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Age Progression & Time

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In KH3, how much do you expect the characters to age? How much time should pass between DDD & 3? Since there was only a 1 year skip from 1-2, we already saw a HUGE difference in the characters. Personally, I think there should be a good 2-3 year skip until KH3. I'd definitely like to see how S/R/K will age.

Plus that gives more than enough time for Kairi & Lea to train

(DDD Spoiler)



Really, If I had my way, I would have Sora look more like this: http://www.onlinemas...vmmoscreens.jpg

Riku somewhat like this: http://fc00.devianta...oo_by_t_lis.jpg

And Kairi like this (with red hair of course!): http://venturecospla.../12/rinoa_2.jpg



What do you think?

Edited by heyitsdeven

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I'd be interesting but I think a 2-3 yr skip would be too long or too much.. I mean, Xehanort could've also gotten much stronger during that time. I'd say probably just another year..I'd like to see them change too but not too much

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Shouldn't Ven look dramatically different, because he is the same age as Lea currently. 26 ish


Lea bbs-Lea kh3d aged, why can't Ven?


Or is there some mindeff explanation that Ven can't age

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I think it would be a little long for this story i like the idea and I think it would be cool to see (after kh3) sora middle aged with his own apprentice/apprentices. Imagine that if he was all decked out in Keyblade master armour and stuff like eraqus. An idea for a story would be one of his apprentices turning on him.... just an idea

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Shouldn't Ven look dramatically different, because he is the same age as Lea currently. 26 ish


Lea bbs-Lea kh3d aged, why can't Ven?


Or is there some mindeff explanation that Ven can't age


I second this; I would REALLY like to see Ven the way he's supposed to look. I could totally see him looking all mature like this: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-O03TYQn2f0Y/TjAhYW6lfgI/AAAAAAAAAaE/SA2sorj-9uQ/s1600/MTS2_kuja.girl_767542_rufus_closeup.jpg

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