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KH2 First immediate thoughts/reactions after Goofy "died"

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I remember when I first played this game, I was freaking out after this scene!


I knew it couldn't be true--it's Goofy for goodness sake, he can't just die! That's like--against a commandment!

ha ha ha ha

Anyway, I just wanna know what you guys felt/thought/reacted right after this scene.

Edited by wayfinder823

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I was 14/15 so long time back but I'm pretty sure Sora's reaction had me tearing up-- and then the fights with the FF characters happened and suddenly my mind was on other things. Like how awesome that was.

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I was a little sad for Sora and Donald and Mickey, but I had the majority of the game spoiled for me before I played it, so I knew that Goofy wasn't really dead.

What I hadn't seen before I played the game was Mickey's reaction, and the way he said, "They will pay for this!" Then I was like "ANGRY MICKEY, FIRETRUCK YES!!!" xD

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I was immediately shocked but laughed a little bit because i found it hilarious how he got hit. But when everyone in the game was worried that he died I couldnt help think "omg... GOOOOOOOOOFYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". Once Mickey said "They'll pay for this." I yelled out "YA DAMN RIGHT THEY ARE! LETS GO KICK SOME ASS!"

Edited by burnsideking24

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