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Falling into a Twisted World

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Autumn sat down on the grass, balancing her elbows on her knees. "So, since you have your cyclone thingy, it kind of makes me wonder if we got powers coming here, as well." She picked up her sword as an example. "I mean, we woke up with weapons we somehow knew how to use. What else could there be?"

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Kojiro could feel the all of the attacks made by the bullets, Reacting by saying "DAMN!!!! LIKE I SAID BEFORE!!! WHAT ARE THESE THINGS MADE OF!! LIGHT OR SOMETHING!?" As Kojiro had once again become intrigued by how the bullets were made and what form they currently take but also like last time, He mearly decided to just put it off by not thinking about it once more and instead, Reply to Brittney's last remark about the cyclones and say "Nah, Not really but what's next, IS my thing!" Said Kojiro as had then started to chant a few words by saying "Kasai-Mizu: Teikiatsu..........Yoroi!" Said Kojiro, As the cyclone he had just casted against Brittney had gone straight back to him and instead, Did it become a part of him like he was wearing something like both bits and pieces of armour, As Kojiro goes on to say "Now then Brittney, THIS is my thing, Kasai-Mizu: Teikiatsu Yoroi, Or, Better translated, "Fire-Water: Cyclone Armor!", In a way, I guess your were right, Cyclones are my thing, However, Using the same technique, Over and over, Isn't." Said Kojiro, Smirking as the cyclone that had returned to him and had became a part of him, Now currently surround his entire left arm, As Kojiro goes on to say "This is one of the only three techniques that i can preform with my Twin Katanas, With the powers of both Fire and Water at my side, I can use them to help summon cyclones somehow and with them, Preform the three techniques that you had just witness, Kasai-Mizu: Teikiatsu, Kasai-Mizu: Teikiatsu, Daichi Youshiki and finally, Last but not least, The one your currently bearing witness to, Kasai-Mizu: Teikiatsu Yoroi, Right now, Since this just a sparring match, Im only going to use one half of my Cyclone Armor, The Entire left arm but anyways, Enough about me going on, Let's.....Get.....STARTED!" Said Kojiro, With a slight smirk on his face after having just explained how his fighting style works and then taking a battle stance, Getting ready to once again Brittney in battle, As his entire left hand then transforms into a giant claw, Made of wind, Thanks to both the Fire and Water giving it power. Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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If Alvion was impressed before, then he was amazed at what Kojiro just did. It was very interesting on how he was able to use both fire and water that way. Now that I think of it, Aaron has a flame katana too thought Alvion, taking a glance at the cat-boy. Maybe Kojiro could show him how to use it, that is if he manages to gain everyone's trust. Rustling noises came from the bush just a few feet away from Aaron, but he didn't seem to notice it yet.


Alvion's eyes widen a bit when he saw a rabbit was peeking out of it. He didn't waste any time, making a grab for his scythe and immediately went towards the bush. He lifted his scythe and then brought it down, effectively cutting the rabbit's head off in one clean swipe, no hesitation at all.

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Michael finally returned to camp to see multiple things happening. He saw Kojiro looking very different, and Britteny fighting him, must be sparring I hope he thought to himself. He then saw Alvion next to a decapitated rabbit. He found a nice spot to set the basket of water down so that the sparring match wouldn't knock it over. He walked over to Alvion and said "Ooooh, nice job. Very clean slash, that of a pro. So, what'd I miss?" then he remembers to inform the group of the water he brought back, "Oh yeah, I got some more water back." Then he stares over at Kojiro and Britteny sparring, "If any of you two knock over that basket of water, I.... Well, I don't know what I'll do, but it'll be bad." he tries to make a serious face, but it doesn't look serious, more foolish looking.

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'Whoa,' Brittney looked at Kojiro's claw. 'If he got awesome powers like that, I must have at LEAST a cool power like him! But I wonder what it is?" She shot a beam at Kojiro claw to see what happens.

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Kojiro's claw had enlarged so big that it mearly caught the bullet like a wasp is caught in a bee trap, With Kojiro saying "Air can expand and since my "Cyclone Claw" is made of Wind itself, Well, Im sure you can guess allready heh." Said Kojiro, With a sort of evil smile on his face as he had then dropped the bullet onto the ground after releasing it from his claw like it was nothing.

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((It's not a bullet, when it hit it's target, it just disappears)) Brittney waited for his next move.

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"Thanks" he replied to Michael's comment, although he doubted he could call himself a pro. Alvion never killed anything besides the occasional bug, and definitely not with a scythe of all things. A quick look at the blade of the scythe nearly made him him feel somewhat sick. Even if it was a clean cut, there was still blood on the blade

Edited by Felicitas

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"Now then, Take this!" Said Kojiro, As he had then shot his giant Cyclone Claw at Brittney like a giant punch, Hoping she would get blown away by the attack while saying "Once this attack starts, I don't have any control over it soon afterwards, "Please try to dodge for me will ya?", Heh," Said Kojiro, Using what he had just said actually as a means to mock Brittney, In order to get her to slip up and then he will able to land a strike on her.

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The attack looked scary to her. But a weird feeling in her gut told her to stay still. She closed her eyes and concentrated as hard as she could. As the claw got closer, Brittney waited for the impact but...nothing. She opened her eyes just in time to see the claw past RIGHT through like she wasn't even there.She didn't even feel the impact. The claw just went right past her body. "WHOA! That was so cool!" Brittney said.

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Elita jaw went slack as she watched Brittney and Kojiro spar. "Brittney!!! How did you do that?!" Is she a ghost? She snickered to herself. She was suddenly aware of a feather on her shoulder. She spun around, and looked up, arrow drawn. Was there a bird? She wondered, searching the sky. She lowered her bow, and examined the feather. Odd.

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'Yikes, no this might make sense, maybe we have special powers and that why we are in this crazy place, because someone might want those powers for themselves. Each one of us could be special in different ways. Like just now what you did Brittany, you were ablt to phase through that attack, maybe you have some kind of...light power.'

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Michael was amazed to see Brittney phase through that giant claw. He responds to Allen's comment "I'm not sure that there's some evil dude out to get our 'powers', and I don't think it's a light power, but more of the ability to pass through objects at will, like that one chick from the G-Men comics. Or were they called Team X." Michael then got up from sitting on the ground and went into his 'detective mode'. Walking around in circles questioning his inner thoughts, and acknowledging the impossible. Now, he acts like a 'smarty-pants' saying, "We could infer that it is possible that this world enhances our own inner abilities." Now he sounds like his normal self again, "Well, anyway, I think it's time we got the ball rolling again and get outta here."

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Brittney had a daze look on her face. "That claw just went right through me right?" For a test, Brittney stood a few feet away from a tree. She then charge at the tree but instead of going through, her body made contact with the tree and she fell down. "Huh? That's weird, it worked with Kojiro's attack before..."

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Elita thought for a moment. "Well, maybe its something you have to focus on. Since you just discovered it, maybe it will be a little difficult to use at first."

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"Now that IS strange, I mean, Normally, I know my Cyclone Claw is made of Wind and all but when it becomes apart of my body, Thanks to my Kasai-Mizu: Teikiatsu Yoroi technique's activation, Does it automatically harden, Hence why i was able to catch your previous attack from before but now there's this, Perhaps your powers are starting to awaken maybe?" Said Kojiro, Wondering about what was currently going on at the moment.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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'Well, if her's started to awaken, then that means all of us have some cool power too. But we all have to wait for it to awaken right? So along our journey of finding a way out of here, we should try and discover our power.'

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Alvion listened to the conversation, although he was still a bit unsure whether the possibility of having powers was a good thing or not. Who could say that these powers would disappear once they would return home? Alvion didn't want to end up going home with some strange ability that he knew would make him different from everyone. Even if he could keep it a secret, Alvion doubted he could live keeping something like that from his family and friends.

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Celeste listened silently cutting the rabbits from her belt. " Back to the powers idea hmm." She thought outloud. Well if the topic keeps coming back then there has to be some truth to it. She started wondering what her power would be if she had one. She sat in the grass listening to the conversation, oddly she felt comfortable with these people she had only met a few hours ago.

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"Well let's find out about these 'powers' I know mine is going through objects, though I'm not 100% sure. But I wonder what powers you guys have," In the outside she was excited, but in the inside, she couldn't decide whether it's a good thing or not. 'I wonder if that guy took us here because of our powers. Could this be some kind of test?' She thought.

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"I'm not really sure we can just activate these powers at will right now." Michael starts walking in circles once again, thinking and thinking. "I mean, when you phased through Kojiro's attack, it was probably instincts acting. Then when you tried going through the tree, you just smacked into it." he stopped for a moment to let out a light chuckle. "So, I can conclude that we can bring out these 'powers' when we most need it, until we can control them." he then paused once again and then said, "It's like riding a bike, once you learn how to ride it, you can ride all you want." finishing his speech with a bow.

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'Nice job there Mchael. It is probably similar to that in a way. But each one of us is unique, so no ones power will be similar as anothers. But who really cares what the power is right? The fact that we can do something out of the ordinary is pretty cool to me.'

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"That might be true Allen, but what'll happen when we get home? How would any of us explain to our families the powers we would develop if we end up keeping them?" Alvion questioned. Usually he would keep his more serious thoughts to himself but Alvion knew that this was something everyone in their group needed to consider.

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