feels like someone we know, it feels similar to Larxene. Maybe she's alive. Not that that's a good thing. I think we should check it out"

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