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Falling into a Twisted World

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"Your right, they are only powers that work here in this realm, at least that's the kind of feeling i get when i activate these techniques of mine, especially my Cyclone Claw." said Kojiro, upon replying to everyone elses's questions about their powers.

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"Well, I think it's high time we get out of here and start moving forward again." Michael said to the group. "If we stay here, the entire time, we won't learn anything about our powers and how we got here." After pausing for a brief moment, he continues to speak, "It's the perfect time right now when the sun is rising, and we can make a good distance before nightfall."

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"Yeah your right, Brittney, let's settle this another time maybe, okay?" said Kojiro, as he had decided, then and there, to deactivate his Cyclone Claw and instead, heed Michael's advice and continue on with the group to wherever and/or whenever they end up at.

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Elita nodded and shoved off the tree. "Well, Alvion, either we hide it from them, or they'll just have to accept it." she said matter-of-factly. She wasn't the type to encourage false hope, she found it better to be straight-to-the-point.


Autumn walked over to Brittney. "So, what exactly happened when Kojiro was about to hit you? What were you thinking?" she asked. Hm, maybe since Brittney discovered her powers fighting with Kojiro, maybe he makes our powers awaken, or something.

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Celeste looked around, " Great plan.... but exactly where are we making good distance to?" She asked looking around only seeing trees and meadow in every direction. She was starting to really want to get back home. Even if she was good at arhcery now she would gladly trade it for a ticket home. She used the rising sun to find west and climbed a tree to get a better look. :" If we go west we can use the sun to make sure we aren't going in circles atleast."

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Alvion simply nodded his head at Celeste's idea. Besides, he didn't want to hang around in this clearing in case more of those rabbits appear.

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"I'm not sure," Brittney replied to Autumn, "It's just this feeling in my gut. I can't describe it."

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