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KH3D (spoilers) young master xehanort ( AKA trollanort )

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No, the man in the brown robes was Ansem SoD. He time traveled back in time to tell YMX his Xehanortification plan and to tell him to time travel to other time lines and gather Xehanorts hence why Xemnas and Ansem SoD are back.


so during the kh1 bullcrapping events, he went back in time and told him this? so ansem sod had the 13 darkness plans all along?

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so during the kh1 bullcrapping events, he went back in time and told him this? so ansem sod had the 13 darkness plans all along?


Well we don't exactly know when Ansem SoD traveled back in time, but it was obviously before the end of KH1 since he still had the robes. Besides you can't time travel unless you cast aside your flesh, which is even further proof that it happened before the ending of KH1 since at that time Ansem SoD had gained a body. Anyway it seems Ansem SoD has all the knowledge that MX had meaning yes he helped move the plan along.

Edited by Master Xehanort1690

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Well we don't exactly know when Ansem SoD traveled back in time, but it was obviously before the end of KH1 since he still had the robes. Besides you can't time travel unless you cast aside your flesh, which is even further proof that it happened before the ending of KH1 since at that time Ansem SoD had gained a body. Anyway it seems Ansem SoD has all the knowledge that MX had meaning yes he helped move the plan along.


hm alright, moving on to kh2, why didnt xemnas use this plan here? he had roxas with a keyblade

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It's kind of a paradoxical time loop, really. Ansem SoD was told by Young Xehanort to travel back in time to tell his younger self about the plans. So nothing might not have happened unless that happened, but that would have already had to have happened in order for it to happen in the first place.


Confusing for some, I know, but time travel isn't as tricky as one would believe. You've just got to think fourth dimensionally for awhile. Or watch a ton of Doctor Who, and get used to it.

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hm alright, moving on to kh2, why didnt xemnas use this plan here? he had roxas with a keyblade


They originally intended to make Roxas the last vessel of the 13 darknesses as YMX said, but he started to think for himself and eventually went back to Sora. Xemnas was trying to further the plan as well by creating Organization 13, but they were once again foiled by Sora and the gang. Still they ended up succeeding as shown in the ending of DDD.

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I remember reading on a thread that the only thing that would make this game more confusing is if they introduced Time travel...well Nomura did, turns out they were right...

Since Roxas (and his replacement, Xion) is gone who is the 13 Darkness than?

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come on square enix.


don't bring time travel into kh,

i'm already confused enough in ffxiii-2


Yeah, I agree with you there. Square Enix really should not bring Time Traveling in this. It's already more complicated than it needs to be.

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Guest Lady Dreana

I remember reading on a thread that the only thing that would make this game more confusing is if they introduced Time travel...well Nomura did, turns out they were right...

Since Roxas (and his replacement, Xion) is gone who is the 13 Darkness than?


I'm just assuming but after everything in kh3d and possible returns in KH3:

Whose to say that Vanitas couldn't come back as the 13th darkness

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I remember reading on a thread that the only thing that would make this game more confusing is if they introduced Time travel...well Nomura did, turns out they were right...

Since Roxas (and his replacement, Xion) is gone who is the 13 Darkness than?


This is just a guess.

1.) Old Master Xehanort

2.) Xemnas

3.) Ansem, Seeker of Darkness

4.) Young Master Xehanort

5.) Braig/Xigbar

6.) Isa/Saix

7-13.) My guess is different versions of Xehanort from different timelines.

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This is just a guess.

1.) Old Master Xehanort

2.) Xemnas

3.) Ansem, Seeker of Darkness

4.) Young Master Xehanort

5.) Braig/Xigbar

6.) Isa/Saix

7-13.) My guess is different versions of Xehanort from different timelines.


Remember... Not all the orginization members are the thirteen darknesses. Xaldin, Vexen, Lexeaus, Zexion and Axel are not in on the plan as this is seen in KH DDD. Doubt Luxord and Demyx are in on the plan and Marluxia and Larxene betrayed the Organization so they are not in on the plan.

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This is just a guess.

1.) Old Master Xehanort

2.) Xemnas

3.) Ansem, Seeker of Darkness

4.) Young Master Xehanort

5.) Braig/Xigbar

6.) Isa/Saix

7-13.) My guess is different versions of Xehanort from different timelines.


I'm still betting that Sora will be the 13th in some form, especially if Vanitas wakes up.

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Wow, Ansem Sod has a big role in this game. That's really unexpected... he just felt so finished, just occasionally causing Riku problems

but now he's back fully causing all sorts of trouble traveling through time.

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