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Skyace 65

KH3D do you think Noruma has already started working on 3 now?

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before anyone says im stupid and how versus needs to come out first, i'm just thinking, the current team obveously has the 3D modeling experience so maby he will take all the non translation needed people and start working on the game concepts, story and character modeling while he waits for the versus team to finish so they can come in and work on all the leveling and UI.


thats what i would do and i hope its what he's doing, what do you guys think?

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before anyone says im stupid and how versus needs to come out first, i'm just thinking, the current team obveously has the 3D modeling experience so maby he will take all the non translation needed people and start working on the game concepts, story and character modeling while he waits for the versus team to finish so they can come in and work on all the leveling and UI.


thats what i would do and i hope its what he's doing, what do you guys think?


if he's able to confirm that the next game is most likely kingdom hearts 3. then, i would say he's probably done what he can for the game, so far. at least, what he can do, without needing the team.

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Pretty sure he's thought of the main plot already, which is working on it I guess, but yea nothing big. Expect a new game next year or the year after. Not sooner though thats for sure.

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Yeah, i have a feeling they have the main plot and a few of the new worlds/characters figured out. (emperor's new groove, sword in the stone, treasure planet, and toy story world PLEASE Mr. Nomura!)

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before anyone says im stupid and how versus needs to come out first, i'm just thinking, the current team obveously has the 3D modeling experience so maby he will take all the non translation needed people and start working on the game concepts, story and character modeling while he waits for the versus team to finish so they can come in and work on all the leveling and UI.


thats what i would do and i hope its what he's doing, what do you guys think?


That shit better be epic -.-

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Even if he ISN'T working on it now, he should definitely know EXACTLY what he's doing with the story at this point. I would imagine they already have outlines/sketches/storyboards/whatnot. As for the Disney worlds themselves, that's probably not even going to be discussed among them until they start full development. I'm sure they would need the OK from Disney first, I don't think they can just put in whatever world they want.

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Even if he ISN'T working on it now, he should definitely know EXACTLY what he's doing with the story at this point. I would imagine they already have outlines/sketches/storyboards/whatnot. As for the Disney worlds themselves, that's probably not even going to be discussed among them until they start full development. I'm sure they would need the OK from Disney first, I don't think they can just put in whatever world they want.


Yea they need to take care of each individual copyright on each movie/direct-to-dvd the worlds are based on.

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tutti frutti. I would think that at the very least, Nomura would think about what to work in terms of gameplay, story/plot, and other ideas that he is working on with his team at Square. Though, if Square is trying to focus on finishing Versus XIII, then I would think that they would have very limited amount of time to work on KH3. If Square is able to do anything for KH3, I would think that it would be cutting their schedule pretty short for Versus, among other projects.

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i wouldnt mind kh3 having only slightly better graphics on the ps3 than kh3d, if it meant waaaaay more story and equipment, and an awesome fighting engine. my fear is that, like most ps3 games now, they will focus too much on the graphics, and sacrifice game value.

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