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RP Adventure! XD

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Dawn looked at him (Shuriken), she was angry. THIS person could see RIGHT through her. HE can't. "My friend, Zack."

Zack smiled and walked over to Dawn "Yes, this cutie right her is my friend... who are you?"


Dawn backed away a little

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Dawn even more angry looked at Shuriken "Only GUARDIAN?! Oh, I got you." Dawn angerly left. Zack watched her leave, winked at Shuriken and followed her "Hey, what's wrong?" he asked. Dawn looked at him "None of your business!" Dawn said. Zack was right next to her,

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Zack put his arm on Dawn's shoulder and pulled her closer "Hey- wanna go clubbing with me?"

Dawn took his arm off of her "Me? You? DRINKS?! HA, no." she then walked faster Zack watched while laughing. He then caught up with her "Hey, c'mon General Cutie!"

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Dawn saw and jumped in front, keyblade in hand and stopped him "What?! NOW you care?!" she said and Zack saw "Oh- sorry, man!"

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Zack sighed and jumped, when Shuriken went past Dawn, it knocked her down and hit her head, she might have broke her arm, it was hurt. She got up, she was PISSED "Shuriken. It's done." she said, she then walked to the house, Zack quickly followed

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Dawn was at the house now....

Zack turned and winked at Shuriken and well, was with Dawn now

Sasha saw Dawn and Zack "Hey---- who are you?"

Dawn heard Sasha "He's a friend!"

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Sasha went outside, laughing and saw Shuriken "Oh- Shuriken? what's wrong? Have you met Zack- he's HILARIOUS!"

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Sasha got mad "FINE! I ONLY took care of you for 2 years. I pampered you, while you were sleeping or doing something, I was washing your clothes, cooking your meals, keeping the house stable! FINE DON'T TELL ME!" *turns and crosses arms over chest*

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