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KH3D *Spoilers* Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance] coverage

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goldpanner has provided a more detailed translation of the ending as explained by a user on 2ch. Currently, we believe that this is legit, but please keep in mind that there is a possibility it is made up. However, http://kyokugen.info/kingdom-hearts3d/ confirms some of the information here, so that points towards it being true. As for the translation:


I hope this is true. It makes me so happy to think that Saïx will return.

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Woah! Sora doesn't become a Keyblade Master...that was a twist and kind of explains the Light will become Darkness (Sora) and Darkness will become light (Riku). I kind of like the twist though I feel sorry for Sora...stupid Xehanort now ruins two potential Keyblade Masters...

I figured Lea was going to get a Keyblade, after all he's the only one out of the three trios (A-V-T,K-S-R,X-R-A) who lacks one.

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So I have a question, even though he (supposedly) failed the test, can he still wield a keyblade? Also, since he is and will always be the main character, he will find a way somehow to become a keyblade master. c:

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i didnt want to admit it but i knew somethin was gonna happen to sora http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-cry.png http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-cry.png http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-cry.png http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-cry.png http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-cry.png http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-cry.png http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-cry.png

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Okay, have Nomura said that this would be last spin-off before Kingdom Hearts III? 'Cause if he hasn't said that, I can already imagine another spin-off about Sora's second chance to become a Keyblade Master ¬¬

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No! Keep Organization XIII out of this! Human forms or not, they shouldn't be used by some old dude Xehanort.


Anyway, all the news come when I'm at school...when I can't access "game" sites. So I can't listen to the new soundtracks, or watch cutscenes or livestreams.


All this information makes me want the English version right. Now.

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Id say this is fake, the game is 35 hours long if im correct? It was stated in an interview was it not? Even if someone was to speed run it they would probably still die from time to time and that would add to the hours the game would take to finish. Plus there hasnt been any signs to lea/axel being a keyblade holder as far as i know, id say its fake and it dosnt seem like to much of an ending to me, hopefully there is something big in the secret ending if turns out to be true. And why isnt there nay info on where xion and roxas and ven came from or are they just in his heart?

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so you're telling me lea gets a keyblade trains with yen sid and sora walks away after EVERYTHING THAT HES GONE THOUGH OMG you have to be kidding me no i dont belive at ALLLLLLLLLLLL omg why why its was MX plan all along to destroy sora no no no no no no no this cant happen omg WHY

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I have to agree with souleater3000. If someone had to speedrun, they would die time to time and it looks like the battle diffculty was raised a bit. I watched Apaulliao videos of him battling against the gorilla boss. He died several times before he managed to killed it. Although, it could be possible that he was new to the game. Also in addition to dying from time to time, when you're fighting a boss fight, the dream guage is still being delepted, so if you weren't prepared for the battle, you basically switch out due to no time. Now, this would have to be confirmed. I can confirm the deleption but not the switching out since Apaulliao almost had to switch out once but he killed it or died, I don't remember. But if this is the true ending, I hope they make it clear what happened.


P.S: yes, you'll switched out during a boss fight if the gauge is fully delepted. Confirmed in Apaulliao second KH3D video http://www.twitch.tv/apaulliao/b/313222886 here's proof around 26:53 is where it switches. May contain spoilers watch at your own risk http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-mad.png.

Edited by shivarice

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I have to agree with souleater3000. If someone had to speedrun, they would die time to time and it looks like the battle diffculty was raised a bit. I watched Apaulliao videos of him battling against the gorilla boss. He died several times before he managed to killed it. Although, it could be possible that he was new to the game. Also in addition to dying from time to time, when you're fighting a boss fight, the dream guage is still being delepted, so if you weren't prepared for the battle, you basically switch out due to no time. Now, this would have to be confirmed. I can confirm the deleption but not the switching out since Apaulliao almost had to switch out once but he killed it or died, I don't remember. But if this is the true ending, I hope they make it clear what happened.


Once the drop gage depleats the character switches out, even in boss battles, I cant imagine someone finished it that fast im hopeing its just some sort of fan-fic but if real they make it much clearer.

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Well, Apaulliao has also confirmed that he's on Proud Mode, the hardest difficulty before unlocking Critical. I'm sure there are some people playing on Beginner, though I doubt they've beaten it either. I know when I get it on the US release, I'm starting on Beginner just like every other KH game I played.

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Why do I feel that the 'longest ending in KH history' and that fact they played around with playable secret endings (BBSFM) that maybe TWTNW is only a mid point twist.

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Um, ok, I had a feeling that Riku was going to be a Keyblade Master and Sora wouldn't. Don't ask why, but I had a feeling it would happen. And Lea being able to wield a Keyblade? Not sure about that one. I prefer him with his chakrams. And why does Riku have to fight armored Ven? (if it is indeed Riku that has to fight) I can understand being able to see Xion, Roxas, and Ven in Sora's heart (since they are a part of him, except for Ven). I'll have to keep watching other people play through the game and see if this ending is true. I could see it happen, I truly could, I just don't understand it much. That, and I want to see the English subtitles so we can get understand what's going on.

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