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KH3D I receive my copy Monday-- help me decide what to do when I get it

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My copy of KH3D is scheduled to arrive on Monday. Of course, I'm going to do as much as I can to cover the game in great detail, and high quality. There's a problem though, I have uni all week-- so I need you to help me decide how my coverage is gonna go. Here are the options:


1. Play through the game as fast as I can in my own time (meaning I could play at uni, etc), in order to unlock Theatre Mode. After that, record the cutscenes in HQ and sub them / upload them. Estimated time of completion: ~4 days


2. Record a complete playthrough of the game (and possibly live-stream it). This means I could only play while I'm at home, which would be around ~5 hours a day max (since I have uni, and I have to sleep :P). Obviously, this would delay the whole process and mean that the cutscene archive takes a lot longer to complete. Estimated time: ~2 weeks


Feel free to let me know what you think. :)

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I'm going to go with: play it through quickly and record the cutscenes in HQ. I'd rather that than blurry live screen, but I don't want you to completely forget about uni :P

But then again, I won't even be watching the cutscenes anyway as I'm trying to avoid spoiling myself.

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Definately option one! If there wasn't too many livestreams I'd say option two, but there's been a tonne already. Best thing to do (and easiest for you probably) would finish it in your own time and get the cutscenes in as best a quality as you can.

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I would like to see the cutscenes alone, there has been shown enough game play and cutscenes is a lot simpler to navigate to a certain part someone wants to know..

do you already know how you are going to record it though? that will be hardest part..

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Option 1, DC! I've been wanting cutscenes for so long, you are awesome for doing this, thank you xD We don't need any more playthroughs, plenty of people have done those.

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