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RP Adventure! XD

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Dawn smiled "I had the best dream! Me and you were- errrrr never mind!" ^~^;; Dawn then turned to Sasha "Oh- we need to go to Victoria's secret agian, My bra is to small again!" Dawn said.


Sasha: O.O "But the last size was a 38 C!"

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~5 hours later~


Dawn, Sasha and Katana were talking.. "So yeah, I'm at that stage when I want no, NEED sex all the time, if Shur won't give it to me. I might have to do it with Sai or Zack, or BOTH!"


Zack: O.O -OH YESA-

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Dawn pushed him off "Only is SHUR MY HUSBAND, YOUR BROTHER won't feed me! Other than that- NO!"


Zack went on her lap "Pleaaasssee! Those D's are awesome!"

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Sai bowed before Shur...

"Oh almighty brother, please, will thou not have sex with thine wife this night?"

"Okayyyy,,,, why?"

"Becauseth she said, that if thou art not, she will hath do it with myself and thy Zack,,:

Shuriken kicked Sai in the stomach

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