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Razorwind Keyblade

KH3D Tron + Square Enix = ?

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Anyone else find it weird how you have characters that are so realistic looking mixed with anime and cartoon looking characters?


I mean just look at Tron or one of those characters compared with Sora. It just doesn't look right. And I think that "The Grid" was a bad choice to put in the game.


Well what do you think about the topic? Do you think Sora and Riku blend in with the Tron world?

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Tron + Square Enix = Troll Enix.


Anyway, I see nothing wrong with it since Square makes the cartoon Disney movies look like cartoons while the real movie look like real people.

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You have to think they based the Tron and pirate of the caribean characters off of Real people who existed Sora and riku have no human real life counter parts so they look out of place and much more cartoon like

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The one that looked bad was Pirate of the carribbean. I think Tron legacy is better because it has more details and better looking than priates of the carribbean and it really matches the combination with anime.

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No, bc Disney it's self has many different styles that don't necesarilly blend together. Like Donald and Goofy visiting Mulan, they're two completely different styles yet it doesn't look out of place. This blending of different Disney styles also makes it easier for Square Enix, namely Final Fantasy, characters to blend well into their Disney enviroments.


The fact that Sora and Riku go through a costume change really helps for them to blend well with the Tron world. (Could you imagine if Sora didn't change when he went to Halloween Town? That would've looked terrible.) Unlike in KH2 when Sora made a very stark contrast with the PotC world.


Oh and Tron + Square Enix = Trix (Silly Nomura, Kingdom Hearts is for kids!)

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I think it doesn't matter. It's all computer-generated animation anyway. Besides, I think it's interesting to see live-action characters interact with cartoons, like in Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, Space Jam, & Looney Tunes Back in Action.

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