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KH3D David Gallagher confirms his involvement in KH3D!

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I'm actually disappointed that he's voicing YMX. It makes sense for Sora to sound similar to Vanitas, but why the hell would Riku sound like YMX? There's no reason behind it. They should get someone new to voice him.


Or is there? ;)

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About everyone wanting an english trailer,with all the reveals about who is voicing who for the english version,I think we will be getting an english trailer with-in the month of April,purely based on all the news on the english version of KH:3D lately. But anyways,more news on the english version is GREAT! Never was into who voices who in ANYTHING,so yeah lol.Dunno who these people voice EXCEPT for KH!

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Have you not played Birth By Sleep?If not, go to the cutscene where the young Master Xehanort is on the beach and he says

"This world is just too small" that's him.


it is!? i didnt even notice! gotta rewatch that scene!

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Guest Lady Dreana

He's voing "YMX" too?? I wonder if it'll sound weird..


Not if you played Bbs He was the one who voiced YMX in the first place.Man this is great news, now how about an eglish trailer.

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wooo yes finaly even though we didn't really need a confermation of those two returning i mean who in there right mind would replace those two, i am a little excited to see how he will go wth voicing YMX i know he did the voicing in BbS at the begining of the game but that wasn't that much lol still can't wait to get more englsh news

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Well, he does mention that he likes Riku's other looks...I'm assuming he's talking about Riku's Tron Lines. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png


I loved that, and how he said he'd get all confused whenever Riku's oufit would be altered for a world; and yet be upset if he didn't get a new outfit for a world. C'mon David, WHICH IS IT!? xDDDD

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Wait, didn't Richard Epcar say something about voicing a 'new Xehanort'?

Is there ANOTHER new Xehanort?


He said that he was voicing the "next one," then months later said he was voicing "Ansem/Xehanort."

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He said that he was voicing the "next one," then months later said he was voicing "Ansem/Xehanort."


Wait, am I behind? Do you mean Ansem/Xehanort in the same sense as Terra/Xehanort? If you mean individuals, which Xehanort? Scientist Xehanort?

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I know David voices YMX in BBS but this is still interesting. . . possibly Xehanort is somehow Riku's father? Knowing how much BBS stole off Star Wars, I wouldn't be suprised. We still dont know anything about Xehanort as a teenager/younger version of himself but there must be something more than MF just being YMX cos Nomura wouldn't make it this easy to guess his identity (no-one knew who the other Mysterious Figures were so why should this one be any diff?). It probably is a form of Xehanort but not what we expect.

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Wait, am I behind? Do you mean Ansem/Xehanort in the same sense as Terra/Xehanort? If you mean individuals, which Xehanort? Scientist Xehanort?


I believe so if you don't know. He means Ansem SoD and Apprentice Xehanort, since he said Master Xehanort is voiced by Nimoy.

Edited by Rob

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Wait, so does that mean it's officially Young Xehanort? That wouldn't make sense for it's own voice actor not to know the details of his character.



Keep in mind that he said he was contractually obligated to not give away spoilers. He probably does know, but he can't say anything about it.

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Really great find! I've always wanted to hear David talk about the role of Riku. That video back in 2005 (on MTV) was too short and outdated. But I absolutely loved this! It's always so interesting to hear what goes on behind the scenes. I think I may have a higher respect for David now (even more than I had) after watching this. Here's hoping we'll get some other cast interviews, too!


Though I wish someone would have asked him if he'd voice Riku in the next saga.


Also, there are so many great lines they could have had him recite! That was a failure on the asker's part. There's:


"I want to be strong someday. To protect the things that matter. You know, like my friends."


"We've always been rivals, haven't we? You've always pushed me, as I've always pushed you. But it all ends here. There can't be two Keyblade masters."


"Whatever's hurting you, I'll make it go away."


"It's the Road to Dawn." Personally, I would have asked him to say this.


"You can't fight fire with sparks."


"Come on Sora, I thought you were stronger than that."


"You wanna know? I'll tell you why. Because I'm not a total sap like you."


"How'm I gonna face everyone?"


"The truth, Sora, is that I was jealous of you. I wanted to live life the way you do, just following my heart."


I should stop now... Anyway, this is great news! I knew he and Haley would come back (they're one of the few VAs that have always done so), but it was nice to hear all the same. I love the story about how he got his schedule confused and came in during Haley's session. LOL.


And is anyone else even more excited by the fact that David wanted to spoil stuff for us? That means there had to be a ton of crazy/epic moments. This game is going to be sweet! I always knew it would be, but still.

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