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PS2 question.

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I recently just acquired a ps2,but don't know which memory card is a good one to buy.

Should I buy the Sony 8MB for $9.98 or the generic 128MB for $12.45? I am technologically challenged when it come to these kinds of things. :P

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Edited by beadprincess

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The Sony one. Save files are usually under 100 KB. 1000 KB = 1 MB. So you'll be able to fit all your gave save files on it fine. After all your not going to be purchasing 100 games for it.

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The Sony one. Save files are usually under 100 KB. 1000 KB = 1 MB. So you'll be able to fit all your gave save files on it fine. After all your not going to be purchasing 100 games for it.


Thank you Sora96 for the advice. I think I will be buying the Sony memory card

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Thank you Sora96 for the advice. I think I will be buying the Sony memory card


What? No! You have NO idea how many save files you might have. Spend the extra two dollars. Sure, 8 MB is a decent amount, but you are guaranteed not to run out if you just spend a little extra.

I'm sorry, there is NO reason not to get the bigger card. 128 MB? That's an extra 120 MB (Or, to fit Sora96's analogy; 1200 save files)

You have no idea how frustrating it can be to have not quite enough space for one extra save. So just spent the extra 2 bucks, and you'll be sure to have no regrets down the road.

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What? No! You have NO idea how many save files you might have. Spend the extra two dollars. Sure, 8 MB is a decent amount, but you are guaranteed not to run out if you just spend a little extra.

I'm sorry, there is NO reason not to get the bigger card. 128 MB? That's an extra 120 MB (Or, to fit Sora96's analogy; 1200 save files)

You have no idea how frustrating it can be to have not quite enough space for one extra save. So just spent the extra 2 bucks, and you'll be sure to have no regrets down the road.


The PlayStation 2 is pretty much dead. I seriously doubt he's going to be purchasing enough games to fit the Sony memory card. Heck I purchased a Sony one and it's been plenty for me. I still have a lot of room.

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The PlayStation 2 is pretty much dead. I seriously doubt he's going to be purchasing enough games to fit the Sony memory card. Heck I purchased a Sony one and it's been plenty for me. I still have a lot of room.


It's TWO BUCKS, for guaranteed security. I don't get it, why are you against this? There are all sorts of reason why he could run out of space. Multiple save files, memory intensive games. Games with customization.

And for two extra dollars, he can be guaranteed that he'll have enough space for anything and everything that comes his way. Even if he's not planning on it now, who knows what might happen? I bought a Playstation 3 with as little memory as possible, because I thought I'd NEVER fill that space. But a few years later, my circumstances changed, and I did.

So why shouldn't he spend an extra two dollars for something that is so exponential better?

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It's TWO BUCKS, for guaranteed security. I don't get it, why are you against this? There are all sorts of reason why he could run out of space. Multiple save files, memory intensive games. Games with customization.

And for two extra dollars, he can be guaranteed that he'll have enough space for anything and everything that comes his way. Even if he's not planning on it now, who knows what might happen? I bought a Playstation 3 with as little memory as possible, because I thought I'd NEVER fill that space. But a few years later, my circumstances changed, and I did.

So why shouldn't he spend an extra two dollars for something that is so exponential better?


Because there's no point paying the extra two dollars. I seriously doubt someone going to purchase 50 PlayStation 2 games with the PlayStation 2 dead. Plus it's much better to buy Sony then some crappy no name brand.

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Wow this has turned into quite a debate. However I have already bought the Sony memory card. I basically bought a PS2 to play Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy games. The good thing about a system being ancient is that everything seems to be cheaper. :D By the way I am a she.

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Because there's no point paying the extra two dollars. I seriously doubt someone going to purchase 50 PlayStation 2 games with the PlayStation 2 dead. Plus it's much better to buy Sony then some crappy no name brand.


My 8 MB PS2 memory card is full at less than 30 save files. Most of those save files are Kingdom Hearts. And... really? you're basing this on a brand name? That's silly. A brand name raises the price, nothing more. Nothing bad will happen if you buy another brand. I'm sorry, this is really silly. This card is (was) 16 times better than the other one, and cost 1.2 times as much. Even if he only makes a few save files, the extra two dollars is worth it on the off chance he doesn't. There are plenty of reasons to make multiple save files, especially with Final Fantasy.

Seriously, WHY are you arguing this? There is no good reason why you got beadprincess to do what you go her to do. This is silly. It's pointless. It's wasteful. Yeesh.


Wow this has turned into quite a debate. However I have already bought the Sony memory card. I basically bought a PS2 to play Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy games. The good thing about a system being ancient is that everything seems to be cheaper. :D By the way I am a she.



I'm sorry you did that.


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PS2 has arguably the best lineup of games ever.

So what's the problem?


No problem. I totally agree with you, and I don't even own a PS3 - PS2 all the way! It's just rare to find someone only just buying a console that's considered 'dead' and has been for several years.

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No problem. I totally agree with you, and I don't even own a PS3 - PS2 all the way! It's just rare to find someone only just buying a console that's considered 'dead' and has been for several years.


PS2 isn't dead yet. You can STILL get new games for it

It's kind of ridiculous, actually.

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PS2 isn't dead yet. You can STILL get new games for it

It's kind of ridiculous, actually.


Could you recommend some new games for me to buy?


Wow this has turned into quite a debate. However I have already bought the Sony memory card. I basically bought a PS2 to play Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy games. The good thing about a system being ancient is that everything seems to be cheaper. :D By the way I am a she.


Same pic as J. Severe. I sense problems in the near future.

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All I see are games made for spare change, as I expected you'd give me.


Can't figure out what you're trying to say.

Like at all.

What are you trying to say?

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Can't figure out what you're trying to say.

Like at all.

What are you trying to say?


Do you actually see any new game in that list that wasn't also made for PS3/360/Wii?

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Do you actually see any new game in that list that wasn't also made for PS3/360/Wii?


Why does that matter? And I'm pretty sure I did. Not going to spend time looking for them though. You can if you want.

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Why does that matter? And I'm pretty sure I did. Not going to spend time looking for them though. You can if you want.


Sigh....as expected.

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