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Kingdom Hearts - Dream or Drop

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During the sunset at Destiny Island, Zexemase was watching over the waves as the light turned it golden. Zexemase then let out a sigh, "This world is just too small." he said.


Kingdom Hearts: DREAM OR DROP


It all started out with a normal day. Peter was watching the clouds on a Saturday afternoon. He was in his homeworld of Greenlands and was hoping for a mericle. "Man, life is getting so quite here. Why cant we kick it up a notch? Cant there be something to take me from this world into the next?" Peter asked himself outloud. He then fell asleep moments later and was in a vass desert place. "Where am I?" Peter asked himself. He then saw some Bodyless come towards him. He took out his keyblade and killed them off one by one. He then looked at the sky. There was two planets next to each other, "What in the world?" he asked. He then woke up a few hours later, "What a weird dream. Man I got to get home." Peter said as he realized what time it was.

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"Kayro! Would you hurry it up?! We're going to be late!" Tiv called, looking over her shoulder. "I'm coming!" he huffed. Jace, Ara, Tiv, and Kayro ran down the streets, turning down a road that was seldom used. "Hurry, up the fire escape!" Ara urged. Quickly, the gang scurried up the fire escape, and ran to the edge of the square building, where four chairs were set up. Each of them sat down, and Jace pulled out some sea salt ice cream bars, and passed them out. "Finally, a break from the war." Kayro nodded, and bit into his. "Yup." Kayro looked absentmindely at Tiv's scar down the middle of her face, and looked back to the sunset they had waited so long for.

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What are you guys doing? When I saw dream or drop I thought you were discussing 3D but what the hell is this?!


I made a RP out of the whole concept of Dream or Drop. So it is a RP that I came up with when I was bored. Now unless you sign up on the sign up sheet, please dont post here, and that goes for everyone.

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Ivan Davcoff crouched on a roof top in Radiant Garden. It was night time and the lights on the street were on. Ivan himself didn't really know what the heck he was doing out tonight. Not much happened the last few nights and it didn't seem like this evening was going to be any different. If only he could shake this feeling of uneasiness.

He stood up and took in a breath. Maybe a roof top patrol would settle him down. He set off running over the roof tops.



Dee Sanderson walked aimlessly around Halloween Town's main square, idly twirling her umbrella in her left hand. She was mentally giving her home world a once over before she left. She was excited to be going out and seeing the worlds, though it still felt odd leaving. As she walked past the well in the center of the square, a shriek emanated from it and ghost poured forth. Dee merely smiled.

"Thanks for the sent off, boys." she told them.

The crowd of ghosts talked all at once, some wishing her well, some lamenting that they had not been able to give her a good scare to send her off. The slowly disappeared and Dee sighed. She would miss that.

"Get a hold of yourself, girl." she chided herself. "You'll be back."

She smiled at the world around her, then created a portal to another world and stepped through.

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Rixku just sat gazing around her Home world Radiant Garden as it was called waiting for something if anything. "Boring." That word was always dangerous with her family seeing as the same world had tossed Riku into something unbelievable. Being someone related to him could do the same thing.

Sky skated around on his skateboard trying to find both of his friends as he yawned noticing the setting sky above him. "I'm gonna be late if I can't find them soon." He thought before continuing on his own way around. Unaware of what was going to happen very soon to him and his two friends.

Kai walked around as well not searching just walking as he thought about what he was going to do today. "Okay I could go and practice but I need to know where Rixku and Sky are if i'm ever gonna get some decent training in today." He thought running a pale hand through his reddish hair he had gotten from his father.

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Ivan spotted Rixku as he bounded from roof top to roof top. That one was interesting. From the look on her face, she was having similar bordom trouble as Ivan.

Ivan ran and dived off the roof. When he hit the ground, he went into a roll. He ended the roll on his feet a few paces away from Rixku.

"Bored." He stated simply.

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"Bored is a dangerous word when you're related to Riku who defeated Xehanort. That and Darkness always seems to be tied up in the family now one way or another." She stated simply twirling not one but two Keyblades in her hands both looking very similar to each other. "These Keyblades are one of the nice things that I get for being related to him though. Don't know about the dual wielding though. Might have gotten that from someone else in the family." She stated again rather relaxed right now.

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Ivan grinned and chuckled.

"What's dangerous" he said, "is doing nothing about the boredom."

He swung his arms out as a gesture to encompass the world around them.

"This is a big place. There's trouble happening somewhere, for sure. What ya say we find it?"



Dee rested her umbrella against her shoulder as she studdied a big sign that said "Disney Town." This place didn't see that interesting. No good spots to jump out and scare someone. No manicing decorations. No eerie sounds.

"I guess it's worth a look." she said to herself and headed into the town.

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Jace finished his ice cream, and turned to his friends. "You guys done?" Ara nodded. "I think so, where we heading next?" Kayro pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket, and checked it. "Radiant Garden." Tiv got up and stretched. "Ok, then. Lets go." She opened a Light Corridor, and walked through it, and Kayro followed her. Ara opened a Dark Corridor, and dragged Jace through it. "I wonder what we're doing here." Kayro thought aloud.

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"Don't know if I should but hell I might as well. Something bad is gonna happen though I just know it." She stated calmly before standing up. "I guess but first help me find my friends Sky and Kai. There probably bored as well and this should keep them from complaining." She stated before letting her Keyblades vanish in a dark flash.

Kai walked on still bored and tempted to go home before latching onto Sky after managing to stop him. "Please stop so we can find Rixku or are you already doing that Sky?" Sky nodded before getting Kai to let go as he turned looking up. "Five munny says she went somewhere high up and that she's with someone else."

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