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KHBbS The fall of Radiant Garden

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In newest interviews, Nomura has hinted, that BBS might not be 10 years pirior to KH1, but 9 years. Hint? We remenber, that Leon said, in KH1, that heartless overtook Hollow Bastion (a.k.a Radiant Garden) NINE years ago. Maybe we get to see it in BBS?

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It could actually have one year prior to that even as well....?


i dont think we will, cause the only enemies in birth by sleep are the unversed



...Yeah. 8D xD

It'll prolly still be 10 years prior.

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i dont think we will, cause the only enemies in birth by sleep are the unversed


and melificent took over RG with the heartless soo..


...soo maybe if they do show it, it might just be Shadows, as a reference when Xehanort and the others conducted their experiments it said they made Shadows.


And since in KH 1 & 2 they've used more than one enemy here too, and since it's the Keyblades purpose to fight the Heartless...

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i dont think we will, cause the only enemies in birth by sleep are the unversed


and melificent took over RG with the heartless soo..


...soo maybe if they do show it, it might just be Shadows, as a reference when Xehanort and the others conducted their experiments it said they made Shadows.


And since in KH 1 & 2 they've used more than one enemy here too, and since it's the Keyblades purpose to fight the Heartless...



ok so wat is the purpose of the keyblade in BBS?

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