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Nafees Rahman

KH3D Only beat the game with the attack button? Language barrier...

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No thanks no patience xD I guess ill have my cute friend teach me japanese...


Or you can google all the attacks and there is bound to be a list translated to English. It's all in katakana so if you can read Katakana and sound it out you will get an english word. :]

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Whoa, will you really waste money and don't enjoy the game because of lack of patience? You could, instead, do like i did, spoil yourself all the way. You will know the history, which is preety much what i need to live, hehe, and when the NA is released, i'll lose my social life and play it.

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What i'm actually going to do is borrow my friends 3DS, since i don't even have money to buy a 3DS right now.

Hey, can a spanish, european or something 3DS play NA games? Not sure if this is the right place to ask this.

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sorry but i think you would be dumb if you would buy a second 3DS just to play a game that will release in your country in a few months..


Dont assume im dumb dude xD Im getting money for reasons I shall not verify so I was looking to spend it some way

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Hmm well explaining how im getting the money is hard lets just say a friend is gonna leave for 3 years and has a 400 hundred dollar limit to what he can get me


Wow, so your friend is leaving, picking up a game system and game, then coming back after three years when the game HAS ALREADY BEEN RELEASED OVERSEAS?


Talk about not thinking this one ahead.

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Hmm well explaining how im getting the money is hard lets just say a friend is gonna leave for 3 years and has a 400 hundred dollar limit to what he can get me


MFW your friend is leaving for 3 years and KH3D is coming out IN A FEW MONTHS for NA


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Dude getting it in japanese and just using basic attack buttons would be pointless. You wont even remotely be able to enjoy the game to its fullest and not to mention you will have no idea whats going on(and one of kingdom hearts' biggest things is the amazing story) Itll be out everywhere else like 2 months, 3 tops. Its well worth the wait.

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I understand what you were saying, your friend is leaving for 3 years. that means he will be gone for 3 years. unless he's mailing you the game and system, it's gonna be out in a few months for us anyway so why wait until your friend gets back?

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I understand what you were saying, your friend is leaving for 3 years. that means he will be gone for 3 years. unless he's mailing you the game and system, it's gonna be out in a few months for us anyway so why wait until your friend gets back?


Meh I just feel like it and if I dont get that ill just get a psp and bbs and ff games or whatever really

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Actually, I played the JP versions of Days and BBS. If you know Katakana and can sound out "Engrish" words, most things in the command menu won't be much of a problem. I could generally guess what was going on (in BBS I could, in Days, I had no idea what was going on 99% of the time, though BBS was pretty easy)

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Dude you should listen to the advices... I got a KH2 Final Mix and I only made it through because I played the NA release before, otherwise I wouldn't have done it. Besides why are you so impatient? You would get the 3DS only to play this game, not undestand a word, use only the attack button and don't get what's more important, the history of the game. If you want to play, wait a 2 months (not that much) and enjoy the Dream Eaters in a much better way, or if you want to see the cutscenes, spoil yourself a little to relax. Another thing, I saw some walkthroughs and it seems a little hard to beat the game by just attacking.

Edited by AntonioKHT

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