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KH3D Kingdom Hearts 3D countdown topic (The game is out in all regions! The official party thread!)

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i know just how you feel the mom looks awesome i can't wait


sorry i ment saddly im not getting the mom i type so fast i forget to add words ><

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NYC Event ran out of MoM Editions within 3 minutes, according to Dolan, prince_david, and SquareSora.


That must suck

a lot.


I think they still have the standard edition, but still.....


Nintendo stocked badly, and when they meant limited editions, they really meant it.

I was expecting 100+

But it was 30 - 40.










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Is canda getting it the same day as us???


Omg 2 days left I been playing the demo. Down to 14 plays :)


yes when they mean NA release they mean united states and Canada :D lol if they didn't ... well two very important companies are going to get a special visit from someone

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Alright no need to pounce me, I didn't know. My bad... So I got a question, how do you explain KH to somebody? My niece is an anime fan and saw me playing the demo of Dream Drop I had trouble ecplaing the overall plot (she understood 50%)

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Alright no need to pounce me, I didn't know. My bad... So I got a question, how do you explain KH to somebody? My niece is an anime fan and saw me playing the demo of Dream Drop I had trouble ecplaing the overall plot (she understood 50%)


... wait who are you talking to? shanna 09, or me?

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Like I said she's 12 and she sorta remembers watching me playin KH when she was like 3 haha I told her it was a Disney/final fantasy game and you battle darkness in Disney worlds. Her response was "is there more to the plot and why are you playing a game that has non Disney characters?"

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No the whole series


i say start with KH1 and just gives a basic plot of it. Then moves on to the next game that was release. Like for KH1 it will be something like this "KH1 is the story of Sora,Riku and Kairi. 3 friends who were separated after weird monster attack their. Sora then finds himself in traverse town. There he finds Donald and goofy. They agree to help each other find the people they are looking for. After going to many different disney worlds Sora find himself at Hollow Bastion where he meets Riku again. After that he fights maleficent. After beating her sora finds out that maleficent wasnt the main villain it was Ansem who took over his best friend body. After beating ansem inside of his friend body he went to the final world to stop ansem once and for all" so something like that and you can add or remove parts

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Like I said she's 12 and she sorta remembers watching me playin KH when she was like 3 haha I told her it was a Disney/final fantasy game and you battle darkness in Disney worlds. Her response was "is there more to the plot and why are you playing a game that has non Disney characters?"


say a group of keyblade wielders struggles to keep the world light from collapsing, while corrupted villians try to defy them by taking over kingdom heats. the characters, travels world by world to help the innocent while keeping the balencing the forces of light and darkness.


meh im not the best in my english class so keep in mind it might not make sence

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Like I said she's 12 and she sorta remembers watching me playin KH when she was like 3 haha I told her it was a Disney/final fantasy game and you battle darkness in Disney worlds. Her response was "is there more to the plot and why are you playing a game that has non Disney characters?"


The best way to do it is to tell her 3frienfs were separated from their home one stormy night one boy named sora was given a wepon called a keyblade and he meets Donald and goofy after that they travel from world to world to help keep the dark ess from taking over.

Then you should let play the games and if you don't have the fm'S for 1/2 show her the extra scences and terra battle online.

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Those explanation could work, she was intrigued by the Disney aspect, I was thinking of having her play KH 1/2 then play ReCoded and Dream Drop


Can't wait to play Dream Drop I called best buy bout their copies of guide books coming in and it hey should be there by this coming mon

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Those explanation could work, she was intrigued by the Disney aspect, I was thinking of having her play KH 1/2 then play ReCoded and Dream Drop


Can't wait to play Dream Drop I called best buy bout their copies of guide books coming in and it hey should be there by this coming mon


No not DDD yet.

I know they have something for the newcomers, but she wont get the feelings we will get since we played them all.


Let her play:


KH:RE:COM (or not, just explain the story)




and then KHDDD


Days isn't that important, if she wants to play it then fine.

Re:Coded is not that important, explain the secret ending and the ending and then your good for DDD.

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