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Number XV

Kingdom Hearts: Incarcerated RP

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"Riku could sense Tifa." he said. "As for how I could get here, some of Sephiroth's powers stayed behind even though he is gone." The wing sprouted from his back and he said "This was one of them."

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"Nothing could be wrong. You're safe, after all," Troy replied. Pushing past his regret, he looked her in the eyes and smiled. "Come on, let's go see the others."



Stepping out from behind a tree in the middle of the forest, Ethan looked toward Mariah and James and sighed contentedly. "Ah, I do so love the smell of death in the morning, don't you? It makes sense that Hades would choose me as his host, then, I guess. I'm just glad that I get to speak to the two of you alone. It was getting a little crowded back there with all of those heroes and villains attacking like crazy, you know? Nah, not my style. I prefer people to look upon this face and know their cause of death as the last breath leaves their body. Looking at the two of you now, though, I have to say that only the guy will be any fun to fight. Maybe, though, after I kill him it might stir up enough emotion within you, little missy, to make killing you feel worth it." With that, she summoned his scythe once more to his hands in a burst of blue flame. "Now, who's ready for the underworld?"

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James glared at the man who disrupted their peaceful moment together.  "I've been dead before." he said.  "And I don't plan on dying again anytime soon."  He summoned Skull Noise and jumped down from the branch.

Edited by Azure Flame

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(OOC: Sorry about ruining the nice quiet moment, but I felt like that was exactly what Ethan would do.)


Ethan smiled sadisticly and conjured forth a ball of flame in the palm of his hand, tossing it towards James. He then gathered fire around his arms and prepared to launch it as a steady stream to fry his opponents.

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(Haha no worries! I actually thought now would be a good time for Mariah's first battle in this RP anyway, and what better way for it to start than the villain carelessly interrupting a quiet moment?)



Keilani smiled back at Troy and returned to her usual self. “Yeah, let's go!” She grabbed his hand and headed over to see the rest of the group.




Mariah gasped when James revealed his wing, and her hands automatically went for her pocket where her gloves were. Then she relaxed and sighed sadly, gazing down. “Sorry. Old habits,” she explained.


When the “Underworld” man arrived, she looked at him angrily. Who did this creep think he was? She stood up, put her gloves on, and poised herself for the fight. Ready, Tifa? she asked.


Only if you are. Just try not to let your energy run out too quickly.”


We'll see. “I prefer knowing the name of the person who's about to kill me, rather than just what his face looks like,” she called over to the man. “Mind telling me yours?” She then ran over to kick his legs out from under him.

Edited by Always

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Sumer walked a realm of darkness parallel to the real world. As he walked, he felt the presence of Riku again. "No one to ruin my one on one this time." Sumer said, grinning. He opened a dark corridor and walked out. He saw not only Riku, but a girl and a boy with a scythe. The boy was obviously another villain. "Feel free to kill the girl, but I have something personal with the boy." Sumer said to the guy with the scythe. He then threw a Dark Firaga at Riku.

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James saw both fireballs coming at him and jumped out of the way, hovering in the air. "Ansem!" James said. He looked at the Hades Inhabiter and to Mariah. "You can handle him, right?" James asked. "I know it's been a while since you last fought, but you were able to hold your own with me as Sephiroth from time to time, so he shouldn't be too bad. Riku and I have a score to settle with this guy and Ansem."

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No problem!” Mariah called to James as she ran at the black-haired guy. Truthfully, she wasn't feeling quite as confident or energetic as she should, but no one needed to know that right now.

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A rustle then came from the trees. "Would you please not try and get us caught here?" a girl voice wisphered in the trees. "Sorry, but you know how I am, not very good with the whole climbing and waiting thing like you are." a boy voice replied. They then agreed to stop talking and waited for the time to help Mariah and James. 'I dont think this is going too well.' another voice said inside the head of the guy. 'Hey, when did you get back into my mind. You havent talked to me in a while that I thought you were gone.' the guy thought. 'Well I have been here, just couldnt find a time to speak.' the voice said. 'And you choose now?' the guy asked. 'So what about you, are you up there?' the girl asked. 'Yes, I am here. Now be prepared.' another voice said inside the girls mind. 'Right.' the girl said and ready her weapon.

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Troy went to face the rest of the group with Keilani, curious what the future had in store for them. Right before they exited the building to face the others, however, Troy was grabbed by a sudden impulse and stopped, gently but firmly stopping Keilani with the hand she was holding. With his heart beating a million miles an hour, he pulled Keilani in close, brushed the blood away from a small cut on her forehead, and leaned toward her, not sure whether to expect a kiss or a slap. Maybe both.



Parrying Mariah's kick with his scythe and using all of his strength to try to launch her away, the dark boy replied, "The name's Ethan, nice to meet you. You know, you're actually kind of pretty when you're being feisty. I'll make you a deal. I'll spare you if you come with me. Don't worry, it won't be that bad. Besides I can get you anything you want until I find a girl I like better. Then I'll let you walk in peace. Scott and I have different objectives, after all. I don't plan on dying any time soon. So what do you say? Me, or the pain of death? I personally don't really care which you pick, so long as you make up your mind. I do so hate indecisiveness."


(OOC: Sorry about the second section. Ethan's a terrible person, even for a bad guy. I've got to remain true to the character. From now on that will be implied.)

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(Haha don't worry about it! Makes for a more believable character, IMO.)



Keilani gasped silently, and her heart raced. For a moment she was paralyzed as the adrenaline coursed through her, and all she could do was stand there as Troy got closer. Then her brain started working again, and she smiled, put her arms around his neck, closed her eyes, and leaned in until their lips met. At that moment, her heart began beating even faster.




Mariah flipped backward and landed crouching on her feet. She controlled the anger that flared up inside her from Ethan’s degrading remarks. “Ooh, that’s a tough choice,” she replied ironically. “Before I give you my final answer, I’m curious as to the differing objectives you and this Scott hold.” She ran at him again to punch him.

Edited by Always

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The rustle in the trees happened again as the two moved into the tree next to them. "Really, cant you move to another tree without making a noise? You are hopeless." the girl voice whispered. "Hey, it is not my fault. I was born into a rich family, not a spy family." the man whipered back. They then stopped to make sure that they were not interacted with. Then the girl flew down a middlum size black ball, "That should do the trick." the girl whispered waiting for the villians to pick up the ball under Ethan's feet.

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Troy was pleasantly surprised and drew Keilani closer, kissing her back for what could have been moments or could have been an eternity. He didn't know, and to be honest, he didn't care. When the kiss finally came to a close, his heart beating like a humming bird's wings, Troy slowly pulled away ever so slightly, smiled, and caressed her cheek.



Ethan, unaware of the ball but completely aware of Mariah's attack, disappeared in a cloud of smoke and reappeared behind her a few feet back, readying a large, mini sun like orb of fire above his head (Hades used it in Kingdom Hearts II). "Well, to answer your question, while Scott and I certainly both want all of the goody two shoes inhabitors dead and would like to get rid of the other 'villains' as well, we disagree on the last step. He wants to kill me, then sacrifice himself to rid the world of inhabitors for good. Me? I'll use him to kill off most of my enemies and then strike him down where he stands. Then there won't be a soul who'd dare challenge me. So, given any more thought to my proposition?"

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Keilani opened her eyes slowly. “Wow,” she said breathlessly. “That was the first time I’ve ever kissed someone.” She giggled. “I can’t imagine a better first kiss, though. So does this mean we’re…official now?” She blushed a little at the question, which was weird, because of course it wasn’t unusual for her to be so bold. But she was afraid her question might scare him away.





Mariah whipped around to face Ethan and jumped backwards onto the low branch of a tree. She mulled over his question, trying to think of any possible advantage she could obtain for the rest of the Inhabiters by going with him. It wasn’t like she had a lot to lose right now, except maybe a chance to fix things with Joy and break James’s heart in the process. She might be able to get some information out of Ethan or, best-case scenario, distract him from his goal, but the idea of simply surrendering herself to this creep, and what he seemed to imply by that, made her skin crawl.


“Anything I want, huh? Sorry, but there’s only one thing that I could possibly want from you, and, well, I’m not sure you’d be willing to give it. Besides, I don’t find the guyliner particularly attractive on you.” She kept her distance, ready to jump out of the way if and when he threw the giant fireball at her.

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(kinda wish we had an Aerith to further complicate everything. xD)

Cloud looked around. "Well, It seems to be all wrapped up." He then looked at Tudi. "You're the one with Yuffie, right?" He put his Buster Sword on his back. "It's been quite a while since Joy's let me take him over. I guess he doesn't trust me as much anymore. I hardly talk to him." The last comments were basically to himself. "Well, Joy, back to you."

Joy looked around, surprised he got his body back so quickly. "Well...that was fast."


Reilly walked down the street, and realized he looked kinda weird. His clothes, his walk, his everything. Not that it mattered, becasue he was just trying to find the other Inhabitors, but he needed to find them first instead of getting chucked back in an Asylum. He sighed, and continued on. Hmph, not much to do right now, is there? Came Xemnas's voice. Nope. Not until I find the others.


Vanitas walked into the barn; it would work for now. He lay against the hay, and felt himself drift off into sleep.

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"Good, now we know his plan. Maybe its time that we make a little deal with him. I have been waiting for the moment that this ball would come in handly. The ball allows the controller to change their appearance for a short time only, and then after that they are reverted back to the way they once were. It was designed to never be used in any lifetime, since evil would try and take over the world with its true power inside the ball. That ball is life or death rolled up in black leather." the girl voice said. "How is something like that even possible?" the guy asked. "Even the creator of the ball doesnt know. Some say it is from future power, others say it is from meteorite power, I believe it is from magic powers. I know that sounds crazy, but since we have inhabitors, nothing really seems crazy anymore. Now come on." the girl voice said. Then Mariah was on a tree branch, "And you might want to watch for that." the guy said. They then dropped down behind Ethan. Their look was: http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090319021719/narutofanon/images/6/69/Anime_guy.jpg and http://images.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/20111121//300.jane.ls.122111.jpg "Hey, you should not force anyone to make a choice if they dont have to." the girl said. "Yeah, you play with fire Hades, you will get burn." the guy said.

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Troy leaned forward and softly kissed Keilani on the nose. "I'd say we're officially, official," Troy replied, smiling, before putting his arm around her shoulder and holding her next to him as he led her out to the rest of the group. Sure life sucked when you're attacked by people who hate you just because you have a Kingdom Hearts character attached to your soul, but right then, it was totally worth it. Who knew if he would've even met Keilani if it hadn't been for Ven and Namine?



"Oh-ho-ho! We've got ourselves a lively one, eh?" Ethan responded, pulling his arms down and leaving the massive burning orb hanging in the sky to rain down small bursts of fire sporadically. Now she'd have to worry about dodging both him and the random spouts of flame. Smiling sadistically at the thought, he cloaked his scythe in flames before charging recklessly ahead.



  On 4/23/2012 at 1:44 AM, 'Xeveemon' said:

"Good, now we know his plan. Maybe its time that we make a little deal with him. I have been waiting for the moment that this ball would come in handly. The ball allows the controller to change their appearance for a short time only, and then after that they are reverted back to the way they once were. It was designed to never be used in any lifetime, since evil would try and take over the world with its true power inside the ball. That ball is life or death rolled up in black leather." the girl voice said. "How is something like that even possible?" the guy asked. "Even the creator of the ball doesnt know. Some say it is from future power, others say it is from meteorite power, I believe it is from magic powers. I know that sounds crazy, but since we have inhabitors, nothing really seems crazy anymore. Now come on." the girl voice said. Then Mariah was on a tree branch, "And you might want to watch for that." the guy said. They then dropped down behind Ethan. Their look was: http://images1.wikia...9/Anime_guy.jpg and http://images.eonlin...e.ls.122111.jpg "Hey, you should not force anyone to make a choice if they dont have to." the girl said. "Yeah, you play with fire Hades, you will get burn." the guy said.


(OOC: More characters? Were they even approved? And the power of life and death rolled up in black leather? Seems really over powered to me. And what does that have to do with changing appearances?)

Edited by Not-with-a-whimper

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(Havent you noticed? They are Victoria and Paul finally arrived in New York. And its not really life or death, it just let you change your appearance for a short time, but if you take that power and use it with a device that Avan has, then it becomes a deadly bomb.)

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Sumer slashed at Riku. "No more hiding behind magic this time. Simple swordsmanship contest." Sumer said competitively. "I wanted to give you a handicap."


"Cloud said you don't trust him." Yuffie said coming out of Tudi, obviously trying to be a brat to Cloud.

'Be quiet Yuffie.'

'But I don't wanna!'

"Sorry, Joy. Yuffie is being a pain." Tudi said. Then she walked over to Felix and the others. "So what's the new gameplan eh?"

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"Don't know. But we should find something out. We should go find the bad guys and find out what they want exactly." Alex said while he could hear Roxas's constant mumbling on how he was going to get Axel later. "But what bugs me is what they really want, or is it just world domination like every other villain in history?"

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James blocked the attack and said "It's your funeral." He flew behind him and slashed at his back.

  On 4/23/2012 at 1:55 AM, 'Xeveemon' said:

(Havent you noticed? They are Victoria and Paul finally arrived in New York. And its not really life or death, it just let you change your appearance for a short time, but if you take that power and use it with a device that Avan has, then it becomes a deadly bomb.)


(Any changes to characters and powers must be submitted and approved before they are used in the RP. Since it wasn't submitted or approved, it doesn't happen. This is the second time you've done this.)

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Keilani giggled again and put her arm around Troy’s waist. As they reached the rest of the group, she heard Alex asking a question, and her expression sobered as she recalled what Scott had told her. “They want to kill us all,” she answered. “Scott thinks all the Inhabited people are monsters, including himself, and that we need to be wiped out of existence. He’s a complete psycho, but a dangerous one.” She unconsciously tightened her grip around Troy, thinking of how Scott had threatened to kill him. Once again, she was glad that he hadn’t gotten hurt when he came after her.




Mariah leaped from the tree branch and flipped over Ethan’s head, extending her legs to kick him in the back. As she did this, she could hear and feel the small bursts of fire singeing her hair and burning her skin. She clenched her jaw and tried to ignore the pain.

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Troy, who had been smiling, suddenly grimaced at Keilani's words. It was true, and they had to take him down if they were to even stay alive. Did that make him a bad person, he wondered? To kill someone just to stay alive? Maybe if that was the only reason, but he had to protect Keilani, and there couldn't possibly be anything wrong with that. Even if there was, however... even if saving Keilani made him a demon, Troy had decided it was worth it. The thought struck him as odd, but as soon as it did, it felt normal. If Keilani were in danger, what could he do but protect her?



Ethan was launched into a tree forcefully via a powerful kick from Mariah to the back. He struggled to regain his breath, and in the meantime swung his scythe, producing a wave of fire aimed at Mariah. He had to keep her away until he got his breath back, or she might actually have a chance of winning.

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Mariah jumped high into the air to avoid the wave, but it ended up burning one of her legs. Once it had passed, she landed less than gracefully on the forest floor. She couldn’t ignore the pain much longer. Looking at the fireball that was hovering in the air, she tried summoning a burst of energy to come forth and hopefully knock the flaming thing away...but nothing happened. “What?!” Mariah realized with horror and frustration that she had lost the power Scardigne had given her. She cursed and charged at Ethan again to punch him, hoping she would last just long enough to defeat him.


(Since Gabranth doesn’t appear in KH, I thought it was appropriate for Mariah to lose the ability she had gotten from him, just like she can’t use materia anymore.)

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