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why the world isnt going to end

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So probably everyone who is reading this has heard the rumor that the world was going to end in 2012, well in 2003 scientist said that sometime in may 2003 that the world was going to end by a planet crashing into earth call planet nibiru... but it never did so they pushed the date back to 2012 but if that planet was to crash this year in december but if it were to do that you would already be able to see the planet getting just a lottle bigger every day. Also they say it is going to end because the year 2012 is the end of the Mayan Calender but the Mayan calender is just like every other calender out there every calender has to have an end point and maybe the 21 of december was the end of december because they most likely didn't have christmas maybe, but just like every prediction this one is most likely false.

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lol,course the Mayan's didn't have christmas, that's a Christian tradition. Though I agree with you that the world proably isn't going to end by a planet crash, maybe we'll see the start of WWIII this year...

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The ''Mayan'' Calendar ended in 21 december because a spanish soldier that was exploring the area and searching for slaves killed the sculptor.


Thanks History Book!


Huh? If I remember right the Mayans were already gone by the time the Spanish came, it was proably the drought that caused them to leave behind their calender.

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The world OBVIOUSLY can't end because kh3 hasn't come out yet. Once it does, then we'll be in trouble.


This. There is no way I'm going to destroy the world before KH3 comes out. I'll wait until some time after.

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tutti frutti. If the events of LoZ: Majora's Mask was going to take place in real life, there would be a giant planet staring at us. Though I would say that the world will end at one point or another, that's just something that people can't really predict. Even when the world end's there's not much, if anything, we can do about outside of finding another planet that the human race can move to.

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the world won't end this year, though there's a chance of WW3 beginning, even that will take years to bring the world to an end


It's obvious that the world won't end this year.


Unless zombies start to attack us.

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Im pretty sure there isnt going to be a ww3 the worst that will happen is riots and stuff like what happened in england, But it wont be bad if you live in the south there will still be riots but not as bad as the northern parts if a new president gets elected i think it wont be that bad after a while

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