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Falling into a Twisted World

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For some reason, Allen's comment sent Elita into a fit of giggles. She controlled her laughter, and slumped against the trunk of a tree. "Great, now I've gone insane." she murmured, a small hiccup escaping. Elita looked at Kojiro. "You look like a friend, not a foe, so I'm going back to bed." She climbed up the tree Autumn was camped under, and she pulled herself up onto a high, thick, branch, where there was a hollowed opening in the tree. Snuggling inside, she drifted into her dreams of home.

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Celeste watched the stranger silently not sure what to make of him. The guy seems worse off than we are. She thought observing how comfortable he was around a bunch of stangers with weapons. She started to wonder if he was the rustling she had heard earlier. As long as he doesn't keep me from getting home, I've got no problem with him. She decided relaxing again and putting her arrow back into the bag slung across her shoulder.

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Yami woke up and sat up right against the tree. She noticed someone else here, someone she didnt see before she went to sleep. Who's the new kid, she thought as she rubbed her eye and looked down at her sword. She didnt let go of it ever since she found it. Yami released her grip and let the sword sit on her lap. My hand is so numb, she though as she tried to shake it a bit

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"Okay then, If that's everyone's plan then please, Allow me to assist, Kojiro Susakabe, At your service!" Said Kojiro, Offering his services to everyone while at the same time, Did he introduce himself to Yami.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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"Well cant deny help so if you want you can help. We can use all the help we can get." Allen walked over to a tree and leaned on it. He grabbed some small leaves and started to weave them together. "Weall need to find out something do yeah, you can stay Koijro."

Edited by FFxChainlessSoulxKH

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Celeste nodded at the group's decision and sat back down. " Is there even a way out of this place?" She wondered outloud remembering from earlier not being able to see a sign of people living anywhere. She looked at her bow which no longer shone with the absence of the sunlight. She looked around the group's little make-shift camp it was way to real to be a dream.

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"Hmm.....Everyone, I think i may or may not have an idea on how to get us all out of this "Realm of Dreams." Said Kojiro, Hopefully providing a solution to both his and everyone else's problem of being stuck at their current destination.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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"And what would that be?" Alvion asked patiently. Honestly, any idea to try and get home was more than welcomed. It was then he felt something vibrate in the pocket of his pants. He blinked twice before recalling that he still had his cell phone.With being thrown into a strange world with people he didn't know, along with a close encounter with a carnivorious rabbit, remembering something like a phone was the last thing Alvion thought of.


He reached into the pocket and took out his phone, the screen reading 'New text message from Unknown'. A quick glance to corner of the screen showed that there wasn't any signal. Not to mention that the time was permanently stuck on 3:05 pm.

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Brittney noticed Alvion took out his phone and had a confused look on his face. Brittney went over to him. "Is something wrong?" She looked at the screen of the phone and noticed it was a text message from an unknown person. "Who's that?"

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'Unknown huh....let me see. Maybe its the guy that brought us here. Take a look." Allen saw the screen of the phone. 3:05pm, thats when they were all taken away wasnt it. So this place doesnt flow with time. Allen looked at the sky for a second, time stopped, but why are we here. Is this place even for real, or is it just some fantasy?

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Michael eventually woke up to see people huddled around Alvion. He could also see a light coming from what they were looking at. He got up and walked over to where the others were at to see what they were looking at. "Cool phone Alvion, but I wonder why it says you got a text from an 'Unknown'. Well, we'll figure it out sooner or later. I'm gettin' bored, I'm gonna go for a walk and see what I can find." He left the campsite and trekked through the forest, but not too far, he doesn't want to get lost.

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Elita opened an eye at the idea of escape. "Realm of Dreams?" She swung over her legs in a sitting postition, and held her head in her hands. "And you have your phone?" Quickly she checked her pocket for her iPod. "Dang it." she muttered. "What does it say?" she asked impatiently.

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Alvion felt uncomfortable with everyone's attention on him. But the sooner he read the text the better. Opening the text, he began to read it outloud. "Now that all of you have gathered, you must discover your true potential. But be warned, corruption will attempt to lead you astray from your path. The choice is yours to heed my warning." Suddenly the message deleted itself as soon as he was done reading it.

Edited by Felicitas

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Yami stood up and looked at Alvion. "Was that a ghost?" she asked. The thought of a ghost texting them felt weird. was that like a sign to tell us something, she thought. She heard the phone beep, which meant the text got deleted, but he didn't click anything. Yami sighed. Why is this all complicated instead of straight foward, she thought and crossed her arms in thought

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Name: Eira Black

age: 14

Gender: female

Appernce: Posted Image

Personality: shy, quiet, nice, can be demanding, strong willed

Bio: has little friends, loves reading, Eira gets bullied alot and that is what makes her scared of making new friends. She wants to find the reason why she exist.

Weopon: a spear that she found.

Ability(s): Ice & controling others (rarely controls others)


"I've been chosen?"

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Aaron sighed, he had the feeling he and this Kojiro kid were not going to get along. The entire matter confused him even more when Kojiro too had a flaming weapon, and even had such a name for it. Aaron sheathed his own sword, getting more drowsy. He attempted to lay back down, but then everyone crowded around Alvion.


Aaron shuffled forward, able to get a glimpse of Alvion's message.


Corruption will lead us astray? Aaron contemplated this, along with what Kojiro said. All and all, it was enough to make Aaron yawn.


"Hey guys? Can we...y'know, get some sleep? We could discuss things in the morning if you guys want.."

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Celeste agreed with Aaron, " Yes you should sleep, if tomorrow is anything like it was today it won't be a time to be taking naps." She said wishing that she could fall asleep but she knew she would only end up staring at the sky all night.

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'I agree, we do need our sleep. Who knows what we will meet tomorrow.' Allen laid down and closed his eyes. He was dreaming of a way out, but he was running down a lack corridor that never ended. The light at the end of the tunnel was there, he just couldnt reach it.'

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Elita lied down again, and mumbled "Yeah, I agree with Allen." But as the last word left her mouth she was already asleep. She was back home, only she was flying, and her family was watching her smiling. Elita smiled and waved, but then her dream took a nightmarish turn. Now she was only in darkness, absolute nothing, and she was falling. Or was she flying? Was she moving? Then her dream-self just shut her eyes and let whatever gravity was pulling her, take her away.

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Michael had been wondering through the forest for quite a bit. He seen many different wild creatures and was very intrigued by them. He made it to a cliff and he could see the whole area below. This view is beautiful, I wish I could draw this, but I don't have anything to draw with, he thought to himself. But, he remembered that he always had a pencil on him. He took off his left shoe, and under the insole was a small pencil, good enough to draw with. He went to the nearest tree and ripped off a moderate size of bark. He went back to the cliff and started drawing. There were dozens and dozens of trees that went on for miles, and a river that flowed through the middle of the forest below the cliff. He was so focused into drawing the forest, that he didn't pay attention to anything around him, just only on the forest below. When he was finished, he had snapped out of it and hadn't realized how much time had passed. So, he heads his way back to the campsite with his artwork in hand.

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"Do what you want" Alvion said sleepily, putting his phone back into his pocket and went to lay down in his small shelter. Even though his body wanted to go to sleep, he couldn't stop thinking about what the message said. True potential? What's that suppose to mean? Alvion pondered this before shaking his head. It was too late to be thinking about this. Like Aaron pointed out, they could deal with this in the morning.

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Celeste went back to watching the tree line resting her bow in her lap. She didn't bother to keep an eye on the new comer he didn't seem like hge would do the group any harm. She leaned her head against the tree wishing she wasn't so wide awake. I don't understand how they can just slep like that after everythign that has happened. She thought to herself. She was suprised at how quiet it was, back at home there was always some sort ofnoise,crickets or a car passing by, something. This was just inpenitrable silence.

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