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KHBbS Do you think BBS Volume 2 will be on psp or ps3?

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There has been only one side story on a Sony hand-held(BBS on PSP), and 3 on a Nintendo handheld(counting DDD). I think that they should make a ReBirth By Sleep on 3DS and stick with all side games on Nintendo handhelds whether its 3DS or whatever handheld DS releases after it. So if BBS V2 does exist(which I highly doubt) then it should be on 3DS.We will se at TGS what the next KH game is, hopefully KH3.

Edited by DarknessOrLight

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Well, I don't think BBS volume 2 would be made, considering that Nomura said that Dream Drop Distance would be the last game before Kingdom Hearts 3, so I really don't see this happening. But if BBS volume 2 were made, I think it would be on the Vita, since BBS was on PSP, and maybe the reason that it would be on the Vita is because Nomura wants to test the power capabilites of the handheld. But since Nomura wants to return to consoles, I doubt BBS volume 2 will ever come to light.

Edited by Dark Sora

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Until now there hasn't been any rumor about bbs v2 and reconnect isn't a game...it's just an ending title on bbs secret ending which says reconnect kingdom hearts meaning that the next game will reconnect them all -.-"

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Well, I don't think BBS volume 2 would be made, considering that Nomura said that Dream Drop Distance would be the last game before Kingdom Hearts 3, so I really don't see this happening. But if BBS volume 2 were made, I think it would be on the Vita, since BBS was on PSP, and maybe the reason that it would be on the Vita is because Nomura wants to test the power capabilites of the handheld. But since Nomura wants to return to consoles, I doubt BBS volume 2 will ever come to light.


I totally agree with you...that's actually some proof...Nomura himself has said that so why do we talk about a bbs v2???...that game truly can have the story of ansem the wise at the realm of darkness but ansem isn't a keyblade wielder...he's a scientist trying to figure out the power of the heart.King Mickey goes to the ROD in the events of Kingdom Hearts 1 and BBS V2 would be between BBS V1 and KH1...if it were to exist it might have aqua only as a main character explaining what happens to her in 12 years at ROD...or maybe 10 years until KH1 starts...though at ROD not much happens so there isn't any story to tell there :/

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IF there was a BBS Volume 2, I think it would be on the PS Vita, and as for the KH3, I think it will be on the PS3.


That makes perfect sense to me anyways...

Edited by Toddler Naruto

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I think that BBS Volume 2 will be on the PS Vita, and KH3 will be on the PS3.


That makes perfect sense to me anyways.


there isn't any BBS volume 2 -.-"..Nomura himself has stated that

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I really think that the BbSV2 was just a teaser. I don't think that would happen at all. If Kingdom Hearts 3 will end Xehanorth's Saga and will be the next one, then if BbSV2 will really be made, will be on another saga. I think that with the heat of the moment they put that up. On that time Birth by Sleep was the best KH game so far... xP

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The story for BbSv2 does exist (Aqua/Mickey in RoD) they're just not sure if it will become a game, but we do know there's a "secret" title being worked on besides KH3. However since its supposed to be a "lighter" title (think KH1) I doubt it's BsSv2. If it does come out it will probably be after 3. Even thought 3 is the end of the Xehanort Saga that may just mean chronologically. Since v2 is between BbS &1 it could still be made, even after the Xhehanort Saga ends.


As for the platform what I would want is a PS3 release with Vita cross-play compatibility. But that's just me.


And Rinax

You forgot Xion. Yeah I know, she's not an official member no title but XIV is still her number.


Edited by Sora_Kuno

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guys i just realised something http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png

most of the games that appere on vita also appere on ps3.

wouldnt they just make it for ps3 if they did it for vita

i mean lets look at FFX its coming on both ps3 AND vita

(sorry for my bad spelling +language...... i leaned english from watching tv xD)

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It hasn't been proven, but it hasn't been dis-proven either. And technically as of the moment it doesn't exist, but maybe it will. Maybe BbS v2 and Reconnect are just other names for 3 and so therefore they exist. It's all speculation. So just as we can't say for sure they exist, you also can't say for sure that they don't exist.


Actually, Tetsuya Nomura says that while he has the story set up the game has been, well, cancelled. Mostly to work on other projects.


Anyways, It definitely would not be on PSP, since PSP is dying/dead.

Edited by KissyFace

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