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KH HD Collection?

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people are way to picky about the quality these days

there probably won't be coming remakes for any of these games, SE sees the FM's as remakes though

if they would make an HD remaster of an old game they should be cutting other stuff out leaving most people still disappointed

read this interview about FF remakes: http://www.oxm.co.uk/36521/interviews/final-fantasy-xiii-2-remaking-ff7-kinect-rpgs-and-killing-the-girly-feel/?page=1


with KH it still might be possible because they could make the games span more dics like the FF series but that is something that hasn't been done a lot anymore the last years


Just read the interview, it will open your eyes.

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people are way to picky about the quality these days

there probably won't be coming remakes for any of these games, SE sees the FM's as remakes though

if they would make an HD remaster of an old game they should be cutting other stuff out leaving most people still disappointed

read this interview about FF remakes: http://www.oxm.co.uk...ly-feel/?page=1


with KH it still might be possible because they could make the games span more dics like the FF series but that is something that hasn't been done a lot anymore the last years


Just read the interview, it will open your eyes.


That... does not apply to KH at all. Final Fantasy games feature large worlds full of towns. KH has small worlds full of bright corridors. The content of KH does not compare to FF, so the article has no bearing on it.

And uh.. the msot recet use of multiple disks I can think of off the top of my head is Final Fantasy XIII for the xbox 360 :P

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That... does not apply to KH at all. Final Fantasy games feature large worlds full of towns. KH has small worlds full of bright corridors. The content of KH does not compare to FF, so the article has no bearing on it.

And uh.. the msot recet use of multiple disks I can think of off the top of my head is Final Fantasy XIII for the xbox 360 :P


it DOES apply for the KH, they never used more discs and the worlds still were decent

they balanced KH between graphics and the gameplay and storyline

FF XIII is more focused on graphics then anything, and really can't you deny that XIII has a certain lack of story?


remakes just are crazy to begin with, it is also harder to make the quality better of a game instead of beginning

though i don't see any use of making the quality of KH better, most of times are great actually..

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it DOES apply for the KH, they never used more discs and the worlds still were decent

they balanced KH between graphics and the gameplay and storyline

FF XIII is more focused on graphics then anything, and really can't you deny that XIII has a certain lack of story?


remakes just are crazy to begin with, it is also harder to make the quality better of a game instead of beginning

though i don't see any use of making the quality of KH better, most of times are great actually..


What you don't seem to understand is that Kingdom Hearts isn't a Playstation 1 game. With PS2 games, all of the framework is already there. The models and animations, locations, voice acting and text. they don't even need to be brushed up if needed.

And you don't seem to understand, each world in KH is VERY small. The individual areas are very small, and there are usually only about 4-5 rooms in a world. Final Fantasy has a tendency to have very large rooms (Mi'hen Highroad in FFX, anywhere in FFXII) which is what that interview talks about. What the interview is saying is that PS1 games use prerendered backgrounds, which would have to be completely remade, as they are not truly 3D, meanwhile, PS2 games are truly 3D, but have a very low resolution, so there are a lot of places, and they are very big. This is hard to translate into HD in a short timeframe, and requires a lot of optimization to reach the same scale as its original.

And honestly, are you trying to say XIII lacks story when compared to Kingdom Hearts...?

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