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Lu Xun

Which of the four Birth by Sleep endings was the saddest for you?

Which of the four Birth by Sleep endings was the saddest for you?   

259 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of the four Birth by Sleep endings was the saddest for you?

    • Ven's ending.
    • Terra's ending.
    • Aqua's ending.
    • Secret Ending.
    • None of them.
    • Another option? Tell us below.

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Terra: Like putting on my armor was my only choice.


Ven: I comitted suicide.


Aqua(I assume you included the Final Episode as Aqua's ending too): I unintentionally started everything and made people play with cards.


Secret ending: The conclusion of everything stated above.


I'm going with secret ending.

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I really can't say which one was the saddest, because all 4 endings are sad. Terra loses his body to an old geezer, Ven's heart is once again broken, and Aqua is far away from her friends, in a very lonely place. I can't just pick one. I wanna see how their bad endings can turn around.

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The Secret ending is sad for me..all of people have a hope for sora,that's the most sad ending in the story for me,besides Aqua's and Ven's endind

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tutti frutti. To me I can't really say any of the endings were particularly sad in my opinion. Terra and Aqua could have prevented some of the events that took place from happening. Eraqus did want those two to bring MX back to him, which I must point out both pretty much threw that order out the window. Plus to me it just seemed like MX plans were going far too well for him to where he was boarderlining success towards the end of the game. If Terra and Aqua actually paid more attention to MX, they could have done more to stop him as opposed to where he succeeded in getting rid of Eraqus, damaging Land of Departure, obtain KH and almost obtained the X-Blade. I find that MX is one of the few villains in video games, among other forms of media, that are actually able to develop a plan as thoroughly and effectively as he did in BBS.

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I founds Ven's end to be depressing since all he ever asked for was a happy ending.


Aqua's ending was the saddest for me though..... she wanted to make sure all her friends were safe and she sacrificed herself to stay in the Realm of Darkness which was forever as far as she knew and she still wasn't able to change the unfortunate events.


I don't remember much about Terra... I kinda just prayed for his story to be over since a lot of his problems were accidentally on purpose caused by him.

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I say for secret ending. I really cried in the end when Aqua is talking to Ansem the Wise. It's also becuase of the saddest version of Dearly Beloved.


When I firstly watched it, I somehow knew that after AtW says "His name is..." other characters connected to him will appear. Namine in her room drawing... All three organization's members who are special... Ven who's peacfully sleeping really made me cry... And then Aqua how her tears slipped down to her cheeks... :'( that was so sad....

And then Sora who tells Kairi that he has to go...


Secret Episode really is sad....

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Terra is the one I pitty the most, trusting the wrong people, getting your body stolen, maybe terras heart can see what mx does with his body. All he wanted was to protect his friends. Very sad!

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The Secret Ending had me crying at the exact same moment Aqua does. When they all say Sora, you couldn't stop me from feeling all the feelings.

Aqua's ending had me crying pretty badly too.

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Secret Ending! Poor Aqua! Also, when she tells Xehanort: "My name is MASTER Aqua. I'll have my friend back!" I was just so emotioned. Of course, for the japanese voicing. Englisj voicing doesn't sound so dramatic as japanese.

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Both of Aqua's friends were as good as dead and she was forced to walk the Realm of Darkness for years, most likely filled with guilt for not saving them or being able to save them. Now, don't get me wrong; the other two's endings weren't that happy either, but Aqua's is the saddest in my opinion. This! Is! Sparta! Oh hey! You found my secret text. Nice work! :)

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vens ending along with the secret ending it seemed kinda powerful when those cinnected to sora all said his name those he will have to save from misery

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I'd say I'm stuck between Terra and Secret Ending... but partly since Terra's getting so few votes, I'm gong with him.

The poor boy had his body stolen from him, and his mind lingers, all alone, in a desolate, lifeless land. The Lingering Sentiment always makes me sad... alone, isolated, powerful but unable to help his friends, stripped of what was meant to always be his. He got the shortest end of the deal in my mind. Aqua's alive (albeit trapped in the Realm of Darkness), and she found happiness in knowing that there was a hero of light with the Keyblade who saves the worlds. Ven found a safe place in Sora's heart and was happy there. Terra was enslaved and torn apart, and neither part found real peace or happiness. He had to fight Master Xehanort within his own heart, and the Lingering Sentiment... well, I think I've said all I can there.

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Vanitas god damn he had a terrible life :( full of nothing but emptiness and negative emotion


YES! Someone else who agrees with me that Vanitas deserves some pity!

You can find stuff on his background on the wiki (which I'm currently avoiding to keep away from spoilers)... the poor guy's an Anakin Skywalker character. Master Xehanort freaking BEAT the poor guy. Destroying Unversed causes him physical pain.

Poor Vanitas... http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-cry.png


Wow no Terra huh?


I mean part of him in a empty armor guarding who knows what. (probably the old kingdom hearts)

Having to share a body with Xehanort (who tried to destroy all worlds) for years. Then if you think of the future going crazy turn the a whole world into a place of darkness and heartless roam and etc... And god knows where is heart is.


But yeah the others are indeed sad.


although I voted Ven, I do have give Terra his props for a sad ending...led throughout the story trying to be good and doing nothing but damage. And in the end having his own body taken from because of darkness he tried so hard to fight. and his mind remaining in the armor only to remember the horrible things that happened to him and what he did. No denying that all of these endings were heart breaking, but Terra's is very sad in the fact that he has no say in anything anymore...Aqua is still free to find a way out of the RoD, and Ven's heart only needs time to heal and then he is done, but Terra can't do anything but sit back and watch hopelessly as Xehanort does evil. Terra's is definitely a tragic one!


Did no one notice that Terra's story was the saddest I mean technically most of it his fault and in the end he lost everything including his own body. At least nobody is going around cray in ventus's body


Terra is the one I pitty the most, trusting the wrong people, getting your body stolen, maybe terras heart can see what mx does with his body. All he wanted was to protect his friends. Very sad!


all of them were very sad :'(. But terra. I never really got him


*Shakes all of your hands*

Everyone suffered pain... but I agree that Terra suffered the most of the trio.

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