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Kairi a Keyblade Wielder

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Won't it be cool if Kairi a Keyblade Wielder in the future game? I mean she is kind of diffrent from the other Princess of Hearts and posses a Keyblade. If that happen she could join Sora and Riku on a journey togther or like the TAV seperatly.

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But Riku gives it to her. It technically isn't her own keyblade. She never really summons it and it doesn't necessarily confirm that she truly is a keyblade wielder.


It might be nice to see her. xD But I don't think she would as bad ass as say... Dead Fantasy Kairi. Still, it would be kinda cool. But I don't think it really is possible that she is one.


True, she can wield it in an instance, but she didn't summon the keyblade herself. I don't think she's just "too lazy" to re-summon it (I mean, where is the proof she's lazy, it's not a trait of her character either, or at least it doesn't show that it is one of hers. Also, her purpose at least not yet isn't to be a keyblade wielder.) If she was meant to be a keyblade wielder in the series, or at least KHII, TWNW would have probably gone down differently. >.>; Seriously I honestly think if she could wield the keyblade, she would have used it to her advantage.

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it doesnt dissapear. she can fight and dispel heartless with it. plus, she apparently has zero darkness. i think its a given that, should she ever get of her lazy butt and help fight, she could summon that.... flowery thing.... again.

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It's not impossible. It is just not necessary of her to do that. Kairi does not seem like the type of character to fight, but I prove myself wrong in the KH2 scenario where she did defeat those few heartless when Riku gave her the flowery keyblade. If anything, she would probably most likely be the type of fighter who would heal friends/wounded characters and use fighting as a last resort... She would be pretty useful for healing magic maybe???

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Well i don't think that he owns it, but he found it. Like the King, remember in KHII Yen Sid told them that the King had found The Dark Realmens (Sorry for my spelling) Keyblade. :idea:

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but she cant summon riku's keyblade xD that was riku dual-wielding. he handed the one that 'reminded him of home' to kairi. it wasnt hers in the first place.


Question on that:

When does Riku learn to dual wield?

I mean, Roxas gets the dual wield ability from absorbing Xion, and Sora gets it from his forms....but where does Riku get it from? o__o


At the thread:

I highly doubt Kairi is a keyblade wielder for two reasons:

1) That just screams out Mary Sue, and I really don't think Nomura would sink that low.

2) Just because she can use a keyblade given to her doesn't automatically make her a keyblade wielder.

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i say her ability to use a keyblade has something to do with aqua.


see, that's what i was thinking. I think somehow she's connected to Aqua (who is a Keyblade wielder as we know) But i think that and the fact that she has a pure heart of light are the only hopes of her becoming a Keyblad wielder.


I don't remember Riku ever duel wielding Keyblades... If that what he did then why does he have such a...girly Keyblade? lolxD Riku, u worry me a little bit now :P

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