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Why the 'friendzone' is bs

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This reminds me of a certain copypasta. Not this one, something similar. A Feminist saying that men start wars, kill others, start crime, saying that they are liars etc etc blahblahblah. I'm speechless.


I find it funny, too. How only guys are arguing with you or something..and I'M a guy. lel

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I must say I agree here. The friendzone thing has always kind of bugged me. It's like people automatically assume that someone else is going to like them, and if they don't then they're just such a godly person that the other person won't date them? It's a confusing concept and somewhat stupid. :// Not to say that it doesn't ever happen, because it may on rare occasions, but it's not the case every single time a person gets rejected.

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Reading this and hearing that nice guys like me are "assholes" makes me say:


"Great! Now I have guilt!"


If you're one of the 'nice guys' that I have described, then yes, you're an asshole

But if you're genuinely a nice person, there's no need to get offended.

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Reading this and hearing that nice guys like me are "assholes" makes me say:


"Great! Now I have guilt!"


Why, because the girl of your dreams doesn't like you? http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png


Been there, done that, over with. That's life. Life's tough. More fish in the sea. Shall I go onto movie quotes or did you get the point?

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If you're one of the 'nice guys' that I have described, then yes, you're an asshole

But if you're genuinely a nice person, there's no need to get offended.


I am genuinely nice, by no means am I throwing people into friend-zones.


Why, because the girl of your dreams doesn't like you? http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png


Been there, done that, over with. That's life. Life's tough. More fish in the sea. Shall I go onto movie quotes or did you get the point?


Yeah, I got the point. I'm not actually in the friendzone described, but I have before and I got over it. The girl wasn't interested and I left it at that. And no, the girl of my dreams does like me.


What I'm really saying was that hearing on how girls get the shit-end of the stick just makes me go, "I suck. I'm not part of the problem, but I suck."

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I am genuinely nice, by no means am I throwing people into friend-zones.




Yeah, I got the point. I'm not actually in the friendzone described, but I have before and I got over it. The girl wasn't interested and I left it at that. And no, the girl of my dreams does like me.


What I'm really saying was that hearing on how girls get the shit-end of the stick just makes me go, "I suck. I'm not part of the problem, but I suck."


You remind me of some people with minor survivor's guilt.

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You do know what they say,nice guys finish last unfortunately. Its really stupid that in order to get a girl who looks like she could be a model you have to be the biggest dick in the world. To all the nice guys out there who gives a crap we're better off flying solo anyway .

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You do know what they say,nice guys finish last unfortunately. Its really stupid that in order to get a girl who looks like she could be a model you have to be the biggest dick in the world. To all the nice guys out there who gives a crap we're better off flying solo anyway .


Why not go gay or bi? ;-; Your true lover doesn't HAVE to be female...right? Edited by P50L

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it's really interesting seeing all the compelling arguments you guys come up with. Half of me agrees with the friend zone and half of me doesn't

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You do know what they say,nice guys finish last unfortunately. Its really stupid that in order to get a girl who looks like she could be a model you have to be the biggest dick in the world. To all the nice guys out there who gives a crap we're better off flying solo anyway .


You misinterpreted everything

Actual nice guys are good

Misogynistic 'nice guys' are bad.

You don't need to be a 'dick' to get a girl

That's bullshit

If she likes you, she likes you, if she doesn't, she doesn't it has nothing to do with if you're an asshole or not, it's what she's attracted to.


Why not go gay or bi? ;-; Your true lover doesn't HAVE to be female...right?


I know, it all takes thought and consideration.



You don't just think about 'going' gay or bi.

You either are or aren't.

It's not something you think about doing and then decide you will be. That's not how it works :/

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You don't just think about 'going' gay or bi.

You either are or aren't.

It's not something you think about doing and then decide you will be. That's not how it works :/


Hmm...alright. But still though, your lover doesn't HAVE to be the opposite gender. .3.

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Hmm...alright. But still though, your lover doesn't HAVE to be the opposite gender. .3.


of course not

but this thread has nothing to do with that

it's mainly aimed towards straight couples/situations i guess

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You do know what they say,nice guys finish last unfortunately. Its really stupid that in order to get a girl who looks like she could be a model you have to be the biggest dick in the world. To all the nice guys out there who gives a crap we're better off flying solo anyway .


I doubt the next girl I beat the living out of, would want to marry me in a week. Otherwise, I hope you take showers daily since your hands are going to start smelling after a while...


You don't need to be a dick to get a girl, because then you're just a scumbag. It's called ACTUALLY trying to be nice and talk to the girl, and maybe, just MAYBE, you might get a chance. And if you get friendzone'd, oh well, better luck next time. Girls don't actually have to like you, much to contrary belief. As a matter of fact, they can be whoever they want to be with. Because if she doesn't like you more than a friend, then she doesn't like you. The "nice guys" shouldn't take it as a heartbreak, be forever alone when they're other girls, and just plainly hating that girl for the rest of their lives.


Your definition of a nice guy is way off. Take a life lesson, you might learn a little.

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T_T Let me tell you a story. I was friends with a guy who I was romantically interested in. He, never having a gf in his LIFE I think, totally rushed into a relationship w/o even thinking about his own feelings. I like the friendzone b/c it allows u to get to know each other better w/o RUSHING and to think about your feelings before you act on impulsiveness :-D This way, if you determine that you don't like that said person then you guys can either be friends or move on ( And in case you're wondering this boy and I broke up b/c he "didn't think about his emotions hard enough." And if I sound bitter it's b/c I tend to hold grudges...despite my happy nature...don't mess with me ;)).

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T_T Let me tell you a story. I was friends with a guy who I was romantically interested in. He, never having a gf in his LIFE I think, totally rushed into a relationship w/o even thinking about his own feelings. I like the friendzone b/c it allows u to get to know each other better w/o RUSHING and to think about your feelings before you act on impulsiveness :-D This way, if you determine that you don't like that said person then you guys can either be friends or move on ( And in case you're wondering this boy and I broke up b/c he "didn't think about his emotions hard enough." And if I sound bitter it's b/c I tend to hold grudges...despite my happy nature...don't mess with me ;)).


the friendzone i'm talking about and the friendzone you're talking about are not the same thing lol

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the friendzone i'm talking about and the friendzone you're talking about are not the same thing lol


....Omg...T.T I'm sorry xD. Please forgive me for not reading it properly! >_< I've been working on essays the past two days and I think my brain is now mush.

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Posted Image



See what I did there?


Not sure if everything about those two pictures are true, or my firetruck is full of mind.

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dead thread but i found this and thought it was gr8


How the Logic of "Friendzoning" Would Work If Applied in Other Instances:

  • *Man walks into a store and finds employee*
  • Man: Alright, I've had enough. Why haven't you guys hired me?!
  • Employee: Uh...well sir, when did you put in your application?
  • Man: I never filled out an application.
  • Employee: Well sir, we can't consider you for employment if you've never filled out an application.
  • Man: No, that's bullshit, because I've been coming here for years now, and every single time I tell you all how much I love this store and how much I appreciate your customer service, unlike some of your other customers might I add!
  • Employee: Well, but that doesn't-
  • Man: AND I even told you that I didn't have a job!
  • Employee: But sir, that doesn't indicate to us that you would like a job at our store. And again, if you've never filled out an application, we can't consider you. Besides, we're not hiring.
  • Man: OH! Not hiring, HA! What a laugh. I see your store go through seasonal workers all the time. They come and go like nothing, but you won't consider me as a part-time employee even though I KNOW you've been looking for workers to fill positions? That's insane!
  • Employee: Sir, we've been looking to hire a few people for management positions. Do you have any management experience?
  • Man: Well no, but what does that matter?
  • Employee: ...Well sir, that's what we're looking for. You won't be suitable for the position without management experience.
  • Man: Oh that's such a load of crap. You know, you'll be waiting around a long time for a manager if you don't lower your standards a little. Who cares if someone knows how to manage a store? I LOVE this store and I'm willing to work here, that's all that should matter to you.
  • Employee: That...doesn't make any sense.
  • Man: NO! I'm done. This is over. From now on, no more Mr. Nice Guy.
  • Employee:
  • Man:
  • Employee:
  • Man: firetruck you, slut.

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I don't really like to go by Zones. If you're dating, you're dating. If you're friends, you're friends. If you like eachother but aren't dating but have a thing going well I guess with modern day terms your FWB :3

Edited by Libirica

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