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Number XV

Kingdom Hearts: Incarcerated RP

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Felix smiled until she left to cover his concern. He was worried about her going out along...especially when they'd been ambushed almost every time they'd had a tender moment. He hoped that wouldn't happen...he had to get better and that meant now.



Scott spotted Alexis right away, and he saw her drag that man in. He was excited, and she looked like she was having fun. He smiled, but then knew that Alexis had completly ignored the idea that there might be another woman that had to use the restroom....it'd be bad but he didn't worry, she'd be quick.

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Rebekah looked around for Jayson in the lobby, but couldn’t immediately find him. She didn’t want to spend forever just tracking him down, so instead she left the hospital alone. Not like Felix would know, anyway. She laughed to herself. It was nice to know that he was worried for her safety, but the more she fought with Aqua, the less vulnerable she began to feel. Besides, the enemy Inhabiters were gone for now, so there was nothing to worry about as far as that was concerned. She walked down the street towards the nearest department store, which was a couple blocks away, but she didn’t mind it so much. Being as skittish as she had been before, she would never have dared to walk through such a big city as night was falling, but now she knew how to defend herself with powers that weren’t of this world. She felt liberated.


When Alexis got to the top of the stairs, she walked to the open part of the second floor that overlooked the main hall. There they all were the now forty-eight unarmed civilians, listening to a speech from the museum’s manager about how honored he was to be hosting this ball. Next, she looked for the guards Scott had been talking about. Two a few feet away from the Mona Lisa, four on the opposite side of the room, behind all the attendees. These six would be the first to go. She looked up at the ceiling where a gold chandelier was hanging. Just what she needed. She looked to the main entrance and found that its double doors were no closed--locked from the inside, no doubt. So if anyone happened to get a distress call or anything like that, they wouldn’t have an easy time entering the building, unless someone let them in. Which wouldn’t happen, because Alexis wouldn’t be allowing anyone to even get close to those doors. Finally, Alexis located all the surveillance cameras that she could at the moment. She shot bolts of electricity at them to short them out.

Alright, let’s get this show on the road. Ready, Larxene?

“Oh, Lexi, I was born ready! Let’s give these people an experience they’ll never forget,” Larxene replied.

Alexis grinned. Her Inhabiter seemed to have forgotten about whether Scott could be trusted, and to be just having fun with this, as Alexis herself was. Here we go. She walked behind a column and ducked down, then crawled over to where she had been standing just a moment before, only now she was hidden behind the low wall. She focused on the chandelier and brought to her mind the approximate location of each of the guards. Then, she held out both her hands and shot a bolt at the chandelier, channelling two currents out of the fixture--one towards the four guards, and a smaller one towards the two in front of the Mona Lisa. She hoped she wasn’t accidentally hitting the painting. There was the sound of several bodies collapsing at once, then a collective gasp and hush. Now. She reached under her dress and brought the grenade out. Not very lady-like, but killing dozens of people at a ball wasn’t very lady-like, either. Oh, well. She pulled the pin and threw the grenade into the hall below, hearing a skull crack as it landed. Hopefully that was one less person to deal with. And that was when the chaos started. Alexis fastened a handkerchief around her face, perched herself atop the low wall, and jumped down to the floor below, sending bolts of electricity out in every direction, hitting at least ten more people. She brought out the knives and positioned herself between the front doors and the panicked crowd, stabbing people who passed her, piercing their hearts most of the time. Nineteen down. Twenty. Twenty-five. Twenty-seven. More bolts of electricity. Alexis’s lips curled with pleasure. Whether Scott could be trusted or not, she was getting an amazing rush at the moment.

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Felix began to worry, so immediatly he called down to the front desk asking if she left with a man, but the nurse said no. His eyes bugged out, this wasn't what he wanted to hear, and he needed to make sure she was safe. He felt bad about her being alone in Chicago of all places. For all he knew there'd be about thirteen murders in just the first hour.... He tried moving his hand, but nothing, and so he rolled. He fell on the floor and fell down on his face....great.



Scott liked what he saw, she looked magnificent killing off those losers easily, and he felt like she'd be fine on her own. Then he realized that his family-members had just drawn their guns and were heading towards Alexis. He busted out a window, and chunked the Mona Lisa out. He wasn't much of a theif but he figured a piece like that could get quite a bit on a market in Columbia or Cuba, and he could easily have his boys bring it down there, but when it smashed on the cold concrete he remembered that they were four floors up on a building in old Chicago. "Shit, blew that one...." he muttered to himself. He looked back at his family, and they were getting close to Alexis...

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Rebekah reached the department store safely, though she had gotten some weird looks on the street on her way there. She went to the men’s clothing section and found several different shirts that seemed to match Felix’s description of what he wanted. She knew nothing about men’s fashion, and all she could do was pick one out at random and hope he would like it. After purchasing the shirt and exiting the store, she saw a newspaper rack with an article featuring the Mona Lisa and talking about how there was a ball at the museum tonight in honor of the Mona Lisa being lent there. She looked more closely at the paper behind the glass, and saw the museum’s address--it was just another block away from the department store. Curiosity took over, and Rebekah decided to head there, just to see if there was anything special to look at from the outside. If not, she would just turn around and go back to the hospital right away. If she was gone much longer, Jayson would probably end up running into Felix, and then she’d be in trouble.


Thirty-three. Through the smoke, Alexis saw something strange coming towards her. The barrel of a gun. No, three barrels. Six??

“Unarmed civilians, huh?” Larxene said wryly.

Alexis gritted her teeth in anger. The lying bastard! She shot bolts at two of them, and when one armed person was right up next to her, she grabbed the gun, threw the guy over her shoulder, and slammed him back to the floor, then electrocuted him. Three to go. She dropped to the floor as they started firing at her.

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Felix finally broke out of his cast and hopped over to his clothes...well everything minus a shirt, and he got dressed quickly. He ran down the hall, down the stairs, and out the front door. He went straight down to the store and he couldn't find her. He saw some guys dealing stolen material in the men's bathroom, he beat them sensless, but got nothing out of them. Then he was told a lot of women were headed down to that ball at the art gallery, but it was on the worst side of town. His eyes bugged open, and he started running down the sidewalk shirtless and all.


Scott ran up and sliced the other three's heads off with his scythe. He was seriously impressed, especially since she killed the three best guns out of his relatives, and he then grabbed her in his arms. "Good job, sorry about the guns. It just so happened that my family visited, and I well you've totally earned your keep," he said as he twirled her towards a radio, and he pressed play, "So wanna dance around the corpses?" He grabbed her at the waist and her right hand.

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When Rebekah got to the museum, there wasn’t a lot to be seen from the outside, except for banners advertising the ball and the Mona Lisa. Then a glimmer caught her eye. Was that a piece of shattered glass she saw closer to the building? No, there were several pieces, catching the light coming from the street lamp. She approached the shards for a closer look.


Alexis was surprised at Scott’s reaction, and when she looked around her, the thrill of what she had done overcame her once again, and for the moment she forgot her anger toward him. As the smoke settled, she saw a few remaining people cowering in corners, and finished them off by shooting more bolts at each of them. She looked at Scott again. “Why not?” she said with a smile.

She was now feeling a different kind of rush--the kind one would get from pulling a stunt that could very well kill them, but having the willingness, or lack of intelligence, to try it anyway. She was still afraid of Scott, and though she knew she was powerful, he was even more so. But for the moment, she let the adrenaline course through her and faced the fear as she danced with him, laughing.

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Felix finally caught up to Rebekah. He came up behind her and hugged her close. "Baby you scared the crap out of me!!" Felix said sadly, "I was all worried! It's late, and there are about a million bad things out here and....do you wanna go get some pasta? There's a restaurant right across the street!" He smiled and pointed to the tiny restaurant. "I mean...we've never really gotten to go on a date before..." he said with a blush.


Scott finished with a dip, and then looked at her. "Was that fun or what? Plus that's not even half of it girl! With our combined strength, power, and minds we could slaughter everyone in this city, state, country, and world!! I'd kill anything for you, with you, and let me tell ya it's gonna be more fun than tonight. I was thinking our next big trial before we start on the inhabiters is a hit on another government organization....what do you think about the FBI?" Scott asked.

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Rebekah screamed a little when Felix hugged her from behind, but she relaxed when she heard his voice. She turned around and looked at him. “Felix...oh, well, um, the restaurant sounds great! But what are you doing out of the hospital?” She realized that he was shirtless once again, and her hands were against his bare chest. She blushed and fumbled for the shirt she had bought for him. “Here, finally got this,” she said, trying not to sound embarrassed. “I hope you like it. You’d better put it on, or else I don’t think they’ll let us into the restaurant.” She chuckled nervously.


“The FBI, huh? You’ll stop at nothing, will you?” Alexis said. “Alright, let’s go for it! I’m definitely going to need your guidance on this one, though. The biggest organizations I’ve taken down have just been small gangs, nothing like what you’re proposing. But I’m certainly willing to try.” She grinned.

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Felix quickly put on his shirt and grinned. "Alrighty, now lets go have us a date!!" he said. He picked her up, and ran across the street and into the restaurant. "Table for two please!" he said with a smile.

"Sir...you do realize that menu items here range $35 and up right?" the waiter asked.

"Oh...is that the case? Well...we'd better go to a more expensive and high end restaurant. Sir, what made you think I haven't got a lot of money? Just look at this," Felix said opening his wallet. The waiter saw three hundred dollars in cash, and immediatly pointed to a seat...



Scott nodded. "No. I'll never stop, I'm the kind of man who sees that everything he wants is taken, and everything he needs he already has. I just want you to know the rules my master passed down to me. Rule number one: everyone weaker than you is pray, rule number two: you must be able to adapt to any situation, and rule number three: rest is best just before a mission. The rest we'll get to later, but right now...I'm thinking we need to go get some sleep. What do you say?" he asked. He turned, his shoe slid a bit on the bloody floor, and he accidently grabbed her hip. He immediatly removed his hand, but still couldn't kill the emotional blush reflex. He was totally red...

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"Well I never did have another true friend other than Paul until Lightning came, but then she left for some reason and Xion came to me. I find that they seem to be here to help us even if we don't think about it that way at first." Victoria said.


'Hi Roxas, you may not know me, but I know you very much.' Xion said.

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Elie grinned. For once, she was contributing. "No, I can just use the doctor's laptop." she said with a new confident tone. She hopped into a chair next to the computer and looked over her shoulder. "What do you need me to do Callum?" she asked.


Jayson wandered the streets of Chicago, not headed towards any particular destination. He had earlier checked on Felix while he was still out. He didn't look too fantastic, but Terra had told him Inhabited healed fast. The he had glanced quickly into the other rooms and everybody seemed to be doing fine. Afterwards, he could only wander. Hopefully, a gang would come and mess with him. Beating up punks was one of Jayson's favorite pastimes, and one Terra agreed with. Eventually, he was greeted with the sight of the Chicago Art Museum. Something seemed strange about it...


"So, you're telling me that I have severe, untreatable burns all over my left side, along with two broken ribs." Tudi said, shocked to the docter across the room.

"Actually, three broken ribs, but they're healing remarkably fast. And if you don't believe me about the burns, go into the bathroom, there's a full length mirror." the doctor said, pointing to a door. Taking his advice she walked into the bathroom. She quickly undressed and looked at herself in the mirror. There were dark purplish, sort of bubbly looking, blistering, burns stretching from left eye, down to her left big toe. Dressing quickly, Tudi reemerged and said, "Yeah, that looks untreatable."

"How did a young girl like you end up like this?" the doctor asked.

"Well, I was visiting my cousins on their farm nearby. We decided to have a tractor race. Mine went out of control and crashed into an electric fence, zapping my entire left side. Then the tractor exploded flinging me over the fence and down a really big hill."

Edited by Yuffie Kisaragi

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(Awww poor Tudi. :()


Rebekah gasped when Felix picked her up, and she put her arms around his neck, laughing as he carried her across the street. She giggled again at his interaction with the waiter, but then said, “Felix, is this really necessary?”




Alexis felt a chill run down her spine as Scott told her his first rule, but kept smiling and wouldn’t allow her face to even twitch. Then, when his hand landed on her hip and he blushed, Alexis realized that, at least in one way, she was stronger than him. At this point, there was a chance that she could even end up having total control of him later on down the road. Maybe she already did, and hadn’t realized it yet. She placed her hands on his chest and said, “I say...what are we waiting for? Oh! But first, let me get my clothes back. Wouldn't want the police to find them when they finally show up here.”


She ran to the bathroom and retrieved her clothes, not offering the corpses a second glance. When she looked in the mirror, she saw that some of her hair had fallen out of its hasty up-do after all the action. She shrugged and folded her clothes neatly, not bothering to change out of the dress, then met up with Scott again. “Lead the way,” she smiled.

Edited by Always

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Callum looked around. "I'm sure Joy has hospital records. I need you to put me in as his brother, and put Mariah in as, like, a great family friend or distance cousin or something. So we get priority to him. Because from our conversations, Joy doesn't seem to like his family very much. Wouldn't even tell me his parents' names. All he's pretty much told me is he wants to open a coffee shop at the one where he met Mariah." Callum blushed slightly. "Oh yeah. I wasn't supposed to talk about that,"

Edited by Number XV

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Mariah smiled a little. “Don’t worry, Callum, I won’t tell Joy if you don’t.” She then looked back at Elie. Was Elie being honest when she had said that it was only Aerith who cared for Cloud? Why was Elie doing this for them now? If Elie and Joy really did care for each other, it wouldn’t be right to not allow Elie to see him while Mariah and Callum went in. Though it hurt her to think about it, Mariah at least had to make the offer. “Elie...you can put yourself down as a family member as well, you know. It’s completely up to you.” Mariah’s voice was quiet and gentle, though a little sad.

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Xion took over Victoria's body. "Roxas, there is so much I want to tell you and say, but I don't know which order to say them in." Xion said and moved her hand to her heart.


(I am referring her to Victoria's body, but with Xion in mind)

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Felix smiled at Rebekah and said, "Completly necessary. You deserve to be treated like a princess, and I'm the guy to do it!" He followed the waiter to their table, and pulled out Rebekah's seat for her. He then took his own and looked casually at the menu.


Scott nodded and headed down the stairs, went out the door, and got back into the taxi he'd had. He saw a man on the side of the road looking at the gallery and decided to have a bit of fun. "Sir, would you mind walking over to the police station? Some gangsters just busted into my gallery, threw out the Mona Lisa, and robbed all of my guests. Nobody was injured, but they took off down south avenue," he said in his most regal voice. He almost sounded brittish, and his disguise was full proof. 'Jeeze I hope Alexis notices this guy is an inhabiter...if he goes upstairs and see's her...we'll have to eliminate him...' Scott thought.

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(OOC: So that's what happens when I can't get online for a while. I get super behind. Ah well, better catch up.)



Tyler hadn't left Tudi's side except for when the doctors required it, and then only for as long as they needed him out. He was broken up inside that he'd been unable to protect her, but he knew that he'd have to do something to fix that and to be more prepared for the next time. Next time he had a chance he would speak to Felix about learning to fight and protect others. Axel's chakrams were probably the closest thing to Wakka's fighting style that the group had, after all, and Felix looked like he knew what he was doing, even if he seemed a little crazy from time to time. In any case, Tyler had prepared himself for Tudi to wake up and confront her injuries. He was determined to show her a bright and sunny outlook, despite the pain he held inside.


When Tudi came back out after checking her injuries he smiled at her and said "Hey, all that means is that you're one determined chick, ya? You're still absolutely beautiful to me and I'm sure that someone as strong as you will be back to 100% in no time."



Troy had been standing on the roof of the hospital and staring out protectively ever since they had all arrived. Upon seeing that Keilani was safe he'd fled to the roof, unsure of how to handle the situation with her and afraid of making things worse between them. He'd traded off shifts with Ventus, allowing his conscious to rest but not once allowing his body to sleep. Perhaps that's why the "doctor" who had left with the newest member of their group didn't raise any flags, despite the fact that his face was burned into Troy's mind ever since he'd taken Keilani. In any case, when Mariah left Troy decided to follow from above, insuring that nothing bad would happen to her. He knew how torn up Felix would be if anything happened to her, plus since she had Aqua as an inhabitor she was kind of like a big sister to him. He floated on his keyblade glider high above her and was relieved when he saw Felix meet with her, especially since that meant that Felix was okay. When he saw Alex across the street, however, he noticed something... off about the building. Deciding not to alert Alex about it, he approached quietly. Pulling the keyblade glider around to the side of the building, he discovered the crumpled Mona Lisa surrounded by shattered glass. His curiosity peaking, he rose to the window with the broken glass high above and stepped inside, returning the X-blade to its original form. What he saw shocked and appalled him dead bodies lay everywhere, scattered across the floor like so much garbage. In the center of it all stood a lone beauty, a blood diamond in the center of conflict. It made him sick.


"Wake up Ventus, we'll both need to be alert for this one," Troy stated before stepping forward. Troy came into the light and confronted Alexis. "Hey! Bitch with the inhabitor! Something tells me it's no coincidence that you're alive while no one else in this party is. It's time for your reckoning."



(OOC: I felt like it was time Alexis got the chance for a little action. Of course, if Always would like to avoid this conflict then she can feel free to have Alexis pretend to be innocent or corridor of darkness out of there among other things. If I'm not back, you guys know what to do.)

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