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KH3D I got my Kingdom Hearts 3D!

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I'm planning to post walkthroughs on youtube, but each video upload is taking like 198 minutes : (

I'll do as fast as I can.

Edited by takaturtle

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I'm planning to post walkthroughs on youtube, but each video upload is taking like 198 minutes : (


Ouch, that's ages. D: You should try livestreaming it, I think some websites will give you the option to automatically upload your livestream to YouTube. It would be lower quality than what you're currently doing, but this way, the uploading to YouTube would be done for you-- and you wouldn't have to wait that long. Just PM me or talk on chat if you want to do this and need help setting it up.

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lucky you. I want to have mine too but i can't get it till it's released in the EU I hope it releases soon so i can get it. I really hope so.

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Ouch, that's ages. D: You should try livestreaming it, I think some websites will give you the option to automatically upload your livestream to YouTube. It would be lower quality than what you're currently doing, but this way, the uploading to YouTube would be done for you-- and you wouldn't have to wait that long. Just PM me or talk on chat if you want to do this and need help setting it up.


Hey we should have quality not quantity!


I just came home from game store with my KH 3D!!!!! (I am currently living in Taiwan and it's about 5 pm here.)

I have been on this site since months ago, but never participated in the forum...

It is my first post on the forum and I would like to share some pictures (or maybe video) of the my walk through. Feel free to ask any requests or questions regarding to the game : D

There might be some spoils!!! (I have warned you)


P.S. I will respond you people as fast as I can, but don't be too mad about my slow act...


Lets begin with the package!!!


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Front side of the package.


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Side of the package


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Back of the package


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Inside (with limited AR card!!!)


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Without the manual and stuff... (nice spirits!!!)


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The paper behind the boxes.


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Instructions and stuff. (I think the AR card of the right side is in every package...?)


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Backside of the AR card.


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I don't really like that they changed the small booklet to a piece of card... : (



I am going to upload more photos(or videos) later : )


Since you live in taiwan (I think they speak chinese theyre) can you maybe put english subs on the videos??

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Hey we should have quality not quantity!




Since you live in taiwan (I think they speak chinese theyre) can you maybe put english subs on the videos??


Yeah sure, but it will cost more time... but i'll try for the subtitles : )

(By the way, not all chinese can speak japanese, thery're different!)

Edited by takaturtle

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Guest Lady Dreana

Please show the cutscens with LEA PLEASE!

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What ur youtube channel? If ur gunna do a high quality walkthrough i want to see and subscribe


My channel will be http://www.youtube.com/user/lollij82. Currently, there's nothing, everything is processing.

It taked hours to upload a video(something like 300 minutes : ( )


takaturtle, can you teel us what the second AR Card (KH02) does and when and how you must enter the cards' codes?


KH02 is used for placing spirits. The spirits you have will appear on the card.

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I subscribed to your channel! I know that it takes longer for these videos to be up, but I'll be patient. These videos are the best quality I've seen so far. :D

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How far in are you with the game?


I'm not really far in the game. I just finished The Grid. The boss fight became harder...


Wow talk about amazing first post! Thanks so much for the awesome pics! Hasn't Square been taking videos down from YouTube though?


If they take down, then... :(



I just(yesterday) took the opening:



Part 1 of the Walkthrough/Gameplay(subtitled):


Edited by takaturtle

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Thanks for all your info! I'm having a hard time keeping up with all the live streams and I'm utterly confused since there's no real confirmation about the plot and the ending, etc. Hopefully we can have things cleared up soon enough!

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