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Angry Birds space - birds

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Angry Birds suck. :)


Finally someone who agrees! You're awesome! Yes, it's like a fad and a cashcow. It was originally a free game, now it's an enterprise. I hate it!

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Then could you tell me why you ever bothered to check this out if you don't like it?...


Because I can. it's a free world (at least in America) so I can do what I want without breaking the law.

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Because I can. it's a free world (at least in America) so I can do what I want without breaking the law.


IN short words: you are hater.

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For what Angry Birds is (An overpriced flash game with decent presentation) the rewards it has reaped are obscene. There should not be an Angry Birds theme park. There should not be thirty dollar stuffed animals.

As wise woman once said "...Rovio, perhaps the luckiest one trick pony ever..."

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For what Angry Birds is (An overpriced flash game with decent presentation) the rewards it has reaped are obscene. There should not be an Angry Birds theme park. There should not be thirty dollar stuffed animals.

As wise woman once said "...Rovio, perhaps the luckiest one trick pony ever..."


And say me: when free game can be overprized (atleast on androids and Iphones)

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And say me: when free game can be overprized (atleast on androids and Iphones)


A free game that costs money on every other platform. I had to pay four bucks for an incredibly crappy PSP/3 port for a review

And here's the thing. The game SHOULD be free. It's not worth money, it's literally a flash game that people have latched on to. It's a mediocre luck based puzzle game with wonky physics. This is the sort of thing that should be found in a corner on newgrounds or something, not a worldwide phenomena.

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A free game that costs money on every other platform. I had to pay four bucks for an incredibly crappy PSP/3 port for a review

And here's the thing. The game SHOULD be free. It's not worth money, it's literally a flash game that people have latched on to. It's a mediocre luck based puzzle game with wonky physics. This is the sort of thing that should be found in a corner on newgrounds or something, not a worldwide phenomena.


This man speaks the truth.

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A free game that costs money on every other platform. I had to pay four bucks for an incredibly crappy PSP/3 port for a review

And here's the thing. The game SHOULD be free. It's not worth money, it's literally a flash game that people have latched on to. It's a mediocre luck based puzzle game with wonky physics. This is the sort of thing that should be found in a corner on newgrounds or something, not a worldwide phenomena.




I can understand your opnion and I can understand why you don't like it. I have played angry birds on PSP and it wasn't so good, but you know: Angry Birds is very big thing these days, so people wants their money for it. Yes its just flash game with wonky psysics, but thats part of it why it is fun, game doesn't always need to be so original idea or big thing, angry birds' biggest things is that you can play it for example few minutes and then stop. Its just to kill time and its good at it. I'm pretty angry, because most of these days games are something what you must spend hours if you want to get procress.

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I can understand your opnion and I can understand why you don't like it. I have played angry birds on PSP and it wasn't so good, but you know: Angry Birds is very big thing these days, so people wants their money for it. Yes its just flash game with wonky psysics, but thats part of it why it is fun, game doesn't always need to be so original idea or big thing, angry birds' biggest things is that you can play it for example few minutes and then stop. Its just to kill time and its good at it. I'm pretty angry, because most of these days games are something what you must spend hours if you want to get procress.


That's silly. A game doesn't need to be good if it can kill time? Any game with a pause function can be played for any amount of time. The fastest growing franchise ever should be based around something more substantial than that.

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A free game that costs money on every other platform. I had to pay four bucks for an incredibly crappy PSP/3 port for a review

And here's the thing. The game SHOULD be free. It's not worth money, it's literally a flash game that people have latched on to. It's a mediocre luck based puzzle game with wonky physics. This is the sort of thing that should be found in a corner on newgrounds or something, not a worldwide phenomena.


Well, when did you start to decide whether a game should be free or not?

The developers themselves decide this thing. Have you ever wondered that those games on Newgrounds, or ANY free game, could have required a little fee so that you could play them?


http://www.wings2.net/ <--- This game right here, for example. Couple years ago you had to pay about 5 € to get it. And believe me, there were people who bought the game (Myself included). Heck, Angry Birds is much larger game than this, and you pay even smaller amount of money for it....


It is not Rovio's fault that the game sells.

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That's silly. A game doesn't need to be good if it can kill time? Any game with a pause function can be played for any amount of time. The fastest growing franchise ever should be based around something more substantial than that.


Now you don't understand, but you are right any game can kill time, but when I play games like that I usually get tired it after some time. Angry birds just doesn't get boring after few tries. We could continue this forever, but since I wanted to make topic to discuss about new AB, not about general series (Funny thing is that no one hasn't said anything about videos or AB space) this is just going too off topic.

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Well, when did you start to decide whether a game should be free or not?

The developers themselves decide this thing. Have you ever wondered that those games on Newgrounds, or ANY free game, could have required a little fee so that you could play them?


http://www.wings2.net/ <--- This game right here, for example. Couple years ago you had to pay about 5 € to get it. And believe me, there were people who bought the game (Myself included). Heck, Angry Birds is much larger game than this, and you pay even smaller amount of money for it....


It is not Rovio's fault that the game sells.


When it comes down to it, this has little to do with Rovio. Congrats to them on their success. But the reaction to a decent flash game should not be earth shaking. People are willing to pay for anything, but that does not mean they should. Angry Birds should never have been anything more than a successful app game. Rovio seems to have some excellent marketing on their team however. After all, they've convinced people to buy stuffed animals that cost thirty times as much money as the game itself, and similarly, pay much more money for a physical game that basically recreates a limited, less fun version of the game.

I guess I should make an aside, Angry Birds is a perfectly fun game, and I can see how it'd be charming to some people (The charm is lost on me because I have an irrational aversion to sounds like the ones the birds make, so I tend to play with the sound off) but it is taking itself too far.

I guess the worst part is that Rovio is taking their success and running with it. Already, people are starting to lose interest in the franchise (One of then newer features of this generation is that popularity comes and goes at an incredibly accelerated rate, I mean, when was the last time you saw somebody talk about Rebecca Black?) but Rovio is pushing the brand. Quite simply, they are doing too much too fast. A game released three years ago should not have movies, themeparks, and tonnes of toys. Rovio is set up to over saturate the market, and this is not helped by their enormous ego. From claiming they are worth more than the creators of Bejeweled (Popcap in case you don't know) to claiming that they are going to be the next pixar in film (Because of their Angry Birds movie)

I guess part of this is that public obsession (Though it is waning) with the franchise is set to create a cultural vacuum, as the series fills all facets of entertainment, before deflating grandiosely.

Finally, 'It's not Rovio's fault the games sell'? Sure, 'fault' isn't the verb I'd use in this case, but it is definitely Rovio who is causing their Rovio published game to be sold. But uh... why say 'fault' are sales a bad thing?


About ABS. Looks like the mechanics of Mario Galaxy. The redesigns look silly, and I'm getting kind of sick of the music (That is the only particularly weak spot of the AB series as far as I'm concerned though, the sound.) The gameplay looks to become more luck based than before, as you are now expected to navigate different gravitational pulls with accuracy.

All in all, looks like a decent enough game

But where do you go after space? There's a REASON why "IN SPACE" is saved as a last ditch effort to make a series look interesting, you know!

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