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Number XV

Kingdom Hearts: Incarcerated RP

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"I didn't know where I was, all I knew was I had left Sora and was floating somewhere. I then found a way to Victoria after her inhabitor had lost touch with her, though I have no clue how I got there." Xion said.

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"I was actually trying to make you a part of me so I could become real and not just memories of Sora, but you defeat me, and well, I am here now and there is no need for the rest after that. I was never supposed to be, all I am are left over memories of Sora that became a puppet for Xemnas control." Xion said. She felt a tear go down her cheek that wasn't Victoria's tear.

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"But you are more real than I will ever be. You are actually something, even if you are called nothing. I really am nothing more than memory so I shouldn't even be talking with you." Xion said.

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Scott was pissed, that kid came out of nowhere, and would ruin their whole freaking plan if he beat Alexis. He had to get up to her, so he got out of the car and slowly walked up the stairs.

Edited by Damion Strife

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Rebekah took her seat and started looking at her own menu. It was only now that she realized she hadn’t eaten since this morning, and she was famished, so it was difficult to pick out what she wanted. After some deliberation, she was finally able to narrow it down to a delicious-looking crab dish. “So, Felix,” she said, putting her menu back down, “what other surprises do you have for me up your sleeve? You’ve told me a lot about yourself, but after that gymnastics stunt you pulled on the street today, I feel like I still hardly know you.” She chuckled.


Keilani watched Elie, Mariah, and Callum with mild interest. She was wondering where Troy had gone to after she had seen him briefly, but all in all, she was feeling tired after the long day. She lay down on several of the seats in the waiting room and soon fell asleep, even with the general noise around her and the glaring fluorescent lights.


“Y-you!” Larxene snarled through Alexis. She was seeing the spitting image of Roxas right in front of her, and the brat’s Inhabiter also felt terribly similar to the little wimp. “How many different versions of that Sora kid are there, anyway?! I’ll just have to make sure I get rid of this one!” She brought out her knives again, shooting lightning through them, and lunged at Troy.

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Callum smiled a bit. So Mariah was getting over her dislike of Elie. He noticed the doctors walk out of Joy's room. "He's stable. We have some other patients to attend to." Callum looked over at the room, then back at Mariah. "I'll open a dark corridor to his room while you fix that up." He disappeared in a flash, and appeared in Joy's room. Callum grabbed the wall and felt a little sick; he still wasn't used to the dark corridor. Joy's eyes were open, and were staring at the ceiling. Callum smiled. "So Joy, I guess..." Joy looked at Callum. "I...I lost my leg. I'm useless to the group."

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"If your burns are no longer hurting, then you are free to go." Tudi's doctor spoke.

"Sweet!" Tudi cried out and ran down the hospital hall. Her doctor was probably screeching at her, but he was far behind, and could no longer be heard. She found Joy's room and entered. "Is he alright?" Tudi asked, walking to the side of the bed.


Jayson was confused as the man pretty much ran off in his vehicle. He sensed the man was inhabited but wasn't sure. Why was the man not going to the police station himself? It'd be faster in his car than Jayson walking. Jayson was suspicious so he decided to check out the museum himself. He slowly entered the building...

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Felix looked up suprised. "Umm well. The military training made me really strong, and I can do a lot of acrobatics. I could fight on my own, but Axel helps a lot. I'm glad I got him too, it woulda sucked if I'd only gotten someone who fought only with acrobatic skill, but now I can deal some heavy fire damage and lay down the law with the chakrams. I'm also a good cook...I lived on my own for a while, and I'm a super neat freak even though I've been kind of a slob. It's just...weird doing this kind of stuff you know? I don't really like the whole run around never settle down thing, I've never had time to settle down my whole life, and now looking back I never wanted to...until I met you," Felix said....he kept the until I met you part completly to himself in a very quiet whisper. Then when the waiter came by he ordered a Tour of Italy which got him all the pasta dishes they served, as well as endless breadsticks.


Scott ran faster up the stairs and saw Alexis flying towards Troy. He then turned and leaned against the wall by the stairs, he sensed the other man coming up, and he knew it would be a good idea to take him out on the spot. They couldn't risk two inhabiters showing up.

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(Okay, everyone, I will be controlling Troy until Not-with-a-whimper gets back.

@Number XV: Sorry, I'm a little confused. Is the Corridor of Darkness still open, or did it close when Callum went through it?

@Yuffie: LOL were you going to have Elie respond to Mariah?)


Rebekah wondered what Felix had muttered to himself, but she became distracted when the waiter arrived. “Wow...we’re going to have a lot of leftovers to carry back to the others once we’re done here. That...is your plan, right? Or do you have some kind of superhumanly fast metabolism?” she laughed.


“Whoa!” Troy shouted. He held up the χ-blade and reflected Larxene’s attack just in time. However, the force of it still nearly knocked him over, and he slid back a small distance, somehow managing to stay on his feet. This girl was fast. “Alright, my turn!” He swung his weapon at her with Blizzard Edge, hitting her left arm.

Larxene gritted her teeth from the icy pain and leaped back, her ego bruised from being hit so easily and so early on in the battle. “Ah, I’d almost forgotten how worthy an opponent you actually are, Sora! But I promise you, I’ll be the winner of this fight!”

“My name is not Sora or Roxas! It’s Ventus!” Ventus spoke through Troy, going in for another attack.

“My bad. It’s just so hard to keep track,” Larxene replied melodramatically. She warped behind Ven and slashed at him several times with her knives.

Troy regained control of his body as the knives were cutting through his skin. He tried to get away, but she was too fast for him, blocking him no matter where he tried to go, and the slashing was ceaseless. All Troy could do was try to block her attacks, but then there was an instant in which Larxene had the slightest moment’s hesitation, as if she needed to catch her breath. Without much thought, Troy swung the χ-blade at almost the exact spot where he had hit Larxene before, and Larxene let out a piercing shriek. Suddenly, he felt himself lift off the ground just a little, and time appeared to slow down around him. Or was he getting faster...? There was a soft, white glow around himself and his weapon. “Awww yeah!” Ven said. “Fever Pitch!” Troy grinned with the same confidence and determination he could hear in his Inhabiter’s voice, almost unaware that he was only imitating the emotions, and he ran at Larxene again with incredible speed, hitting her several times.

“ENOUGH!!” Alexis screamed, now back in control. She hurled Thundaga at her opponent, shocking him and throwing him off balance for just a moment. He was able to recover quickly, though, and charged at her again.

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(Well, he just kinda disappeared in darkness. Did she want to follow? It can stay open.)

Joy looked over at Tudi. He was definitely weak, but he smiled. "You're that girl I met." Callum nodded. "I was there too, remember?" Joy leaned up. "Wait a second. We need James." Callum looked at Joy quizzically. "Uh, why?" Joy grinned. "When he lost an arm, he got it back by getting a prosthetic. Maybe I can get one. Go find him for me." Callum opened the door, and quickly ran over to the first person who knew where James would be. Mariah. "Do you know where James is?"

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"Actually...I eat quite a bit..." he said with a grin. He started putting away his food quickly. He finished the Ravioli, Alfredo, Spagheti, and then four breadsticks. Unfortunatly it left a mess load of breadsticks. "Well, I guess they can have my breadsticks..." Felix said blushing.


Scott then threw caution to the wind, forget the other guy. Alexis and him had to beat this guy and bail. He immediatly summoned up his scythe and bolted towards Troy as fast as he could.

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(Yeah, could it stay open, Number XV? I just figure it would give Mariah something to do, because I haven't been able to post a whole lot about her lately. :P)


The sound of James’s name hit Mariah with a force she didn’t quite expect. She shook her head. “I have no idea. The last time I saw him was in the forest...” She couldn’t even remember exactly when he had left. “Why do you ask?”


Rebekah laughed again. Though she had been extremely hungry, she was only able to finish half of the dish she ordered. “Don’t worry, I think a lot of them would love to have a good breadstick...or three. So are you sure you’re feeling better? One moment I’m leaving you at a hospital in full body cast, and the next you’re carrying me to a fancy restaurant.” She made sure to say this part a little quieter so that the other people in the restaurant wouldn’t hear. “I hope you’re not overexerting yourself.”


Troy was hit from the side by Scott, and he groaned. Alexis also lunged at him again, and he had to react quickly through the pain. He slid at both of them with Fire Dash, hitting Alexis’s leg.

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Felix laughed. "I just needed a little motivation, and hearing that you went out alone got my blood a pumping. So I ran out of that hospital as fast as I could," Felix said looking in her eyes. "I'm alright, so...wanna head back to the hospital with the food?" he asked.


Scott threw his scythe at Troy, and then teleported behind him hoping to catch it and swing it at Troy.

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“Yeah, let’s get going,” Rebekah said with a smile. “Thanks so much, Felix. This was a wonderful first date.”


Alexis was getting angrier by the second. She shot a concentrated bolt of lightning at Troy as Scott warped behind him.

Troy was able to avoid Scott’s scythe as it came at him from the front, but he couldn’t quite get away from the bolt of lightning. It struck his jaw, and for an instant he thought his teeth would shatter. Alexis came at him again, shooting smaller bursts of lightning at him in close range, and he reflected them with Reflega, causing Alexis’s own attacks to get the better of her. He didn’t have time to notice Scott behind him.

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Felix got up, and pulled Rebekah's chair out. He moved back to wait for her.


Scott swung his scythe with all his might three times, teleporting with each slash around Troy, and once he was finished he teleported behind Alexis.

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Rebekah got up and walked around her chair. She then put her arms around Felix’s neck and kissed his lips, not caring who was watching at the moment. When she realized what she was doing, she blushed brightly and pulled her lips away from his. “Um...wow. That’s probably the boldest thing I’ve ever done in public. And I know that’s not saying much...”


Alexis gave up on attacking Troy for the moment, growling. She knew he couldn’t keep that barrier up for long. When Scott attacked him, he was unaffected by the first blow, but the second blow cracked the barrier, and the third hit him with full force, nearly knocking the wind out of him. He stumbled and fell to the ground, then used Collision Magnet and picked Alexis up off the ground. Alexis struggled against the spell but couldn’t get free, and then she felt herself flying at Scott. The glow around Troy became even brighter, and he was able to start moving faster. The light around his weapon seemed to extend the blade to twice its length, and he felt stronger and was able to move even faster. “Wingblade... We’ve still got a chance,” Ven said, sounding both tired and relieved, but still plenty determined. Troy rushed at the two again, swinging the χ-blade at both of them.

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Felix smiled at her, and kissed her back. "I think you're amazing...I'm gonna take you somewhere special when we all split. I was thinking Florida, warm sandy beaches, and great weather this time of year," Felix said hugging her around her waist. He grabbed her hand and headed for the door.


Scott teleported letting Alexis travel towards a window...probably not the greatest idea so he slashed at Troy a couple more times. This time five times while teleporting. First he swung from behind, then from the left, the right, the front, and then the left again. He then teleported outside to catch Alexis before she flew out....

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Rebekah followed Felix out the door and took another look at the front doors of the museum as they exited the restaurant. The place was still illuminated--the ball was probably going late.


“Rebekah...I think Terra’s in there...” Aqua said, her voice mystified.


Really? I wonder what he would be doing there? she thought. “Um, Felix, Aqua’s telling me that Jayson’s in that museum. Do you want to see what’s going on?”




Troy managed to avoid most of the blows Scott attempted to land on him, but one struck him painfully between the shoulder blades. He then noticed that Scott had teleported outside so that he could catch Alexis...which wouldn't be good, because at that point they would both be as good as gone. Just before Alexis went crashing through the window, Troy leaped up and struck her in the stomach, sending her straight back to the floor. Alexis groaned and got up, warped behind Troy, and slashed at him relentlessly.


“Aaaaahhhhhhh!!!!” Troy yelled. Ven...I don’t think I can hold out much longer...

Edited by Always

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